Page 61 of Her Trust

He rises over me again, taking my lips with his and giving me a taste of my own cum. The extent of his arousal is blindingly obvious, even before he drops his hips between my spread legs and grinds against me. That panic rises again.What if he wants more?That’snotsomething I’m willing to give. Another roll of his body to give himself the friction he’s searching for and I’m certain I need to shut this down. I cover the back of his head with my hand — because despite my overall feeling of distain for him, I don’t want to crack his skull just after he’s given me the two best orgasms of my life — and I roll us so he falls the twelve inches to the tiled floor. He lands with a grunt while I land on top of him, straddling his hips. Dipping to kiss him one last time because this cannot happen again and because a part of me regrets that, I then stand and quickly wrap my towel around my waist. I collect my bikini bottom from the floor and head to the door.

“Annika,” he calls after me but I’m through the door and closing it. I don’t stop, I don’t dawdle, and I don’t allow myself to feel until I’m locked in my bedroom. I’m grateful that Harvey doesn’t follow me as I slide down the closed door until I’m sat on the plush carpet with my knees to my chest. I take a few calming breaths, willing my muscles to relax and my head to stop swimming. That was a mistake, an error in judgement and an unacceptable moment of weakness.

I cannot allow that to happen again, I cannot let Javier Campos any closer. He has proven to be unexpected as far ascops go, but I still can’t trust him. I know in my heart that I would never have let that happen if I didn’t trust him, and that thought scares me more than anything.



Once again, we seem to not be talking about the elephant in the room. Last night, I had my face buried between Annika’s thighs, I made her come twice, the first of which she squirted so hard she drenched my face. She kissed me, not just allowing me to kiss her but she initiated a kiss, her soft, strawberry lips moving sweetly over mine before she upped and left. I’m not a give head to get head kind of guy, I didn’t expect anything from her, but I can’t deny that it stung when she walked away.

We’ve been at the club all day and I’m heading back to Annika’s office to see if she’s ready to go home when Diamond catches me.

“Oh honey, they need her up at Scarlet House, something’s gone down.”

I scrunch my face up at her. “What?”

“Scarlet House? There’s been an incident and the boys there have suggested that Annika should go.”

“I don’t know what Scarlet House is.”

She chuckles. “It’s a whore house hon, I’ll text you the address.” Diamond disappears into her office, and I openAnnika’s door. I probably should knock but my head is still wrapping around the information.

“Please, do come in,” Annika drawls sarcastically.

“Apparently we’re going to Scarlet House, there’s been an incident and they’ve asked for you.”

She frowns, grabbing her phone from her desk and checking the screen. “Let’s go,” she says, walking past me tapping away at the device.

Scarlet House isn’t what I’m expecting. Knowing Annika, I knew it wouldn’t be a rundown terrace in the sticks, but it’s a fucking mansion. The same size, if not bigger than Annika’s home with grey stone and darker grey doors and windows. We have to go through the gate, but the guard lets us straight in when he sees Annika’s Bugatti arriving with me in the driver’s seat. There isn’t a long sprawling drive like Annika’s, but it feels no less grand. I pull up right out the front door, which opens as we get out the car.

“Miss Wolfe,” the woman greets. She’s in her forties, blonde hair pulled into a neat bun, and a business suit. I briefly wonder if she’s a lawyer or something.

“Geraldine,” Annika responds. “How is business?”

Geraldine smiles wickedly. “Thriving, as you very well know.” Annika offers a nod. The other woman locks eyes on me with a raised brow. “And who’s this?”

“Javier Campos, at your service.” I give her my most charming smile and a little bow and she laughs, showing off perfectly white and straight teeth.

“Oh, hot stuff, I’ve been doing this for twenty years, you’re going to need to try a lot harder than that if you want to charm me.”

Annika smirks and I put my palm over my heart. “Challenge accepted.”

Geraldine chuckles again. She’s walked us through the large entrance hall and into an impressive modern kitchen that backs out to a paved patio area. “Can I get either of you a drink?”

“No, we can’t be long. What’s happened?” Annika says directly, leaning her hands on the kitchen island, the two of us opposite Geraldine.

“Nasty business,” Geraldine says on a sigh. “One of the girls had to press her panic alarm about an hour ago. When security and I got up to her, she was already bloodied and bruised. The boys took the arsehole to the outhouse where he is right now, but they told me to call you as he has an interesting tattoo.” She looks at each of us, her red painted lips turned down and her anger at the situation evident in her eyes.

I frown, not understanding the significance of what she’s said but Annika is a couple steps ahead of me. “Kukri.” She says it as fact rather than question.

Geraldine nods. “If I’d known, he would never have been allowed in, let alone been left alone with one of the girls.”

“It’s not your fault,” Annika says gently and the smile the other woman gives her shows the relief she feels at those words.

“Benny thought you would want to speak to the brute, which is why we called.”

Annika nods. “First, how’s the girl?”