Page 24 of Her Trust

“Something like that,” I sigh. Then, because I’m desperate to change the subject, “So, Candy is your real name?”

“Candace. My real name is Candace.”

“Oh!” Den sits up straight and smacks my shoulder with the back of his hand. “Ask what her surname is.”

Candy tries to throw him a glare but the amusement tugging her lips up is unmissable as she prods at his side with her toes.

“Go on then, what’s your surname?” I probe.

“As I remember,detective.” She uses the title like an insult. Not the first beautiful woman to do that this week. “You weren’t all that interested in learning my name.”

Den shifts slightly in his seat, probably feeling awkward at the reminder that I’ve definitely gone further with the lovely Candy than he has, but I keep my eyes on her. “I’ve changed my mind, indulge me.”

She sighs in resignation. “It’s Sweets.”



“Your parents named you Candy Sweets?” I blink at her.

“I know, right? It’s like they wanted me to be a stripper!”

We all start laughing again.

When Den says goodbye to Candy with an awkward wave at the door a little later then comes to clear the manymanybottles from the coffee table, I slap him on the back. “You have got to ask that girl out.”

“What?” He snaps up straight like I’ve just said the craziest thing he’s ever heard.

“Irmão, you like her! She likes you. Ask her out and save yourselves all this pussy footing around.” I chuckle.

“What’s that mean? Irmão?” He frowns.

“Brother.” I smile. “It means brother.”

“Oh.” He smiles goofily back at me, looking adorably proud that I’ve called him that. I don’t tell him it’s what I call all my male friends. He soon seems to catch up to what I actually said, shaking his head. “Candy doesn’t like me like that.”

“Dude,” I scold him. “How can you not see it?”

“Look at her, she can have any guy she wants.” He looks regretful as he piles the bottles in the recycling bin, and I clear the pile of bottle tops from the counter.

“And she wants you, irmão.” Den is a good-looking guy; he’s tall and maybe a little gangly with a flop of brown hair that hangs slightly over his green eyes. He wore glasses to watch the movie, but I haven’t seen him wear them at the club and they kind of give him a nerdy look that I’m pretty sure women go soft for.

He shakes his head again. “I’ve seen her flirting; she’s never flirted with me.”

“You’ve seen herworking,” I argue. “You’ve seen Candy the stripper work a client to get tips. Candace, the master’s graduate may take a subtler approach but trust me, it’s still blindingly obvious.”

He slumps slightly. “I’ve liked her for so long, man.”

“I figured.” I laugh.

“This isn’t weird for you? After you two…you know?”

“No, dude. In fact, it’s a lot easier hanging out with her knowing she is totally into you.”

He rubs the back of his neck, deep in thought. “You really think I should ask her out?”

I roll my eyes and groan as I say, “Yes!”