For the past five months, I have made sure to get out every day, attempting to find my life and experience all I can.

And I’m ready for this experience. For number four. For Levi.

I know I’m early. The shop closes at six. I’m supposed to show up at 6:15. But I also know the only people I’ve seen in the shop are Levi’s family. So, does it matter that I’m two hours early? We can ride inside.

Only Levi does have customers today. He’s working with a boy and a mom.

“This one might be a good fit,” he says, pulling a bike from the lineup. The boy looks like he’s somewhere between Alice and Nikki. Maybe ten—maybe he’s Ben Ben’s age. But then, he’s smaller than Nikki’s crushing neighbor.

Levi peeks back at me with the sound of the bell. He blinks twice and keeps talking to the buyers. You know, hisactualcustomers. “It’ll grow with him,” he tells the mom. “It’ll fit him now, but you can raise the seat and he’ll still like it in a couple of years.”

“What do you think, Chance?” The brunette asks her son.

“I’ll give you a minute. And hey, Chance, feel free to give her a spin around the room.” Levi leaves the couple and walks toward me. His hair is combed back and wisping over his ears. Some strange pull in my chest reaches down into my fingers, and I itch to touch that hair. I’d like to casually scoop some locks behind his ear and call it helpful. But I don’t. I know better. At least, I think I know better.

I’m not a crazy person, after all.

I’m mean, not completely.

“Hey, what’s up?” Levi says.

I tilt my head, still examining his hair. Then my hand, with a mind and an itch all its own, reaches out and finger combs a portion of Levi’s hair behind his ears.

I swallow. That thing that I just told myself I wouldn’t do because I’m not crazy… I did it.

I did it.

And I don’t regret it.

Still, my mind has caught up to my actions. My hand freezes next to his ear. I am a sleuth and steady cheetah. If I don’t move the prey will never see me.Neeee-vvvvv-errr.

I sit there another two seconds before Levi snatches me by the wrist and pulls my hand back to my side. “Meredith?”

“Riding lesson. I’m just here for a riding lesson.”And apparently, to touch your hair.

And maybe some…Number five…

I’m pretty sure that James Earl Jones is living in my head and whispering prompts in my ear, reminding me of that particular looming first I can’t seem to stop thinking about—ever since I spilled my coffee all over Levi Bailey.

Be quiet James. I’m attempting to be Levi’s friend, not send him running for the hills, never to speak to me again.

“It’s only four,” he says.

“Right.” I nod. “Do your thing.”

So, he does. Levi helps the customer, which takes ten times longer than when I bought my bike. Chance and his mom try out four more bikes, asking questions, taking rides, only to return to the first one that Levi recommended.

They fill out paperwork and finally,finallytake their bike and go.

I hop up from my seat behind Levi’s desk. “Now?”

“I have to fix a bike in the back. The customer is coming by at closing. But it should be a quick fix.” He looks me over—I’m in a teal dress and my trusty denim jacket. I’m not sure he means to look me over but he does as if he’s weighing something. “You can come back with me if you want.”

“I do!” I say, much too eager.

He nods and heads to the back room where dozens of bicycles are strewn about in every position. “How’s your head?”

“Good. Did you notice,” I turn my head a bit to the right, giving him a better view, “no more stitches?”