Page 9 of Her Protector

“Me either,” Colby added.

It was exactly what I expected. It would be the same for me.

“Take turns holding her?”

They agreed with me as we folded ourselves out of the car.

“You got her?” I asked Andrei, who nodded and waved me away. He exited the car gracefully with our girl in his arms.

She was still fast asleep, the crash of adrenaline draining her completely. I only hoped she’d sleep through the night and wouldn’t have any lingering nightmares.

Fucking hell, this has been a day. A week. Month. Year.

I ran my hand over my stubbled jaw before entering the kitchen. I was exhausted, mentally and physically. Not something I’d ever wanted to admit, but all I wanted to do was crawl into bed, holding our girl and fucking her until all she knew was pleasure.

Then maybe keep her in there for a year or two until I felt like she was safe again.

None of us said a word as Andrei made his way to the stairs, climbing them easily, even with Lottie in his arms.

All I kept thinking was: What are we going to do about Viktor? I knew Andrei would want to take this all on his own shoulders, but there was no way in hell I’d ever let that happen.

Colby hesitated, not following after Andrei and Lottie. I turned back to him with a quizzical glance.

“Should I make something to eat?” He looked lost, something I wasn't used to seeing from my other best friend. This day was a difficult one in more ways than just the obvious.

I couldn’t blame him because I felt the same way.

What was there to do right now? I didn’t want to shake Lottie awake so we could have a sit down conversation about what Viktor had told her or if he hurt her.

Although I did see the marks around her wrists; red and inflamed, from some sort of bindings.

Bindings that were too tight and too rough for her fair skin.

I wanted her in my ropes, but I’d make sure they were only the softest of materials and not anything that would give lasting damage to her skin.

Some marks were expected after a good rope-tying session, but nothing that would linger more than a day or two.

“Yeah,” I sighed. “I think that’s a good idea. Let me go talk to Andrei.”

“I don’t want him to spiral.” Colby rubbed his hand over his eyes. “He can’t shut down, and he can’t keep her in a bubble. I’m worried about both.”

“Me too.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying not to think the worst. All we could do now was support them both. Plus, make sure that Andrei didn't go completely insane.

"He needs to talk to Viktor," Colby whispered, his eyes darting up the stairs to ensure Andrei was out of earshot.

"I agree." I let out a heavy sigh, feeling like the world's weight was descending on my shoulders.

Andrei hated his grandfather, but there had to be a serious reason for him to go to these lengths to get Andrei to speak to him. We just needed to find out what the fuck it was.

"The question is, how?"

That was the conundrum of the year.



Kaleb and I stood just below the stairs, silently contemplating what we would do now. But I couldn't just stand here for much longer and do nothing. I had to do something, even if it was something as simple as cooking dinner.