Page 52 of Her Trust

“Not quite. Maybe there is purity in evil after all.”



It’s like Christmas morning, possibly the first these kids have seen. It doesn’t matter that it’s June, it’s the best Christmas I’ve ever seen. When we got back to the house, the girls were sat with Guinevere on a blanket laid on the grass outside the house. She was teaching them to play Monopoly although they both looked quite confused when we found them. When the SUV arrived ten minutes later, their game was forgotten when Murray and I unloaded bags and bags of goodies.

Mabel was obviously sceptical about the gifts, wondering what we wanted in exchange. After much convincing and an unexpected amount of patience from Annika, she accepted that she could take the clothes without being obligated to repay. Keeley’s little face lit up more and more with every item handed to her and I found myself trying to hold back emotions watching them marvel over the soft materials and new fashions.

Mabel is staring wide eyed at the iPad as it powers on when Keeley discovers the princess dress that Annika randomly picked out. Something happened when she told the pretty salesperson to add the dress to all the other clothes we were taking. A thudding pressure in my chest. I think she is equally as surprised by her desire to not only care for these children butto spoil them, provide beyond necessity. Every time she shows them a kindness, talks with that gentle tone so far removed from her usual sharpness, a little piece of the image I had of her melts away.

The younger girl pulls the dress from the bag, her eyes wide and adoring. “Who is this for?” she asks, the desperation in her voice obvious.

“For you,” Annika confirms.

The pitch at which she squeals could break glass, I swear. The volume enough to make me wince. “Can I wear it, can I? Please?”

I look at Annika and see her as shocked as I am at such a large outburst from such a small person. She nods back at Keeley who wastes no time in removing the clothes she’s wearing.

“Kee!” Mabel admonishes. “You can’t just get naked in front of people.”

“Why?” Keeley says, stood in nothing as I look at the ceiling. “We were naked all the time before.”

That familiar rage smacks me upside the head and makes my jaw grind.

“Just put some clothes on,” Mabel begs.

I look to Annika again and find a bewildered woman completely out of her element, she looks like a deer in headlights. It’s hard not to laugh at her, it’s also hard to ignore that pressure in my chest again. She meets my eyes, that tiny glimmer of vulnerability shimmering in her pretty blue eyes. We’re side by side, heads turned toward each other, and I could so easily lean in and kiss her, but I can’t keep giving in to this feeling. I need to get my head on straight. We’re both pulled away from this stare off by the loud gasp in the centre of the room.

Keeley spins and spins, the large skirt of her dress swirling around her. “I’m Tiana! I’m Tiana!” she squeals.

“How does everyone know who this princess is?” Annika whispers at me in genuine confusion.

“We watched the movie today,” Mabel answers.

“Don’t I look just like her Maybe?”

“Yes, Kee, you look just like her.” Mabel smiles at her.

“Maybe?” I ask the older girl.

“Kee, couldn’t say Mabel at first, so I was Maybe for a long time.”

“Maybe Baby,” I chuckle, and Mabel shoots me a death glare.

“I’m not a baby,” she snaps.

“I know, it’s a song,ursa.” I chuckle.

“Ursa? What does that mean?” She looks suspiciously at me.

“It means bear. Because you’re protective and strong.” She gives me a slight smile at that. “And a bit growly.” She tries for a scowl but her lips twitch into an amused smirk, so I wink at her with a smile. My phone buzzes in my pocket, Annika is too close for me to look at it, so I make an excuse about going to get a bottle of water.

Once again, I walk into something I should not be seeing. Lee has his large hands cupping Guinevere’s face as their mouths are fused together. Her fingers are hooked into the waistband of his jeans as they kiss. I debate whether to walk away and pretend I saw nothing or make myself known, but the decision is taken away from me when they break apart and Lee catches a glimpse of me. He straightens up and turns to face me, putting himself between me and Guinevere.

“Hey,” he says.
