Page 78 of Her Trust

“Anni, can we go swimming?” Keeley calls into my room and I freeze. She knocks again. “Anni? You awake?”

“Uh, yeah, I’m awake. Don’t come in!” I call and Harvey snorts next to me. “Shh,” I hiss at him.

“Can we go swimming again?” she asks through the door.

“Okay,” I say, a little too high pitched. “After breakfast, we’ll go to the pool, okay?”

“Yes!” I hear her run back down the corridor and I look over to Harvey who’s watching me with an amused smile.

He sits up quickly and hauls me over to him with impressive strength, until I’m straddled over his lap. We’re both naked and his hard length presses against my wet centre. We kiss slowly but pressed hard against each other. With one hand in my hair, Harvey uses the other to wrap around his cock and stroke himself firmly, grunting into my mouth at his own pleasure. I tip my hips to try and align us, but he takes his hand away from his length and slaps my arse sharply. I yelp, breaking away from his kiss to stare down at him in shock.

“I told you,rainha. Nothing for you until you learn how to ask for it.” He cannot be serious. “Now lie down.” I blink at him and when I don’t move, he fixes me with a pointed stare. Slowly andbegrudgingly, I climb off him and lay down, expecting him to lean over and tease me more but he doesn’t. Leaning against the headboard, he continues stroking himself. His large hand doing nothing to make his cock seem less impressive. His breathing gets more ragged as he speeds up, small beads leaking from the slit at the head of him. This is torture, I reach between my legs to rub at the ache, but his eyes bore into me.

“No touching,” he growls.

Why do I obey? Why does my hand snap away and go to rest above my head as he instructed me yesterday? Why do I continue watching him abuse himself because I know that’s what he wants? I can’t help the way my hips roll and squirm against the mattress, desperate for something that I can’t get without his touch.

His thumb grazes over his tip and he moans quietly, his head falling back onto the headboard as he shoots off. Thick streaks of cum paint his chest as it heaves and shakes. I don’t wait for instruction, I’m good but not a complete doormat. Climbing back over him, I bend to lick him clean, tasting his salty sweet essence.

“Holy shit,rainha,” he gasps. Pulling my hair until my head comes level to his, he pulls me in for a deep and punishing kiss. “Next time you want my cum, you have to earn it.” I think he’s going for stern, but his voice is breathy, affected by my touch and it makes me smile against his mouth. Without removing me from him, he kicks the covers off and stands, walking me to the bathroom.

“Where are go going?”

“Shower,” he grumbles. “I’m going to wipe that bratty smile from your face.”

Guinevere, recovered from her migraine, has made a big spread for breakfast again and the girls are wolfing it down with gusto. I should probably make sure they wait to swim for a bit.

“Guinevere, did you know that we’re going to live here forever?” Keeley says, ripping off a chunk of toast with her teeth.

My housekeeper looks at me with wide and questioning eyes. A strange pang of guilt hits me, I should probably have told her as she is part of this household too. “Apologies, Guinevere, I should have said something.”

Now she looks more shocked at my apology. I don’t normally think too much about others’ feelings, something is making me more conscious of it though. Must be the denied orgasm. Just when I’m thinking I should probably tell Miss White that I’m willing to review her pay in light of the additional work this will cause her, a huge smile breaks across her face. “This is wonderful news!”

“It is?” I ask.

“Of course! My goodness, this is cause for celebration. I will bake a cake,” she says excitedly.

“Ooh, can I help?” Keeley bounces.

“Of course.” The two of them start pouring over recipe books as Lee walks in.

“Good morning,” he says to the room.

I don’t respond, because I never do, but for the first time I wonder if that makes me a bitch. Keeley waves enthusiastically and Guinevere smiles and tells him good morning back. Harvey raises his mug in greeting and Mabel just nods, watching him warily. That is until he stands in front of her and passes her his phone. She frowns at it and then him.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a QR code.” He points to the screen.

Her eyes flick to me and then back to him. I don’t even know what he’s doing so I can’t help her. “You scan it with your phone and it’ll take you to a playlist I created for you.”

Her mouth drops open for a second before she snaps it shut. “You…why would you do that?”

He gives her a bright and easy smile. “Honey, everyone’s been hearing you singing all round this house.” She squirms in her seat looking embarrassed at that revelation. “I thought you might like some of these songs, they’d sound good in your voice.”

She looks up at him and takes the phone I bought her from her pocket, holding it out for him. “Can you show me?”

“Sure.” He comes round to stand next to her and the three other adults in the kitchen watch as she lets him demonstrate how to scan the code and then tell her about the different songs he’s put on the list for her.