Page 45 of Ash

The farm itself was run by our elderly friend Dimitri Molinov and his family. They were also Bratva, and Dimitri was our dad’s bodyguard for a while before he retired. The Bratva link, though, had been well hidden by my brother Marko and his team of IT wizards, so nobody outside of the brotherhood knew about it.

We shifted the drugs when required via the private road linking the farm and the crematorium. Our RomCore security firm helped ensure that the route from the farm to the nearby motorway was clear. That aided us greatly in the movement of the drugs as we could ensure that we avoided the police and any possible ambush by our enemies while making shipments. The security in place would also be a great help to us if our enemies did find out where the Lab was, and it seemed like they were intent on doing so.

I knocked on Miki’s door and entered when he called.

“Well?” he asked, raising his eyebrows at me, obviously expecting an apology for my stupidity.

“Yeah, yeah, I know! I shouldn’t have gone off alone to meet Mohammed,” I said.

“No, you shouldn’t have, Sashenka!”

Uh oh, he was using my full name again, and his accent was really thick. He was definitely still seriously pissed off at me!

“It was bloody stupid! You should have taken Romi or me, and then we could have left you to go on your amorous adventures. If Gracie hadn’t found you and had the nerve to go in and rescue your sorry ass, who knows what the hell would have happened!” he fumed.

“I know, it was stupid. I admit it, and it won’t happen again!”

“It better not!” he leaned forward and narrowed his eyes at me,

“Or next time, the Malia Boys won’t be the only ones beating up your stupid ass!” he shouted.

Yep, definitely pissed!

He shifted back in his chair and took a deep breath, obviously trying to calm himself before he spoke again.

“Ash, since we lost Krissa, you keep taking stupid chances. You have been lucky so far, but one day, your luck will run out. This family have lost enough; we can’t afford to lose anyone else!”

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

“You have got to stop blaming yourself for what happened. The ones responsible were the ones who hurt Krissa, and we have killed two of them and will kill the other one soon, I swear it.”

This was something I’d heard so often before. My head was swimming! I couldn’t think of this right now; otherwise, I’d be spiralling out of control when I went to question that Malia asshole, and we wouldn’t get the information I needed. I breathed deeply, needing to get away. I couldn’t talk about this.

“I know,” I ground the words out, “And I won’t take any more stupid chances. I promise.”

“Good. We will head over to the C after lunch,” he said, dismissing me.

“Oh, and Ash,” he called after me.

I turned around.

“That’s one heck of a woman you’ve got there, brave, beautiful, and can stand up to your sorry self! She’s a keeper, so don’t blow it!” he said, and if I hadn’t known better, I’d have said the look on his face was envious, almost wistful.

“I’ll try my best not to,” I stated with a nod and smirk.

I certainly would, and I agreed she was definitely a keeper. Thinking about Gracie helped stop the spiralling. The moment my mind went to her, I felt myself calm. Thank fuck. I really didn’t need that right now.

I headed to my own office to catch up on some work, looking forward to seeing my Little Miss Hot Mess at lunch very soon.




Iwoke up from my nap and stretched, feeling quite giddy. I had drifted off to sleep replaying Ash’s kisses in my head, and although I was as horny as hell, I had never felt so happy. It was crazy to think that this gorgeous, rich, and obviously dangerous man wanted me.

I still needed to call Derrick. I had to let him know where I was. If he hadn’t heard from me soon, I thought he might turn up at my house, and if I wasn’t there, he’d be frantic.