Page 33 of Ash

I heard another sleepy-sounding male voice in the background and then some whispering before he said, “Be right over!” and hung up.

I paced around, unsure what to do while I waited for him to show. I kept glancing at Mr Sexy Voice to check if he was still breathing correctly, and thankfully, he was. Thirty minutes later, Derrick stood over him with what looked like a medical kit in his hand.

“What the hell happened? And what the hell is Mr Rominov doing in your house and in your bed in this state?” he asked in a voice that made me think of a headmaster.

“He was kidnapped! And then beaten up by a couple of guys, and I rescued him and brought him home,” I replied in a rush.

“You did what? Wait, what?” he asked, shaking his head in confusion.

I took a deep breath before explaining everything a bit more calmly and in more length. While I did so, Derrick systematically assessed the injuries.

“Well, apart from the obvious cuts and bruises, I would say he has two broken ribs, but luckily, nothing else is broken, and I don’t think the ribs are too bad. They certainly haven’t punctured any lungs.”

I sighed in relief.

Derrick removed Mr Sexy Voice’s trousers and boxers, which were now covered in blood. I blushed and forced myself to turn away and not ogle the poor man again.

After removing his clothes, Derrick wiped him down with disinfectant wipes and put antiseptic cream on his cuts. Once that was done, Derrick dressed Mr Sexy Voice in a pair of shorts which he had in his bag. I tried not to look but felt my blush deepening as I caught a glimpse of something I shouldn’t. Oh my!

Together, we settled him against the pillows and under the covers before heading downstairs.

Derrick was concerned that Mr Sexy Voice might have a concussion and told me to keep an eye on him throughout the night. He also left some strong pain medication for him to take when he woke up.

As he left, he warned, “When he wakes, get a number for someone to call to come collect him. Then get rid of him and keep away from him. He is obviously in trouble, and you don’t need to be dragged into any more of it. He is dangerous!”

His blue eyes glinted as cold as ice as he spoke. I gulped. This was not my usual flighty, happy-go-lucky friend; this was the side of Derrick who had been a soldier. This was a powerful and dangerous man, and if he was telling me that the one asleep upstairs was another dangerous man, I really should listen.

I nodded and closed the door behind him.

Derrick was right, and yet I knew that I had never felt as alive as I had tonight, nor had I ever had as much excitement. So, I would try to heed his warning, but I wasn’t sure how easily that would be.

I made a coffee and trudged upstairs. I spent the rest of the night sitting in a chair next to my bed, watching over my patient. It brought back unhappy memories, and it was exhausting, but strangely, it also made me feel needed again. I hadn’t felt needed since my mum passed away, and it was nice.




Iwoke with a start. My whole body felt like it had been hit by a train. Shit, what happened? I tried to open both of my eyes but couldn’t, and it took some effort to crack even one open. I realised then that the left was swollen shut.

“Hey, you’re awake,” a female voice said.

I looked towards it, and my breath caught. It was her! Little Miss Hot Mess! What the heck? How the hell was she here? And where the hell was here?

I glanced around, my head pounding. I noticed that I was in a room on a bed that I didn’t recognise at all.

She smiled at me, and I suddenly didn’t care where I was; I was just glad to have her smile at me. It was such a gorgeous smile.

“Little Miss Hot Mess,” I said, but it came out like an incoherent mumble. I tried to smile back at her but ended up grimacing in pain instead. My lips were swollen, and my cheeks ached.

Memories rushed back. Mohammad, the bigger guy, getting beaten up, and then vague images of someone who had helped me escape. It was a bit of a blur. Things didn’t make complete sense.

More questions bombarded me. How did I get here? What was she doing here? Where was I, and who had helped me escape? I wanted to ask them, but my brain couldn’t seem to focus on what to say. I was sweating with the effort.

She leaned over me and wiped my brow with a cloth. My heart stuttered at her closeness. It was all I had been dreaming of for the last week. I tried to smile again but couldn’t. Shit, I must look terrible. Just typical, I was finally getting to see Little Miss Hot Mess again, and I was in this state.Fuck! What a way to make an impression, Ash!I chastised myself.

It seemed I was destined to make a lousy impression where she was concerned. First, I was a complete jerk, then kissed her and ran off without even getting her number, and second, I was beaten up and looked a bloody fright. I had no idea what she must think of me, but if she didn’t run in the opposite direction after this, she must be crazy!