Page 79 of Ash

“Hey!” he protested.

“Not until you tell me what is happening,” I shook my head, moving the plate behind my back.

He laughed.

“I take it nobody is bothering to tell the little women what’s going on? Quite right!” he stated, smirking.

“Guess you aren’t that hungry after all,” I pouted in annoyance.

He tried to make another grab for the plate, but I jumped back away from him so quickly that I practically tripped over my feet as I went.

“Alright, don’t drop it,” he laughed as he lifted his hands in a placating gesture.

“I know how you like to roll around in food, Little Miss Hot Mess, but you’ve got the wrong brother for that,” he said, waggling his eyebrows at me and grinning.

“Very funny!” I glared at him, and he laughed.

I narrowed my eyes and grinned wickedly at him as I reached towards the bin under a nearby desk as if to throw the food into it.

“Okay, okay, I’m just teasing!” he cried, “I’ll tell you whatever you want to know, no need to take it out on Nonna’s food!”

“Talk,” I said, giving him the plate and sitting down beside him.

“We are all concerned that there has been no communication about tonight from either party yet. It’s almost like they are on radio silence. That could mean that they are aware we know something, or it could just be them being cautious, but we can’t be sure, and it has us on edge,” Marko said between mouthfuls.

“Either way, it shouldn’t be a huge problem. Miki has thought about pretty much everything in the defence of both sites. Nevertheless, we were hoping for the element of surprise for our retaliation to avoid unnecessary casualties on our side. If we lose that element, it will mean things could also take longer to get under control, which makes keeping things secret from the police and other possible witnesses so much harder.” He frowned.

“I guess the guys downstairs think that telling you women will only make you worry more about a situation you have no real control over, and that’s why they are being so secretive. They should know better,” he chuckled.

“I would much rather be told than be kept in the dark.” I pouted and huffed out a frustrated breath.

“I can understand that; sometimes, not knowing only allows the imagination to run riot.”

“Rest assured, though, everything is still going according to plan, and they still have plenty of time to start up communications. I will keep monitoring them and will let everyone know when they do.”

“And if they don’t?” I asked.

“Well, the plans to defend both sites will take place as expected as soon as the attacks start, which is liable to be around ten pm when the shipment is due, and no matter whether they are aware we know they are coming or not, we will win,” he said decidedly, before adding ruefully, “Just perhaps not quite as easily as we hope.”

I felt a little bit better knowing what the others knew, but I so wanted to be with Ash and not stuck here at the Estate. I hated that we were split up at this time, and neither of us knew how the other was doing.

As the day wore on, I felt more and more helpless. My whole body was fraught with tension, and I couldn’t keep still. I paced up and down our bedroom, staring at the clock, willing it to move forward but fearing it doing so. I longed to get this night over with, but I worried about what lay ahead and how we would all cope with it. I also worried about how many people would die tonight.

My stomach churned at the thought of anyone I knew being hurt or, worse, killed. I prayed everyone would be okay. Especially Ash. I didn’t know what I would do if I lost him. In such a short time, he had become the most important person in my life. I was terrified he was going to be hurt and feeling pretty helpless right now.

I wanted to contact him and hear his voice, but I forced myself not to. It was excruciating being apart from him. He had assured me that everything would be fine and their plan was a good one. But no matter how good a plan they had, anything could happen.

An hour later, I was lying on our bed, my mind tormenting me with all the possible things that could go wrong, when a text came through.


I miss you, sweetheart.

It was him. My heart did a little jig. He missed me as much as I did him!

I quickly replied.
