Automatically, the words came to my lips. "My name is Myrina." Hesitantly, I placed my hand in hers. Darkness and pain ran through me at the touch, leaving a certainty that made me shudder. As if the beautiful woman hadn't noticed, she smiled kindly at me.

"Nice to meet you, Myrina." I quickly withdrew my hand from her and just nodded. Despite my jealousy, I couldn't hate her, although the poison of jealousy and the wish this man was mine clenched my heart.

But clearly, he was already taken. Shame mixed with anger. Anger at him as well as at myself. What game had he played with me, and why had I been so naïve as to let myself be taken in by it? Astonished, I looked over at the man who had just held me in his arms as if he would never let me go again. Who was he? His gaze was cold on me.

My thoughts floated to Alex, who at that very moment was holding out in a tunnel to save me in case something went wrong tonight. Sadness about this betrayal towards him seized me and almost pulled the ground out from under my feet.

Very briefly did Mr. Baldur's gaze darken, only to become again that smooth mirror of ice that ached at every touch.

“I really have to go now. My family is probably already searching for me,” I stammered.

"I'm sure that's for the best," my dance partner showed himself emotionless and, at the same time, embraced Zuri again. Without another glance at the two of them or this gorgeous garden, I quickly walked to the narrow path that led back to the elevator, defying my stilettos. Tears made their way to the surface, but I hastily wiped them away with a defiant movement. By then, I had already reached the elevator and pressed the button obsessively.

“One moment!” I suddenly heard his dark voice say directly behind me. Immediately, I stiffened and felt his warmth againstmy back. The need to lean back and nestle my body against his almost tore me apart.

The elevator door in front of me opened. But I did not move, neither did I take a step forward, nor did I turn to face him. His breath was rapid, and like a gentle breeze, I felt the approaching warmth of his skin. The hairs on my neck stood up, and I had to close my eyes to keep myself from losing my mind to the power of this attraction between us.

Promptly, the warm feeling behind me died away, and only the night's cool breeze blew around me.

“My ring!” demanded Mr. Baldur as icily as he had given himself to me since Zuri’s appearance.

Torn away by reality, I opened my eyes, slipped the ring off my finger, and passed the piece of jewelry to the back as I entered the elevator without looking at it or its owner. I had to get out of here. As quickly as possible. The piece of silver was taken from my fingers entirely without touching them, and at the same time, the doors of my sanctuary closed.

Trembling, I stood alone in the small room, which suddenly had something calming. No one could see me here. No one could witness my feelings, my pain.

Staggering, I ran my hands over my face, took a deep breath, and let out a frustrated cry. Then, finally, a calm settled over me, allowing me to press the button for the first floor and face reality.

I had to evaluate what I had just experienced as a time-out from reality. As nothing else. And this reality was already lurking with sharpened claws down in the Great Hall, where I was about to be presented to the Brotherhood. Once again, I took a deep breath. That was all I was allowed to concentrate on at the moment. So much depended on my appearance there.

With apling, the elevator announced its arrival on the museum's lower floor. Hastily, I smoothed my dress and tuckeda stray strand of hair into my hairstyle. As soon as the doors opened, I stumbled toward the hall where the dinner was being held.

Just as I passed the women’s restrooms, I spotted Chris leaning against a wall with a grim expression. I hurriedly ran toward him.

His gaze lifted, and when he saw me, great relief was written on his face but mixed with another feeling I could not interpret.

“There you are at last,” he uttered nervously, running toward me.

"Have you been waiting for me all this time?" I wondered, surprised and ashamed at the same time. How long had I actually been gone? Only minutes or even hours?

Taken aback, he looked at me. “Well, you haven’t been in the bathroom that long now. Are you okay?” Concern softened his gaze. “Are you sure they didn’t hurt you?”

"Who do you think did something to me in the washroom?" I asked, fear that someone might have seen me on the roof with Mr. Baldur creeping over me.

Gently, my brother took me in his arms and kissed me on the temple. This touch was so protective that tears came to my eyes again, which I hastily wiped away with the back of my hand.

“It’s okay. You don’t have to act strong with me. I’m sure it’s the shock you’re in,” Chris whispered close to my ear.

At the same moment, Rick came running around the corner. His gaze was also grim. He looked around in a hurry.

"Are you coming now? We should leave as soon as possible," he said, avoiding eye contact with me.

"Go?" I asked in amazement. "But I still have to be introduced to the Brotherhood. We can't just leave. That would put us all in danger."

“Is she in shock?” Rick wanted to know, and pity washed over his words. Mutely, Chris nodded in response and pulled me into a hug again.

Suddenly, my other brother was standing right next to me. "We need to get her past security and out to the limo without making a big fuss," Rick whispered to Chris.

Indignantly, I tore myself out of the priest’s arms.