"Jack has suggested that we make our move at exactly midnight, at the moment of guard change. That is when all the guards go to a fixed assembly point, which is here at the entrance gate. A new squad of men is already ready to take over the duty there. So the rest of the compound will be unattended for about ten minutes," she informed us further.

"That means we have exactly ten minutes to access the compound and make our way to the ship?" inquired Edward skeptically. The time window seemed very short to me as well.

"Yes," Aspasia confirmed, "It's not much time, but it could be done."

“Then let’s hope you’re right about that!” grumbled Alex, still scowling at me.

Chris also took a somewhat skeptical look at the map.

“Let’s assume for a moment that we really can do it. Won’t the guards be waiting for us inside the ship afterward?”

The Amazon gazed contrite in the round. "Unfortunately, we have not found out how the guard-changing process works inside the museum ship. But we're hoping for your knowledge of secret passages that aren't used much, Myrina and Chris."

“How about the ventilation shaft?” I asked thoughtfully.

"Do you know how to get into this system?" Edward wanted to know from me.

“Yes,” I replied, pointing to several places in the detailed drawing of the discarded aircraft carrier. “See here? Those are the entrances to the shafts that run through the entire interior of the facility!”

"That would be ideal!" exclaimed Aspasia enthusiastically. "And it would solve several problems in one fell swoop since it would allow us to trick the camera surveillance, for one thing, and stay together as a whole group, for another."

"That means the plan is in place, and if Jordy and Rick can get everything we need within the next 24 hours, we'll meet in the tunnel in front of the pier tomorrow. Everyone should be there by 11:30 p.m.," Alex explained, looking at me urgently again. His eyes pleaded with me not to go along, but I ignored him.

"I'll be with you tomorrow night around 11:00 p.m., Aspasia, so we can walk to the meeting place together," I said instead, and the Amazon nodded at me.

“Do you want me to take your workout clothes? Then you can change at our place beforehand. I’m sure it would be difficult to move around in the air vents in a dress," she indicated, pulling my pants and shirt out from behind the screen. “Although, I’d better lend you a dark shirt of mine. This one is too bright and would stand out too much.”

“Good idea. Thank you, Aspasia!”

"So for today, we'll call it a night. Everyone uses the night ahead and, if possible, the day to sleep or rest so that we're all fit when the time comes," Chris suggested spiritedly.

“I have to go anyway. Stephan is already waiting for me.” Hastily, I jumped up.

At the door, I turned to the group one last time. We had grown together in the past weeks, and even my distrust ofEdward had been too small to suspect him of endangering us and the mission.

Tomorrow, we would finally do what we had planned from the beginning. Hopefully, we were well enough prepared, and no disappointment awaited us! Because we had no other point of reference than the museum ship.


That night, I tossed from side to side and couldn't fall asleep. The whole time, I was haunted by the uneasy feeling that we might have missed something. In addition, my thoughts circled around Alex, with whom I had to finally have a clarifying conversation.

Although I had thought about it for a long time, I just didn't know what exactly to say to him. Could I even marry Alex despite the presence of Mr. Baldur in my mind and heart? What was certain was that I could not in good conscience walk down the aisle with him without having told him first. And to leave the choice tohimof whether he wanted to continue to enter into the marriage bond with me.

It was only fair and the right thing to do.

Would we ever have a carefree relationship like before? Was it possible to regain the trust we had lost?

Alex was very close to my heart, and his concern for me showed that it was no different for him. I could not hurt him.

Sometimes, I cursed the day when Tanael Baldur came into my life. He had saved me several times from the Brotherhood, for which I was grateful, but at the same time, I wondered why he had done it.

This man had everything: power, money, and a look that ensured him the ladies' attention. What exactly did he want from me?

And what was it about those intense, intimate moments we shared each time, only to be coldly and aloofly pushed away by him afterward? Something that broke my heart again and again.

No matter how I called these encounters, the only important thing was that I could not let myself be treated like that.Nowoman deserved being tossed back and forth like a cue ball. Neither did I.

So much had already been taken from me. My freedom, independence, voice, education, friends, future, and rights, but what I had left, I should guard like a treasure. So, allowing this man to take away my self-worth was out of the question.