“You too, dear.” Lucy grins and loops her arm through Levi’s.

The kitchen is bright with white walls and wallpaper trim that’s covered in lemons and green leaves. I sit in one of the kitchen chairs—wooden like the table. But I also hold my breath, wanting to hear what Levi and Lucy have to say about me. Because in the movies when someone asks you to wait for them—it’s always to be talked about.

“You never mentioned a date, Levi.”

“Because it isn’t a date. Technically she isn’t even a friend. I’m teaching her to ride a bike.”

That should hurt a whole lot more than it does. I guess technically he isn’t wrong. Still, I’d hoped we’d crossed over into friendship.

“She’s sweet,” Lucy says. “Maybe you should ask her on a date.”

“Why—” he groans. “You and Coco. You take something that’s nothing and jump it all the way to everything.”

“A date wouldn’t kill you, son. The last time you dated anyone was Laura and that was forever ago.”

“It wasn’t forever ago. Besides, if you didn’t notice, she’s a kid.”

There’s a muffled laugh and it’s getting harder to hear… so I decide to check out Lucy’s mug collection, right next to the open doorway.

“She isn’t a kid. That’s for sure. I’m guessing I’m not the only one who noticed that figure.”


Lucy laughs, though the two are just out of my sight. Which is good. If I can’t see them, then they can’t see me.

“I call it like it is, Levi. You know that,” she says.

“She’s twenty-three.”

“Perfect. She can legally vote and drink. Just your size.”

“I’m not—” Levi starts, but he’s quickly interrupted.

“If you were twenty and she was fourteen, yes, I’d agree. But you’re both grown now, Levi. There’s nothing wrong with being attracted—”

“Who said I was attracted?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” says Lucy. “Justeverythingin your body language.”

Is Levi attracted—to me? Me? Meredith Bess Porter—awkward, inexperienced extraordinaire?

“That isn’t true,” he says.

“And it’s no wonder Coco said something. She sees you more clearly than anyone.”

“We hardly know each other,” he says, frustration lacing every inch of his tone.

The front door creaks open and I hear one last thing from Lucy. “Well, then get in there. Get to know the girl.”

With the sound of the door closing, I leap across the room and plop myself into a chair. My breathing is haggard—but I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with the physical activity I just took part in.

Levi charges into the room like he’s taking a misbehaving child to the principal’s office. His face has turned pink from his ears to his cheeks. His eyes dart about the room until they land right on me.


