Page 59 of Her Trust

I take out my phone and see several messages. I reply to the fun ones first.

DEN:We’re doing our next movie night tomorrow if you want to join?

ME:I’m not third wheeling your make-out session.

DEN:We promise to keep space for the holy spirit between us at all times so as not to offend your innocent eyes.

I smile at my phone.

ME:I’d love to, but I’m tied up with work.

DEN:Everything okay over there? You’ve not been back to the flat in forever.

ME:All good just circumstances need me here right now.

DEN:Ok. Well, just give me a shout if you need anything.

ME:Will do. Thanks, Irmão.

CANDY:You coming to movie night or what?

ME:Can’t I’m afraid, have fun though.

CANDY:You and the boss lady hooking up?

ME:No. You always so nosy?

CANDY:Yes. Why are you spending every waking moment with her then?

ME:It’s my job.

CANDY:I bet you all of my tips on Saturday that you’re fucking by the end of the week.

ME:This is not appropriate workplace conversation.

CANDY:I’m not at work.

ME:Goodnight Candy.

Now for the text thread I’ve been avoiding the most.


I leave the captain on read and head to my shower.



There is no reason for me to be wearing this. I never wear it. I don’t know what made me rummage to the bottom of my drawer to find the only bikini I own. Or maybe I do, but I don’t want to admit it to anyone, including myself. I swim every day, I have many swimsuits, practical swimsuits, swimsuits that you would see on Olympic swimmers. But today, I’m swimming lengths in a red bikini that’s barely more than three triangles covering only the most necessary areas. I had a stylist a few years back when I decided I couldn’t be bothered to shop for myself until I realised that I actually loved choosing my own fashion. She was the one who insisted on a bikini, I wore it once and decided that it was ridiculous and went back to my full bathing suits. When I’m swimming, I’m in my own head and there’s no one I need to impress. It doesn’t matter that I know Harvey is in the gym next door, I still don’t understand why I’m now wearing a red bikini instead of my black suit.

I push off the side of the pool, soaring through the water until I come up for air about a third of the way to the other end, breaking the surface and sucking in a lungful of air. I’ve spent a lot of time in the pool with the girl’s recently, helping Keeley swim and even playing with the inflatables. It’s been fun andI’ve honestly loved it, but I’ve missed actually swimming. It’s eleven o’clock at night and the girls have been in bed for hours, so I’m free to enjoy my pool on my own as I’ve done for years. Dipping under again, my ears roar with the sound of my own breath bubbling to the surface. I ‘m at peace for the first time today, my body weightless and stress falling away in my wake. One hundred lengths is my usual evening routine but I’m only on sixty-two when I come up for breath at one end to find a pair of training shoes by the side of the pool. My eyes follow where they connect to ankles and shins backed by impressive calves, dark hair covers it all and disappears under the loose-fitting grey shorts that only hint at the thick thighs beneath. Harvey’s top half is naked, warm golden skin on display and a couple more tattoos showing; one on his hip and one over his pectoral. I can’t make them out because my eyes are too busy taking in the planes of muscle sculpting his chest and abdomen. When I finally meet his eyes, he has an infuriating smirk on his infuriating face.

“See something you like,rainha?”

I roll my eyes at him, push off the side, and head to the Roman steps, not wanting to continue swimming with him watching. “What does that mean?”

“It means are you checking me out?” He gives a smug chuckle as he speaks.