Page 35 of Her Trust

Once again, any camaraderie between us is broken as I suck on my teeth and resist the urge to roll my eyes.

“Now, follow me and I’ll show you to your room. You can shower or bathe and we have some clothes for you to put on that are clean and warm,” Annika says, holding her hand out for Mabel to take. Mabel shrugs her shoulder, jolting her little sister awake. The young girl lifts her head, her eyes drooping from sleep. I can see now how much she looks like her sister, she’s too thin but not as bad as her sister. I’m guessing Mabel gave her the lion’s share of whatever scraps they’ve been living off. Mabel takes Annika’s hand and allows her to help her to the door.

I look at the younger girl. “Are you okay walking,princesa?”

Her eyes widen at me and she hides behind Mabel.

“It’s okay Kee, I’ve got you.”

It’s hard watching Mabel struggle up the stairs. Annika helps her but even beyond the ankle her body is battered and exhausted and the effort of climbing the stairs is almost too much. I wish I could help, take her weight and let her know that she’s safe, but she would definitely stab me in the face. Annika opens the door to the room she told me is reserved for her staff if they need somewhere to stay and helps Mabel to sit on the bed.

“The bathroom is through there.” Annika gestures to the other door. “I ask that you don’t lock the door.”

“Why?” Mabel’s gaze darkens looking up at Annika who isn’t worried by it at all.

“Because if you fall or need assistance, I need to be able to get to you. No one will be coming in unless you call.”

“Is this all some kind of trick?” Mabel asks, her lower lip trembling again. “You’re trying to make us think that everythingis okay and then your guy here is going to creep in here in the middle of the night.” Her eyes dart to me as she says it and I have to swallow down the sickening feeling her accusation gives me.

“Well, it’s already the middle of the night,” Annika says dryly. “And as frustrating as Harvey can be sometimes, I’m fairly confident that sexual deviant isn’t on his list of flaws.”

Her talking so bluntly to these children makes me shuffle uncomfortably.

“But if you need further reassurance. I will stay outside your door all night and ensure no one tries to enter.”

Mabel’s eyes widen slightly. “You’d do that?”

“Yes,” Annika says simply. “Now, get cleaned up, everything you’ll need is in the bathroom. But if you need help, call out for me. My name is Annika. I’m going to change.” She looks down at her gown, “Then I will stay just outside your door.”

Mabel nods glancing at the knife still in her hand.

“May I show you something?” Annika holds her hand out to the knife. The girl considers nervously before handing it over with reluctance. The moment the blade is no longer pointed at Annika, a wave of relief washes over me. But it doesn’t last long. “Here,” Annika shows her a button on the side, pressing the blunt edge of the blade until it folds down and disappears. She presses the button again and the blade snaps back out. “Sleep with it folded away for your own safety. Only engage the blade if you’re intending on using it.” She hands it back to the girl who takes it and folds it away. “Goodnight.” Annika and I leave them alone.

“I don’t like this,” I tell her.

“Your opinion is irrelevant.” She moves to walk past me, but I grab her wrist.


She looks at where my fingers are wrapped around her. “Carefuldetective.” I drop her wrist, but she stays close,squaring up to me. “You are not in charge here;Iam the authority andIdecide how we handle any given situation.”

I want to argue, I want to shout and yell but I bite my tongue, my nostrils flaring. “Yes, ma’am.”

“And one more thing,” she says, her eyes dropping to my lips. “Kiss me again and your balls will take pride of place on my trophy shelf. Understand?”

The urge to kiss her now is strong. To punish her for her damn stubbornness with my tongue down her throat but I have absolutely no doubt that her threat isn’t idle, and I happen to like my balls where they are.

She disappears into her room and reemerges a couple minutes later, wearing silk pyjamas that show her gloriously long and smooth legs, carrying a laptop. Her steps falter when she sees me sat on the carpet opposite the door to the girls’ bedroom.

“What are you doing?”

I fold my arms over my chest and lean my head back on my jacket that I’ve already removed and placed against the wall, closing my eyes. “I’m your personal security, your person is in a less than safe situation, I’m working.”

“That is unnecessary.”

“Tough shit,rainha.”

She huffs and sits on the floor opposite me, I open one eye to see her glaring at me and chuckle to myself. How I would love to bring her down a peg or two.