“I can’t. Number four. Ihaveto learn to ride a bike.”

“Number four?” I shake my head. “What does that mean? You said that the other day too. Number…something.”

Meredith licks her pink lips, but for once she doesn’t answer right away.

“Cat got your tongue?” I suddenly find myself intrigued. I want to know whatnumberfourmeans.

She swallows, and for the first time since I met Meredith Porter, she’s hesitant. “I have a list.”

“A list?”

Her cheeks pinken with the confession. “Mm-hmm.”

“A list of what?” I say, stepping closer. There’s a faint waft of coconut—I’d guess from her shampoo. I ignore it. I don’t allow it to distract me. “Do tell, Meredith.”

“You can call me Mer.” She steps closer to the counter. Her hands clutching the helmet to her chest.

“I can—what?”

“The other night you called meMer. Like we were old friends.” Her pink, full lips lift with the memory. “I liked it. I’ve never had a nickname before.”

I study her and involuntarily move around the counter separating us and a little closer to her. “You’re changing the subject.”

“Right. My list.” Another swallow. She’s nervous—which intrigues me all the more. “Just a list of things I’ve never done.”

“How many things?”

“Twenty-three years. Twenty-three items.”

“Can I see it?” I ask.

She’s made me forget that I’m supposed to be irritated. I’m all in now. I need to know.

“You really want to?” She lifts her chin, eyeing me.

“Yes, I do.” I don’t know why. But it isn’t a lie. I’m fascinated. “Can I see it?”

“No.” Her lips purse. “Not yet.”


Meredith tosses me the helmet in her hands. Her shoulders back—no more nerves. “Teach me to ride my bike, Levi. And I’ll show you my list.” She starts for the door, but not before turning her head and peering back at me. She’s all smiles and confidence now.

I watch her go, then look down at the plastic container filled with chocolate chip cookies. She’s left a sticky note with the words THANK YOU and her phone number. I pop off the lid and snatch one up, still thinking about Meredith’s mystery list, about that look she gave me on her way out. About the churning in my gut that only seems to appear wheneverthisgirl comes around.

I take a bite, still watching out the window. I chew only a second, maybe two before spitting out half a chocolate chip cookie onto my work counter.

I think Meredith Porter just tried to poison me.



The next day I get a text.

Levi:You left your bike.

I gasp, and since Bob is sitting right next to me, I yell my uncle’s name. “Bob Allen!”