Page 103 of Her Trust

“And he…” Mabel points across the room at Harvey. “He does just as much; he’s been looking after us and protecting us just as much as you guys did.” She’s crying again, tears leaving a wet trail down her cheeks. “And Guinevere,” she says, pointing to the woman. “She’s the kindest person I’ve ever met, which isn’t saying much I guess, but she hugs us and cooks with us and spends all her time with us.” She looks around the room searching for the next person. “Stuart’s cool, he spent a whole evening listening to Keeley describe the entire plot to a kids’ movie and actually managed to sound interested in it. And Lorraine…well, I only met her today, but she seems really nice.”

Another round of chuckles from the room.

“I know she’s a criminal, she’s been nothing but honest. But she’s a good person. Better than anyone you’ve come across recently.”

“We’re here guys,” Lizzie says to the boys. “It’s already better than a dingy old basement. Can’t we just give them all the benefit of the doubt?”

Another silent exchange between the twins before they nod, and both relax themselves.

“Here,” Guinevere says, stepping forward and gesturing to the table behind her. “We’ve got food and drinks for you guys. Why don’t you all come up and get something to eat, hm?”

Slowly the group untangle themselves and warily head over to the spread that Guinevere has been working on all afternoon with all manner of things for every taste. Juice, water, tea, and coffee are also there and we all stand back to let the kids take their fill, but I know my guys will be hungry too.

I head over to the couch where Stuart is sat, Lorraine examining his bruised forehead with little concern. I’ve alwaysliked Lorraine on the few occasions I’ve met her, straight talking and to the point. She also has a healthy respect for personal space and never insists on hugs or fake air kisses in greeting. Diamond is great but she likes to mother me with physical affection.

“You’re an idiot, Stuart Worth,” I hear Lorraine scolding her husband as I approach.

“Ah, it’s just a bump on the head, quit your whining woman,” he scoffs back.

Lorraine turns to face me with a roll of her overly large brown eyes as though we can both understand that Stuart was the one to blame for being knocked out. She has black dreadlocks down to her lower back, half of which are tied back. “What exactly am I going to do with you?” she says, folding her arms and jutting out one hip in a frustrated gesture. Her deep brown skin is glowing and the smirk on her lips is full of love for the man sat in front of her, she has a twinkle in her eye, too, looking so much better than she had when she first came out of hospital. I’m glad she seems to be doing okay.

“You.” I point at Stuart with my hardest glare. “Are not going anywhere until the doctor has checked you over, understood?”

“Would you two stop fussing?” He tsks, but I can see the softness in his eyes telling me that he likes that we care.

“No,” we both say together, and Lorraine gives me a knowing smile.

“There are more pressing patients here tonight,” he says quietly, looking over to the kids gathered around the food table. Lorraine looks over with a sad frown.

“Agreed,” I say, still looking at him seriously. “But once she’s checked them all, she’ll check on you. And Harvey,” I add.

“Oh aye? Lover-boy got hurt, did he?”

That got Lorraine’s attention away from the group and looking at me in shock. That stupid blush is creeping up mychest again but thanks to the high neckline of my long-sleeved t-shirt I don’t think they necessarily notice. I point in Stuart’s face again. “You’re fired.”

Stuart laughs, paying me no mind. “Seriously, I owe Harvey a thank you for having my back.”

I sigh and screw my face up. “Actually, I think you owe him a thank you.” I nod my head to where Guinevere is very gently wiping blood from the heroic twin’s hands. Charlie. The boy who became a murderer today. Both Lorraine and Stuart follow my sightline.

“He saved him?” Lorraine asks me, her eyes watering profusely as she watches Guinevere handle the still pale boy with tremendous care.

“He did,” I answer solemnly.

She sniffs, wiping escaped tears from her cheek. “May I go and thank him?”

“Of course.” I give her my best attempt at a kind smile and watch as she approaches him cautiously.

The doctor comes back in, Lee carrying the girl behind her. She now has a medical boot on over her ankle and seems to have relaxed a bit, giving Lee a small smile of thanks as he places her down on the sofa.

“Who’s next?” Dr Melvin asks the room.

“She is,” Harvey says, pointing at Lizzie, who looks like a deer in headlights as we all look at her.

“Okay,” Dr Melvin says, looking to the poor girl with kind eyes. “Come this way.”

Harvey heads to Guinevere and says something quietly in her ear. She appears to gasp and puts her palm to her chest whilst nodding in agreement. She heads over to Lizzie and puts her arm around her shoulders before leading her to follow the doctor. When Harvey looks up, we catch each other’s eyes and I want nothing more than to run into his arms. To feel safe in hisembrace, to take a deep breath of his citrus scent and know that I can handle this responsibility I’ve brought upon myself. So, that’s exactly what I do.