Page 131 of Her Trust


"You had a good day?” I ask Mabel as she jumps in the car. Once she’s buckled in, I pull out of the pick-up lane of the school and head back toward the city. Christmas music plays on the radio, which has never been my favourite, but Keeley is dancing in her car seat in the back singing along like no one is listening. I think I can speak for Mabel when I say we both wish we weren’t listening. My sweet littleprincesadoes not possess the same musical talents as her sister.

“Yeah,” Mabel beams at me. “I’ve got lots of homework.”

I smile, shaking my head. “You’re the only kid I know who gets excited about homework.”

She shrugs with a smug smile. “I’m good at it and I get the best marks for my homework in all my classes. I like seeing all their jealous faces.”

“You’re kind of scary, ursa.”

“Good.” She glares at me, trying to live up to that comment and I just laugh at her. “You’re still on housewife duties then?”

I shoot her an unimpressed side glance. “I told you, calling me a housewife as a derogatory term is sexist and ignorant. Where’s your feminism?”

“I’m plenty feminist, it’s just—oh my god, Kee! Can you sing a little quieter please!” she shouts suddenly over the music when her sister proves that Mariah Carey hits notes that shouldn’t be attempted by amateurs. When Keeley mumbles an apology and quietens down a little, Mabel turns back to me. “I just mean, you’ve been picking us up from school, babysitting, and bossing the construction guys around while they build the new house for three months now, but you’re still not allowed to play with the big boys?”

I glance at her with an incredulous look. “You know, you’ve gotten bolshy since you started school.”

“What does that mean?”

“Looking for arguments.”

She chuckles. “I’m not trying to start shit—”


“—I’m just wondering when you’re officially out of the doghouse.”

“Nosey too,” I grumble. “For your information, Annika and I are both going out for official business tonight, so I am indeedplaying with the big boys.”

She gives me a bright smile. “It’s really fun winding you up, Harvey.”

I reach over without taking my eyes off the road and pinch her side, making her giggle and Keeley laugh from the back. “Kee, Mabel’s being mean to me! Tell her!” I pout my lips in an exaggerated gesture and Keeley laughs harder.

“Got to be nice to Harvey, Maybe. Or he won’t take you to singing club tomorrow.”

“That’s true,” Mabel sighs. “I’m sorry, Harvey,” she says for Keeley’s benefit.

I turn to her with a wink, and she smiles back at me.

“You’re going out tonight?” Keeley asks, catching on to the conversation.

“Yeah, princesa. We’ll be out late but Guinevere and Lee will be around, and I believe Reece and Charlie are coming to stay tonight too.”

“Yay!” Keeley put her hand in the air and I laugh at her as I pull in to the new and improved security gates at the new and improved mansion.

The house isn’t quite finished, but Annika was going stir crazy living at the hotel and moved back in before work was done. Her lack of patience for people in general—and builders in particular, apparently—mixed with the construction crew’s total fear of her had made communications hard so I happily volunteered to liaise with them on her behalf. Anything to earn brownie points. I still technically live with my grandma—like a grown arse man—but none of my stuff is there and I haven’t stayed there in two months. I’ve commandeered one of the spare bedrooms in the new house. It even has a bed.

On a few occasions I’ve slept in Annika’s bed, with her in my arms and her juniper scent surrounding me. Bliss. But it’s all been above board, clothes remain on and my handcuffs haven’t seen the light of day. It’s like we’re both living the sweet young love that neither of us had as youths. Of course, I’ve dipped my hand beneath her sleep shorts and made her come until she soaked me and the sheets, because like I said, brownie points. But Annika has stayed firm on not going further than she’s comfortable with until she knows she can trust me, and I have no problems with that. Being close to her and the girls is enough to sustain me for a lifetime.

Stuart’s already here when I get in the house, watching as I carry the girls school bags like a pack horse, their sockedfeet thumping along the hardwood as they run to get changed, probably into swimming costumes.

“Suits you,” Stuart says from his position leaning on the hallway wall with his arms folded. I look at where his eyes have caught on the Princess Tiana backpack Keeley uses.

“Thanks, always thought green was my colour.”

We’ve never quite got back to where we were before everything blew up. He respects Annika enough to be cordial but the road we were taking to friendship has been closed for maintenance for months. He stands straight, dropping his arms. “Boss is ready to go when you are.”