“Remember to adjust your boner,Bradley!” I call out as he begins walking away just that little bit quicker.
“Pleased?” she utters, sounding clearly unimpressed.
“Very much,” I reply with a grin and a wink to wind her up just that little bit more. “He your boyfriend? Cos he sure as hell wants to be. Either way, he definitely wants to get in your pants.”
“You’re gross,” she scowls, “not every guy wants to hump every female they come into contact with.”
“Guess again, Twiglet, he was eyeing you up like he wanted to grind on your bones for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!” I chuckle at the same time as she throws her eraser at me. I see the smirk on her face though, I always could make her laugh, even when her family had been particularly hard on her. I couldn’t stop them, but I could at least make her smile. That is until I turned out to be just as much as a disappointment to her.
“How come we stopped hanging out, Iz?”
“Because you chose hormones and your dick’s newly acquired knowledge that it ultimately rules you, over loyalty to the one girl who refused to drop to your feet in awe,” she replies, still looking at her work while scribbling across the page.
“How about a movie tonight? My treat,” I offer, smiling as I lean in closer. “To say sorry, on behalf of me and my dick.”
“Ha! Have you finally run out of new girls to bang?” she asks, dropping her pen while looking up at me with real shock on her face. “Wow!”
“So bitter! Not jealous are you, Twiglet?” I place my hand on top of hers and begin to swirl my finger over her skin. She flinches and pulls away just a little too quickly for my ego to overlook it.
“God, no! Just concerned for your health. I heard that if the great Theo Chase doesn’t dip his wick at least once a week, it might shrivel up and die,” she retorts with a wicked smile. “That would be catastrophic for you, wouldn’t it?”
“Who says I don’t want to dip my wick inside of you?” I raise my eyebrows suggestively, enjoying the shocked expression she’s now trying to cover up.
“Calm yourself, whore boy,” she says, training her face into neutral again, “as far as everyone else is concerned, you are my cousin. Not to mention, I’m also illegal.”
“True,” I reply with a sigh, feigning sadness, only to turn my frown into an encouraging smile again. “Oh, come on, Iz? In all seriousness, I leave in three weeks and I really wanna hang out with my favorite person. How about some Xbox? If I piss you off too much, you can shoot some people.”
“Oh, alright,” she concedes, rolling her eyes as she does so; she could never resist my charming smile, most girls can’t. “But keep your filthy mind to yourself. I don’t wanna hear about who you’ve been banging, who you want to bang, or who you’re taking to the college Christmas party to bang.”
“Ok,” I chuckle, “deal. See you at six?”
“Ok,” she agrees, “at least I can rub Tilly’s nose in it. She still has a major crush on you.” I physically shudder at the thought, which amuses Izzy no end. I personally can’t think of anything worse than shacking up with Tilly Chase. The girl hasonly gotten worse over the years, but now with hormones and an even larger gaggle of irritating Tilly wannabes at her disposal. You can count me out of that idea.
Hours later, Izzy and I are snuggled up on the oversized beanbags in my room, playingGrand Theft Auto. She frequently giggles over the gore and over-the-top violence, all the while singing along to the eighties tracks that are playing in the background. She shines when she smiles, and I can’t help stealing frequent glances her way.
“So,whoare you taking to the Christmas do?” she eventually asks, resting back to take a break from the game. “I hear you majorly pissed off Maddison so I’m guessing it’s not her. Tilly’s free if you want to ask her.”
She theatrically raises her brow, teasing me with her unwanted suggestion, for which I punish her by throwing a pillow her way.
“Ellie Sanderson,” I reply, wincing over the girl’s name. She’s very attractive and all, but I’m not feeling it. “I don’t know though; she thinks it’s a big deal but I’m leaving. Maybe I should let her down…not lead her on?”
“Are you telling me or asking me?” She turns to face me with her pretty blue eyes blinking at a rapid pace. “Just how many girlshaveyou slept with?”
“How many do you think?” I smile, jutting my chin to encourage her to take a guess.
“I dunno. Rumor would have me believing you’re in thedouble digits.” She then shrugs with a distinct blush spreading over her cheeks, and I laugh because having only just turned seventeen, that estimation is truly ridiculous. “Go on, tell me!”
“I thought I wasn’t supposed to talk about who I was banging? Your rules, remember?”
“I don’t want to knowwho, just how many. Your secret is safe with me,” she says, theatrically locking her lips and even throwing away the key.
“Two,” I answer her honestly and her eyes widen with disbelief.
“Is that all? I thought there would be far more than that. Did one of them break your heart or something?”