"Good girl."
I could die happily after being called a good girl by them.
My thoughts of my praise kink distracted me, and I wasn't prepared when his palm came down over my flesh.
"Owie!" I lifted my hands, seeking to soothe the pain, but Andrei grabbed my wrist.
"No touching,kroshka." He clucked his tongue. "And don't forget to count, or he'll start over."
"One." I didn't want to start over 'cause that hurt like a son of a bitch.
Although the sting was beginning to fade, and it was replaced by a pleasant warmth that heated my skin.
Again, I was distracted by my thoughts, and his hand came down over the other cheek while I wasn't paying attention.
"Two," I gasped, remembering my self-preservation skills and counting as I'd been instructed.
Each swat came in rapid succession, and tears fell down my face as I wiggled and writhed on his lap.
The explosion of pain and pleasure melded together and
"Such a good girl," Kaleb murmured. "You did so well for your Daddies."
More hands joined Kaleb's in soothing me, and their voices added more praise.
Andrei was the one who helped me off Kaleb's thighs and pulled me onto his lap. His strong arms surrounded me, cocooning me in warmth and lulling me further into a Little headspace.
"We're so proud of you,kroshka." His hand ran up and down my back, and I snuggled into him. "It's all better now. All is forgiven, and the slate is wiped clean."
Kaleb leaned in, and his lips brushed over my temple. His warm breath fanned over the side of my face, and I savored the minty aroma of his favorite gum. "You were beautiful."
I saw Colby exit the bathroom with a white container in his hands. He set it on the coffee table and sat next to Andrei.
A content sigh left me as I had all my Daddies surrounding me.
"Let's get you into bed, little one." Colby placed his palm over my thigh. "We'll put some lotion on your bottom and get some sleep. How does that sound?"
A smile tilted up the corners of my lips. "That sounds perfect."
The next two weeks flew by in the blink of an eye.
With Ryan's and the guys' help, we cleared out my townhouse and moved everything to Kaleb's. It was a bittersweet moment as I stood in the empty space.
This had been my healing space after leaving Alec. I found myself in this space. It had been the one time I truly had a space of my own.
"You okay?" Colby came up behind me, his warmth seeping into my back as he pressed against me.
A stray tear fell down my face, but I quickly whisked it away. "Yeah." I cleared my throat. "Just thinking about how much I healed after moving in here. How much I grew into who I am today."
He twined our fingers together, lending me his strength and love. "You'll always have those memories and that strength. Now, we'll grow and heal even more together."
Warmth spread through me at his words. We had already done so much growing and healing in the short time together. It may have only been a couple of months, but most days, it felt like it had been a lifetime.