"Let go of my wife at once!"his ice-cold words echoed in my memory. His voice had sounded threatening, almost like the growl of a wolf. But strangely enough, I hadn't felt any fear. Other than the two guys, who had tried to master the situationbut could not hide their fear. Panic had been in their eyes when I stumbled out of the hall and left them alone with my supposed savior.

Wherever he had come from and however he had been able to edit the films from the surveillance camera, so realistically, he had saved my life. Without him, I would surely be dead now.

The one pressing question remained: Why did the false servers want to kidnap me? To Mr. Baldur, they had meant that I was a heretic who had to be captured by order of the Knights of the Seals. Was the Brotherhood involved in this? Chris had also had this suspicion about the missing women. After all, they called me by my name, so they knew precisely who they were dealing with. Until Mr. Baldur showed up and turned me into Helena Baldur without further ado.Helena, like the beautiful Helena from Greek mythology, flashed through my mind. Her abduction had been the trigger for the famous Trojan War.

But there was another word that puzzled me. How had my non-husband addressed me again? My head was buzzing, but it was on the tip of my tongue. Straining, I squinted my eyes, almost as if it would suddenly magically reveal itself. And it did.

Haye. That's what he had said! I had not been able to recognize what language it was, although Charly, a true linguistic genius, had regularly thrown her newly learned foreign words at me.

But this one sounded unfamiliar. He had pronounced it so softly as if it were a term of endearment. Involuntarily, I had to smile. Not even Alex had a pet name for me. He called me Rina, as in my childhood, but never used words like Babe, Honey, or Pookie-poo. With the latter, he would have had to fear for his life.

And then some strange guy came running along, rescued me from a life-threatening situation, and incidentally gave me a pet name that I didn't even understand.

A sigh ran through me, followed by a tremor, and I wrapped my arms protectively around my torso.

Reassuringly, I felt the amulet lying on my cleavage. Fortunately, it had remained in its hiding place during the attack. As if by themselves, my fingers found the piece of jewelry and felt their way along the crescent. Another tremor in my body recalled the cold, and with a last glance at the actual moon in the sky, I closed the curtains. Quickly, I scurried to my bed and snuggled deep into my blankets.

Alex didn't come by anymore today. I would have to sort out what had happened myself. Seek comfort in the fact that I was still alive. My otherwise sheltered life had been torn apart last night. One that could never be repaired. Sadly, I closed my eyes. I couldn't shake off the feeling that this was only the first of numerous cracks that would follow soon, causing my foundation to shake and eventually bring me to my knees.

Was I strong enough to resist it? Did I have the strength not to lose myself in the process? Like what had happened to Charly?

Charly. A tear rolled down my cold cheek. My dearest friend, what had they done to her? Like an echo in the distance, I heard her laughter. Clear as a bell, joyful, free. I would have given anything to hear it again. With this thought and my memories of better times, sleep finally overcame me. It carried me gently into my darkness, which enclosed me in its arms and comforted me.

"Miss Myrina!"

The blackness surrounding me strengthened its grip on my being, and I also clung to its existence with all my might.

"Miss Myrina! You need to wake up."

Wake up?Why would I want to leave this peaceful place?No! I do not want to wake up!

Something tugged at me, breaking through my cocoon of darkness.

"Myrina, please!" Aza's voice now sounded very close. At that moment, my dream released me from its embrace back into the real world, which seemed far too glaring. Only with difficulty did I open my eyes and hold my hand protectively in front of my face. The sun's bright rays fell through the once again opened window directly onto my face, blinding my vision and bringing tears to my eyes.

"Aza," I croaked in my daze. "Can you please close the curtains?"

"But of course, Miss." With quick steps, she reached the window, and through my fingers, I could watch her turn her face to the sun, close her eyelids, and her lips move inexorably as if she were praying. Then, she took one deep breath to close the curtains with a smile.

"Are you feeling better, Miss?" she asked now, her expression suddenly concerned, any cheerfulness erased.

Slowly, I lowered my hands and, at the same time, tried to listen inside myself. Immediately, the memories of the two guys and their attack were as wide awake as I was.

"I ..." I stammered in an effort to put on my daily mask. The one that prevented anyone from seeing how I was feeling and what I was thinking.

"You are not well." Aza's sentence was not a question. It was an unequivocal statement. Spoken with confident vehemence and without allowing any contradiction on my part.

"Um... No, I'm not okay," I stammered. It was liberating to say it. How long had it been since I had shown anyone my true feelings? Even to Alex, I had hardly revealed my worries and fears lately. Was it because I didn't want to worry him? Or maybe because I didn't trust myself and my mask when I took itoff too often? Or did I doubt Alex after all? I quickly dismissed the thought.

"Would you like to talk about it, Miss?" asked Aza directly, sitting on the bed with me. Although I knew her only briefly, she seemed so unselfconscious, and I felt I could tell her anything, no matter how deep the secret was hiding inside me.

Without being able to stop myself, I began to tell her about what had happened last night. When I could no longer hold back the first tears, she wrapped me in her arms, just as my mother would have done. It was like a flood that, having broken through the dam, could not be stopped. Words and tears just poured out of me, taking turns or conquering my story simultaneously. In her comforting embrace, I felt safe, secure, and understood.

As soon as I had finished, I sheepishly wiped the last salty drops from my cheeks, and against my true longing, I withdrew from her proximity.

"I'm sorry," I said softly, feeling a heat rise in my ears that reflected my shame. I had confided in someone who was a complete stranger. Something that cost most people their lives in these times.

Aza's face also turned reddish, but not from a sense of shame like mine, but from anger, as I quickly realized.