Page 48 of Chase

“Yeah, right,” I laugh, already picturing this little gorgeous dog running rings around him.

On Mrs Hughes’ say so, Stella finally pads over to me, so I hold my hand out for her to sniff. However, just as Dave did, she covers me in kisses and wags her tail like a windmill.

“God, I love her already. She’s really mine?”

I can’t help but release a loud whimper as I bend down to return all the love that she’s giving me. She wiggles her bottom as she tries to lick my tears away, all the while I wrap my arms around her.

“All yours, babe,” Theo says, “I mean…Izzy.”

I look up and grin my face off at the man who’s given me the most amazing gift of fluffy love. A gift that couldn’t be any more perfect, not for all the money in the world.

“Thank you, Theo, you have no idea how much this means to me,” I tell him before I stand to kiss him for a good moment or two on the lips. The spark of electricity crackles between us and we look a little longingly into each other’s eyes. “She’s everything I didn’t know I needed.”

“I could say the same thing to you, Iz,” he whispers against my ear, sending shivers in all the right places.

“I’ll be sad to see her go, but I’m happy she’s going to a good home,” Mrs Hughes says before kissing Stella goodbye. “When your young man showed me pictures of where you lived, and described you to me, I knew you were the one to trust her to.”

I don’t correct her when she says, ‘your young man’, for I’m too busy wondering what he did say about me.



“Wanna take her for a walk before we drive back?” Theo asks when we get back onto the road.

“Hell, yes!” I gush over my new puppy. “Theo, this is without a doubt the best thing anyone has ever done for me. To be fair, that’s not saying an awful lot, but still, it means so much to me. In fact, I want to do something for you. Anything, Theo, justname it.”

He sighs heavily, looking out the window as if battling against something inside of his head. I can only imagine. When he finally turns to face me, the smile slips from my face because I already know he’s going to ask for something I’m not yet ready to give him.

“Be happy?” He says those two little words with such sincerity, I don’t know how to respond at first, so I just end up laughing awkwardly. He doesn’t laugh, just turns back to look out the windscreen.

“I don’t know if I ever can be,” I finally reply, not wanting to meet his gaze. “But this, her, this is the closest thing to feeling it in a long time. And you, Theo.” I look at his side profile again, his brow bunched up with emotion. “I know I’ve given you a hard time but I’m glad you’re here; you’re still my best friend.”

An awkward silence engulfs the car with the both of us thinking over everything that has come to pass recently. I know he wants more, but I’m just not ready to voice it all out loud. Theo’s only just come back and I don’t want him to abandon me all over again; it almost killed me last time.

Moments pass by, and I try to think of something,anything, to break the tension. However, before I can utter a single word, a long retriever nose moves forward in between us, with Stella’s eyes looking just as intensely out the window as the both of us, no doubt wondering what we’re both staring at. We immediately burst into laughter over her adorable nosiness, which in turn, has her bouncing around and trying to kiss us both.

“As your best friend,” Theo begins when we’ve managed to calm ourselves, “can you not tell me what’s going on with Ethan? Or at least what your nightmares are about?”

“Maybe one day,” I reply truthfully, “but I can’t yet. I’m just not ready, Theo.”

“Promise me you’ll tell me as soon as you are?”

The words with which to answer him don’t come, but eventually, with anxiety clawing at my chest, I offer hima nod.

Chapter 17


“Where’s the bike?”

Walking toward my less-than-cool car, Will wanders over with Dave in tow, his body language telling me he’s so much more at ease with me this time around. It makes me smile even wider at him, for this is why I love my job. Knowing I am helping to put that bounce in his step is worth so much. I also have my new baby to show off; I can’t wait to see his reaction.

“Couldn’t bring it today, but I did bring something else, something even better!”

I rush to the boot to let my fur baby spring out the back and onto the forest floor. She isn’t at all graceful, but this only makes her all the more loveable - long legs, big ears, and full of excitement. I remember being like this when I first met Theo. I was never girly, never elegant, but I was happy when I was with him.

“Oh, my God!” Will gushes when Stella practically lunges at him with slobbery kisses, which I half-heartedly berate her for. “She is gorgeous! When did you get this lil’ girl?”