Page 14 of The Devil

By the time I wake, feeling disorientated, I can hear thumping music playing out in the yard. My senses are obviously more alert this time so I can hear laughing and shouting in amongst the music and splashing from the pool. It’s all so loud, I emit a frustrated groan. This is most likely going to go on all night and I’m starving. But after what happened last time, I’ll be damned if I’m going out there.

With that in mind, I try to ignore my growling stomach and grab a book, one of my favorites, and try to block it all out. I remain engrossed in the story for the first ten minutes or so, but then the music becomes even louder. I sigh, put my book down, and grab my headphones in the hopes that I can block out most of the assault of noise coming from the party. However, the outside music only gets turned up even louder, so much so, I can no longer make out where my music ends and their music begins. It occurs to me that someone is doing this on purpose, the same someone who has been leaving me notes all week.

Still donning my gardening gear and with my hair pulled into a high messy bun, I brace myself for what I’m about to face when I open my door. My senses are hit with a barrage of noise, lights, and a strong waft of weed and alcohol. As I look over the banister, I notice the party is mainly taking place outside, though there is a small group of people lounging about in the living area below.

While descending the staircase, I feel their eyes on me, watching as I stomp down the steps. I know what I look like compared to their scantily dressed bodies, donning bikinis and board shorts, but right now, I don’t care what I look like. I’ve been coerced into this situation against my will, and I’m going to put an end to it.

Leaning against the sink, Lucius is wearing his trademark smirk like a war medal to be proud of. He’s already got two drinks in his hands and is just waiting for this very moment when I’ll give into his demands. It grates on me that he knew I would eventually give into his form of pressure. He’s wearing navy board shorts with a fitted white t-shirt, making me scoff over how model-like he’s looking, fitting right in with all the Barbies and Kens walking around us. Truthfully, I’m a little disappointed that he’s betraying his normal style to fit in; I could at least respect him when he acted indifferent to it all. Still, I’m not about to prolong this moment by calling him out on it, so I continue walking right up to where he’s still leaning, take my own glass out of a nearby cupboard and open up a new bottle of Jack Daniels that was sitting on the kitchen counter. I proceed to pour my own damn drink, then turn to face him so he can see me down it and slam the glass back on the side. He smiles with a hint of pride just before I grimace over the liquid burning down my throat.

“Fuck, that’s gross!” I cry out before forcing myself to face him again. “There, I had a drink with you. Can you stop turning the God-damn music up now?”

“That’s not exactly a drinkwithme, Topolina,” he says as he grabs the same bottle but with two new glasses. “Come with me, Topolina. I’m guessing you don’t trust the drinks I’ve already poured,” he says as he starts walking. With a long sigh, I reluctantly follow behind, being that I just want this to be over as soon as possible so I can be left alone. “Your suspicious nature impresses me, Topolina. I would have been disappointed if youhadtrusted me.”

I can’t see his face, only his back as we walk out of the kitchen, but I can easily picture the grin now spreading across his smug features. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forget it.

“Just so you know, I’m not doing this all night so you can get me off my face,” I grumble with a roll of my eyes. “I have this one drinkwithyou, and then you turn the music down, deal?”

“Of course,” he says ever so reasonably, “I wouldn’t dream of getting you ‘off your face’.”

He leads me into the living room, which is empty and quiet, but close enough that if he tried anything, I could scream, and someone would hear. Not that I think he will, but I’ve had enough lectures from Dad about keeping myself safe and knowing that you don’t open yourself up to vulnerable situations. Hence getting my own glass. He gestures to the three-seater couch where we sit with enough distance between us that I feel suitably comfortable. Lucius pours the drinks, making it obvious that he’s not adding anything else to the tumblers, other than what he will also be drinking. I’m handed one of the glasses while he keeps the other one and leans into the back of the couch.

“Sip,” he instructs, “don’t gulp.”

Obediently, I sip, and it is better, apart from the fact that his intense eyes are fixed on my own the entire time. When he drops his glass back down from his sip, his lower lip scrapes over his top one, and he sighs contently. His arm reaches toward me and retrieves something from my hair. Another green leaf from the garden, and for a moment, I smile. He doesn’t return my friendly expression, but it doesn’t surprise me.

“You’re very intense,” I voice my observation. “It’s intimidating. Is that always your intention?”

“Maybe,” he says with a half-hearted shrug. “Though, I wouldn’t say I try to be anything for anyone.”

“That’s not true,” I reply with a teasing grin. “Look at your board shorts, your muscular physique, your boyband hair. You’re just as vain as they are.”

At first, I’m offered nothing more than a devious smile, one that almost tells me he’s proud of me for making such an observation. It’s also one that warns me to brace myself for what is about to come out of his wicked mouth.

“My vanity is not for anyone other than myself. My parties are for my own amusement, much like this drink is.” He lifts his glass in a ‘cheers’ gesture before sipping back more liquor, his eyes remaining on mine the entire time. They hold you captive without you even realizing it; those icy blues are hypnotic, the perfect weapon.

“Tell me then,” I begin, the alcohol beginning to hit me as a fuzzy sensation takes over, “why do you want to drink with me? I can tell that I amsonot the type of girl you usually spend time with.”

“That is precisely why I want to drink with you, Topolina,” he says in such a way, I feel heady and surprisingly lustful. “I like a challenge. But for your information, I do not usually spend much time drinking with girls in general. Do you really think someone like Lori would pique my interest?”

“Well…” I murmur, trying to make peace with the fact that I am seriously a target for him. “Hmm…as flattered as I am, I have had a drink now, so I am going back to my room. I am one ‘challenge’ you will not be conquering.”

I get up and walk toward the staircase feeling angry, though I’m not entirely sure why. Did I really think he thought anything more of me?

I walk past the banister that overlooks the kitchen to see that it is completely empty, the party is now taking place entirely outside. Well, at least he kept to his side of the deal I suppose. However, as soon as I turn to open my door, I feel a presence behind me. I know it’s him, for he always makes the air feel heavier around me, not to mention I can smell his aftershave. Like him, it’s unique and dizzying.

When I finally turn to face him, the intensity of lust in his eyes almost scares me, though I cannot deny that it also has me feeling slightly thrilled at the same time. The recognition of such a feeling has me remembering Cam’s words of warning, forcing me to freeze on the spot. Lucius gently lifts my wrist away from the door handle before opening the door himself. He pushes me inwards so we are standing in the dusky light of my room; the moon is shining through the window, but I can only make out the outline of bedroom furniture.

The thrill of it slips a little, turning into fear of what I have never done before. I also consider the fact that no one is here to hear me scream if I need to. He could be evil in a beautiful disguise, and I have left myself completely vulnerable to him. My breathing quickens as he slowly walks me back until he is pressing me against the bedroom wall. I tell myself to scream, to fight back, to say something, but I can’t, his gaze is too hypnotic.

Lucius maintains a distance between us but keeps hold of my wrist and places his finger against my lips.

“Shh, Topolina, I am not going to do anything to hurt you; that’s not my style.” His words are enough to calm me. I don’t know why, but I believe him. “Have you ever kissed a man, Helena? I meanreallykissed a man?”

He takes a step closer toward me, so I am under no illusion as to what he wants. I shake my head slowly while the rest of my body stays completely frozen against the wall.

“I am not a challenge, Lucius,” I utter in barely a whisper, trying to sound firm and sure of myself.

“Not anymore,” he whispers back, then removes his finger and delivers a chaste kiss on my lips. It’s more of a graze of his lips against mine, but it’s enough to set the butterflies in motion, deep inside my stomach and chest. It scares me and after a moment, I jerk my head back to reveal my wrath.