Silently, I nodded, and when Mr. Nash spoke again, we looked back at the projection.

"Did you really think you could escape the Brotherhood? No one can," the old man assured us with a cruel grin. "And Miss Johnson, no one will come to your rescue this time. You will not leave this ship alive. That I swear to you."

Aspasia took my hand and squeezed it tightly once. “We’ll make it!”

Demonstratively, I turned my back to the screen.

"Let's start with the plan! By the time the other guards arrive, we must have as many women out of here as possible!" I shouted without paying any further attention to Mr. Nash.

The Amazon now gave me a satisfied smile.

“Let’s do what we came here to do. Wait a minute before you leave the hall. By then, we’ll have lured away the sentries on your side! The Amazons outside the compound will be arriving soon as well.”

She quickly walked through the women, who stared distraught from our group to the screen.

Chris and I ran in the opposite direction. With a frightening battle cry, Maggy pushed open the door behind which they were already waiting for her. With her sword drawn, she fought her way through the men who were also armed. The rest of the troop rushed after her. Aspasia turned to me one last time in victory before locking the door.

Chris, next to me, looked at his wristwatch. A minute had never lasted so long.

As if magnetically attracted, I glanced at the screen again.

“Your mother will wish she had never created you, Myrina! My revenge for all she has done to me, for all she has done to us men, will be tremendous!”

“Myrina, the minute is up,” Chris yanked me away from the screen.

“It’s fine,” I stammered dazedly. “Then let’s begin.”

My brother carefully opened the door with a long dagger in his hand. The sound of battle and the wailing of sirens drifted over to us, but no one was to be seen. I quickly called on the first woman to join Chris, who would lead them through the entrance tower to the welcome center and from there to the tunnel entrance.

So I smuggled one woman after the other off the ship behind the long media wall. Shortly after Chris disappeared with the first escapees, the other Amazons who had been waiting for us outside entered the ship and joined Aspasia and her troop.

Maybe we have a chance, after all, I thought with a sigh. The evacuation took a long time because there were many injured women among the abductees. Searching for Charly and Anne, I looked into every face. But they were not there. The feeling of having failed stung me and fired my fighting spirit anew. When the last woman disappeared through the exit, I drew my weapon and ran around the screen toward the fight. I was relieved to see that everyone in our troop was still standing, even if there was a wound here and there on their arms or face.

A security guard approached me directly, but Rick lunged at him and quickly disarmed him. Astonished, I saw the security men were only equipped with long daggers. I had not expected that.

Aspasia spotted me. "Retreat!" she shouted into the crowd, pointing to the passageway that led from the ship onto the pier. The guards stopped attacking. They probably thought their task was done with our retreat. They had no idea their prey had left the ship long since.

The first Amazons had already followed Aspasia's call to retreat, but to make sure that none of us stayed behind, I waited until only Maggy and Aspasia were missing. Together, we were the last to run through the corridor that led down to the welcome center. Out of breath, we stumbled out the door onto the pier, and my heart stopped at the sight of what was happening.

About five hundred women sat crying on the back of the dock. Around them stood men with rifles. Our troops were fighting half an army of armed Knights of the Seals, while the men standing around fired indiscriminately into the fray. A little off to the side, I recognized John Adam Nash, who followed the spectacle with a satisfied grin.

Aspasia drew two swords and handed one to me.

"Without fear and conscience! For our sisters!" she said the exact words I had spoken to my army in my dream as theAmazon Queen and smiled sadly at me. How did she know those words?

The next moment, she lunged, screaming at one of Mr. Nash's men, and jolted out of my disbelief, I ran after her.

The sword slid so smoothly through the first man's body that I flinched in fright. I wanted to catch the life that escaped his eyes, but I had no time because the next enemy was already standing before me. Aimed at my life and paid with his own.

Blinded by the tears that mingled with the splattered blood of my victims, I fought my way through the throng of attackers. Driven by a fighting experience that seemed to lie dormant deep within me, I made my way through the ranks of men towering before me until I suddenly found myself face-to-face with Jack.

“Jack!” I exclaimed out of breath. “Are you all right?”

The usual mischievousness had disappeared from his eyes. Seriously and calculatingly, he looked at me. Abruptly, he raised his sword and unexpectedly attacked me. At the last moment, I dodged his blow. At his next attack, I could not help but jump aside again. This was Jack! I couldn't turn my weapon against him. He was my friend! At least, that's what I believed.

"Damn it, Myrina! Fight back!" he shouted angrily and rushed at me again. His sword shone high above me in the light of the headlights. Blinded and still caught off guard by this attack, I was not quick enough to dodge this time. With all my strength, I parried the blow of his sword. As if he had anticipated the move, he turned in a flash, came to stand to the side of me, and aimed his weapon at my heart. I knew that this was the end of me. I could no longer dodge, nor could I fend off the advance. Facing death, I stood still and waited for the pain. Jack moved forward, but someone slid between us just before the sword reached me. Over his shoulder, I saw Jack's eyes widen in shock. His weapon slid once all the way through his victim'sbody, and chestnut chin-length hair sank to the ground as if in slow motion.

I stood there frozen. My sword fell from my hand, and I felt my heart burst into a thousand pieces with a loud bang. My legs gave way, the noise of battle around me faded into the background, and I slumped to my knees.