Coco grins. “Yes. I’m hoping they stay that way.”

“Did you want to hold her?” Levi asks me, though he’s only had the baby a moment. But I do. I really do.

“In one sec, okay?” Coco holds up one finger. “Meredith, can I borrow you a sec?”

“Umm…” My eyes slide over to Levi, who’s staring at his sister. “Sure,” I say.

“No. No borrowing her.Coco—”

But Levi’s resistance only makes me want to go with his sister more.

“We’ll be right back,” Coco tells him, snagging me by the hand and pulling me after her.


“You won’t even miss us.”

Our feet tap along the hardwood floors as Coco drags me down the hall and into her and Jude’s private room.

There’s a watercolor on the wall, just above their bed—I think it’s of their wedding day, at least it seems to be made for them, the woman’s likeness is so like Coco’s.

“Miles painted it,” she says, when I linger there a little longer.

“Miles?” I knew he was an artist. But I didn’t know how skilled.

“Meredith, how do you feel about my brother?”

“Oh.” I have seen this in the movies a dozen times. This is awhat is your intentionscene. I never thought I’d be in one! “Um.” I hold my hands in front of me. “Like my…intentions?”

Coco lifts one shoulder. “Sure.”

What are my intentions?Number five.

“I’d like him to kiss me,” I say with a nod. Honesty feels like the best policy at this point. But then, it’s more than that. I don’t just want one kiss, and I don’t just want friendship. I like Levi.

“Okay.” Her brows rise. She waits, watching me, waiting for more.

“I like him,” I say, my head held tall. I’m not afraid of my feelings. Or Coco, she’s pretty darn sweet. “A lot.”

I’m not sure if Coco will approve, or disapprove, or give me advice. My turn to wait. I’m hoping it’s option C.

She plops down onto her unmade bed and pats the wrinkled comforter next to her. “That’s what I thought.” She wraps one arm around my shoulders and tilts her head to mine. “All right. So, here’s the deal. Don’t give up on him when he turns into a dummy, okay? Because most likely he’s going to.”

“He’s already been a little dumb.”

She laughs. “So true. Believe me, I know it. He was pretty dumb when I first came into the picture too. But that’s just because he cares. Sometimes he cares so much that he worries about everyone except for himself.”

My brows cinch and I press my lips together, blotting in my lip balm. “I’ll remember that.”

“Good.” Her arm around me tightens. “Because I think you are exactly what he needs.”



While I interrogate Meredith, I scan the bikes standing in a row along the back wall of the back room of the shop. The used bikes. Meredith could get any of these for under a hundred dollars. These, I can give her a killer deal on.

“What do you mean nothing? Coco called you back to her room to talk aboutnothing?”