"You horny, naughty millionaire's daughter," the driver gasped. "Must have spread your legs too many times. Right?" His throaty giggle gave me goosebumps of the eerie kind.

If I lift my knee now, he will go down, and I can slip into the house, I thought, but I still did not move. It was too dangerous to defend myself, especially in public.

Instead, I turned my face away from him to avoid the stench, but that seemed impossible. When had this guy showered last?

Suddenly, I felt, through the many layers of fabric of my dress, how his hand slid over my buttocks and, at the same time, pushed the skirt higher with every movement.Never again willI leave my underwear away, I thought, and I was relieved that this was not the case today. I was not even allowed to imagine what would happen if the pig would immediately grab directly on my bare skin.

But I also didn't want my underpants touched by those greasy fingers. What could I do to get rid of him without hitting, kicking, or possibly even castrating him?

My thoughts ran amok, and my body instinctively reacted in defense mode. Everything in me was screaming to hunt Thomas down. But that could not have happened under any circumstances if I did not want to endanger my family. So, I had no choice but to let it happen to me.

With clenched fists, I squeezed my eyes shut. Tears of anger and powerlessness rose in me. My skirt at the back of my buttocks was now pushed up almost all the way. Thomas' breathing was getting faster and faster, and I could feel his erection at my hip. My stomach began to rebel.

Suddenly, my dress fell back into its original place, and the weight of the chauffeur disappeared. Surprised, I opened my eyes. I was standing alone by the car. Thomas had disappeared. Hastily, I looked around, but nowhere I could discover the driver.

Without hesitation, I gathered my skirt and ran the short distance from the limousine to the front door, which swung open as soon as I reached it.

Stephan stood in the doorway and looked at me reprovingly. "A true lady does not run. But any lady was already lost on you when you were created," he said coolly.

Out of breath, I came to a stop next to him. "Stephan, have you seen Thomas?" I asked, ignoring his comment.

"Thomas? Yes, I saw him," he said grimly, wrinkling his nose in disgust at the same time. "But more importantly, you reallyshould take a shower, Miss. I'd rather smell Mr. Alexander on you than that stinky mixture of sweat and cheap aftershave."

If I had not just narrowly escaped a sexual assault and a possible resulting rape, I would have smiled about this statement of Stephan, but at that very moment, the shock of what had happened set in. A tremor made my whole body shake; I stood shakily on my feet and had to hold on to the door frame. The butler took a step back.

"Stephan, I'm not well," I yelped, struggling with the feeling of powerlessness. But he did not come to my aid. Instead, he pulled on the house bell, and shortly after that, a young woman appeared next to us.

"Aza, take Miss Myrina to her room and prepare tea afterward. Add some cookies, too," he instructed her curtly, turned around, and was gone the next moment.

Aza looked at me, perplexed. "Miss, can you walk yourself?" she asked uncertainly.

I nodded briefly, took a deep breath, and then stepped toward the stairs leading to the upper floor.

"No, let's take the elevator. I don't want you to fall down the steps!" the girl exclaimed, taking me by the arm to lead me to the elevator. I hated the elevator. It was small and slow, and my father installed it for my mother when she became so ill that climbing stairs was no longer possible for her. Until now, I had always refused to enter this thing and avoided it. But today, I would not get around it; I saw that.

What is wrong with me?Why did I react so differently than usual to this situation? I was someone who met difficult moments with defiance and a strong will. For the time, a thief snatched my purse from me in Central Park, and I followed him across the park. Until I finally caught up with him in a meadow and rammed him so hard, he fell to the ground. I got my bag back immediately, and the police took him away, notfive minutes later. Growing up with three brothers who loved American football had its advantages.

But today, I was on the verge of collapsing. Was it the heat combined with the unfamiliar training and the incident with Thomas? Probably. But where was the chauffeur now? And how should I behave toward him when he drove me to church again in three days? The thought of seeing him again made me sick to my stomach. I could not tell my father about all this because he could not fire the driver without him taking revenge for the dismissal in the cruelest way. If he went to the Knights of the Seals and claimed that I was not a virgin, which was true, it would not only get me into trouble.

No, I had to keep still and swallow everything that might come in the future. No one was allowed to know about the incident—neither my father, brothers, or Alex. Because the alternative would be to stop the training, but that was impossible for me. I had felt just a spark of the freedom I had once taken for granted today, and I wanted more of it. I needed more of it!

In a few months, I would marry Alex, move in with him, and be far away from Thomas. Until then, I had to survive.

The bell of the elevator snapped me out of my thoughts. Aza pushed me into the small room that offered us just enough space. As soon as the girl pressed the button for the second floor, the door closed, and with a jerk, the elevator started moving. Did it still smell like Mom's perfume in here? Or was I imagining it?

Only when the door opened again and I stumbled out into the corridor did I realize I had been holding my breath for the entire ride. Greedily, I sucked in the air, and a feeling of dizziness caused me to falter briefly.

"Come on, Miss," Aza said solicitously. "You're all pale around the nose. You should lie down for a while."

Astonished, I looked at the young woman, who took my arm and pulled me to my room. The maids always kept their distancefrom me, not daring to look at me. But Aza was different. She approached me with a friendliness and simultaneous self-confidence that I had not experienced in women for a long time.

When we reached my room door, I turned to her and smiled at her. "Thank you, Aza. I can manage on my own from here."

"All right, Miss. If you need anything else, just let me know," she said and smiled at me. Her blue eyes were positively radiant, and only now did I notice she had a beautiful face. Flawless, even perfect.

Before I could think further, the girl had already turned away and walked down the stairs to the first floor.

Completely exhausted, I opened my bedroom door, dragged myself up to my bed, and fell straight into a deep, dreamless sleep as soon as I lay down.