Confused by this unexpected change of subject, my gaze followed his outstretched finger, and I looked up.

"No, I don't," I replied calmly. "Do you want to tell it to me, Tanael?”

His name slid over my tongue like honey. Surprisingly, I enjoyed saying it. Briefly, he eyed me, and out of the corner of my eye, I could see a smile playing around his seductive, soft lips.

For a brief moment, he paused, and then he, too, turned back to the night sky.

"Once upon a time, far before our time, when our world was still a whisper in the universe and eternity swallowed everything, darkness was born. It was beautiful, fearless, and destined to carry the growing world within it." In his voice, which sounded tender, resonated a certain sadness. "Bravely, she persevered in the storms that swept across the wastelands, braving the fires and enduring the emptiness surrounding her. But then, one day, the light came. Without warning, it forced its way into her realm, giving birth to life in this world. At first, the two could not stand each other, feeling the other was destroying their work. Doggedly, they tried to destroy each other until they saw what they had created together. Where there had been emptiness before, there were now plants, trees, flowers, land, and water. Everything was fertile and of an infinite beauty. Even living creatures grazed in the meadows and swam in the oceans.

Darkness and light reconciled and enjoyed the sight of what had been created together. Their enmity turned into friendship, and this friendship turned into love until both of them burned so much for each other that they fell into the disfavor of the one who had wanted to displace the darkness with the light. He tried to divide the couple, and when this failed, he had the darkness chained to the sky with his magic so that it could never again join its beloved light."

Gently, his fingers stroked over my hand, which lay between us. Hot tingled this touch in my entire body after.

"But the light, he loved the darkness so much that he couldn't be without it," he continued in a whisper. "His heart belonged to her; it would remain for all infinity. He ripped out his heart, shattered it into billions of tiny particles, and gave them to his beloved so they could be together forever. Since then, wheneverthe darkness merges with the heart of her great love, there are stars in the night sky."

Silence fell over us, and his words resonated deep inside me.

“That was a beautiful story,” I breathed, touched by that tenderness that had been in his telling. “I wonder if they still love each other.”

My gaze slid to him and met golden eyes that shone as if they themselves were part of the starry sky.

"For all eternity," he breathed, intertwining his fingers with mine. They fit perfectly into each other, almost like they had been made for each other.

Silently, we looked at each other, captivated by the eyes of the other. In the far distance, countless shooting stars glided across the firmament, but I paid them no more attention. What was it about this man who captivated me in reality and in my dreams?

“May I kiss you, Myrina?” he suddenly asked into the silence. Expectant and uncertain at the same time, he looked at me. My gaze fell on his full lips, which had already kissed me once in my fantasy and which I had longed forever since.

Mutely, I nodded and, in his irises relief, mixed with the darkness of his lust, rose. Very carefully, he approached me, gently placed his other hand on my cheek, and stroked it tenderly over my burning skin.

“Are you sure?” he now said so softly that I could barely hear it. Without hesitation, I nodded because I could already taste him on my tongue, so close his face hovered over mine.

"My downfall, my Haye," he breathed, and finally, I felt his lips on mine. Passionate like two drowning men, we sucked in each other's breath, clung to each other, and sank together in our longing.

Wild and unrestrained, Tanael’s hands ran all over my body as his kiss engulfed me. My lap burned, and my own desire raged unbridled inside me.

Forgotten were all doubts, the fear of being discovered, fiancées or wives, even the whole world. There was only him and me, bound together by this powerful attraction that united us and, at the same time, would be our undoing.

“We have to stop, or I’ll forget myself and take you right here in the sand,” he growled between clenched teeth.

“Then take me, Tanael,” I whispered, knowing it was the only thing I wanted. Always would want.

Tenderly, he looked into my eyes for a moment. In his blazed the same fire that also engulfed me, that made me burn for him.

“Oh, Haye,” he breathed, kissing me softly on my lips.

“Tanael, there you are!” I suddenly heard a female voice. Zuri was standing not far from us, observing us with a smile. No anger, jealousy, or other emotion one would expect in such a situation was on her face.

Tanael sighed briefly and then rose quickly to walk toward his wife.

“Darling, were you searching for me?” His voice was full of tenderness, and as soon as he reached her, he took her hand in his.

Zuri, however, looked over at me curiously.

“Don’t you want to help Myrina up?” she asked her husband. He gave me a cool stare.

"MissMyrina doesn't need any help and was just leaving." Without paying any further attention to me, he turned away. "Have a good night, Miss!" Then he walked away with Zuri in his arms just like that.

I was left quivering and trembling in the sand. Disappointment, anger, and pain raged inside me. Energetically, I jumped up.