My father also stepped toward Mr. Baldur and extended his hand in greeting. Over Chris' shoulder, I saw the look of his golden eyes searching mine, again reflecting his promise.


Aza and I entered my spacious bedroom, which a butler had assigned to us. My girlfriend would be staying in the room right next door.

I looked around in amazement at the white-purple furnished room, larger than my home bedroom. A cozy-looking four-poster bed stood in its center, and oak-colored bookshelves adorned the walls, drawing me in forbiddingly – I wondered if this was a trap? Behind a glass wall, I even discovered a small swimming pool constructed so you could see outside while swimming. The whole bedroom was so open and bright that it gave me a strange feeling of freedom.

Surprised, I dropped the bag I had carried up to the second floor and ran to the window front without thinking of etiquette. Overwhelmed by what I saw, I yanked open the patio door and stepped onto the balcony, from which a walkway led directly to the beach. Thanks to the many torches that lined the path, I could see all the way to the water despite the darkness.

Like a drowning woman, I sucked the sea air into my lungs, and happiness flowed through me. I had always loved the beach, the sea, and the sun and had missed it sorely in recent years.

Since the Knights of the Seals had taken over, we had not gone to the sea or on vacation. Firstly, because it was considered by the Brotherhood to be one of the leisure activities that were not respectable, and secondly, for my safety.

But now we were forced to be here; I would use the time and enjoy it.

"This is incredible!" exclaimed Aza enthusiastically, and I saw how her face shone with vivacity. "It's been ages since I've seen the sea," she sighed, propping her arms on the balustrade.

"Invites for swimming, actually," I whispered with a grin.

My friend looked at me reprovingly.

"Please don't do anything crazy, Myrina. It's not worth it," she begged me, turning her back to the ocean. "And anyway, have you seen your swimming pool?" She pointed her finger at the pool, which was no less inviting. "That's dreamy too, isn't it, and it doesn't put you in any danger?"

"You're right," I sighed, a little disappointed, and walked back to the room. Aza followed me.

She helped me unpack and hang up my clothes for the next half hour. For the reception, which, so far, only I knew I would not attend, we chose one of my dresses. After what happened in the entrance hall, my brothers and father would only be grateful if I didn't show my face again.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. We looked at each other in surprise. Who could that be? The reception wouldn't start for another hour, and the rest of the family was still unpacking with Stephan.

Hesitantly, Aza went to the door and timidly opened it.

"My beauty! I have something here for Lady Myrina," I heard Sam's beguiling voice, and Aza blushed to the tips of her ears. The next moment, she seemed to have regained her composure, snatched the large box he was holding from the astonished man, and said firmly, "Is that all, Sir?"

"Yes… that will be all," stammered the assistant, who was visibly taken off guard by Aza's confidence, which I silently celebrated. Without waiting for another word, Aza threw the door shut in his face again.

Startled, she widened her eyes and stared at me nervously. “Did I really just do that?”

Nodding, I began to laugh. "I don't think Sam has ever received such a rejection from a woman."

Aza had to grin now, too. “I really don’t know what got into me.” She brought the box over to the bed. “But it felt really good.”

Her cheeks were still red. Her look, however, showed pride. Despite the danger she might have put herself in, there was no fear in her countenance, like an Amazon.

Sighing, I stepped up next to her and glanced uneasily at the package in the middle of my bedspread, reminding me strongly of that box I had received at the last gala.

I loosened the purple bow with trembling fingers, which slid gently onto the blanket. My gaze darted to Aza, staring just as intently at the closed lid.

“What are you waiting for? Open it!” she urged me.

Taking a deep breath, I nodded and pulled the top of the box aside with a jerk.

Dumb with amazement, I examined what I had unveiled. After the last dress, I would never have believed there could be a more beautiful one. How wrong I had been!

"It's gorgeous," Aza breathed in awe, gently stroking her fingers over the soft tulle fabric, which appeared even more delicate in a gentle light blue than it already was.

“Don’t you want to take it out?” she asked, observing me inquiringly from the side.

"No," I replied stiffly, taking a few steps backward. "You do it. I have to go to the bathroom." I left her perplexed and hastilyretreated to the bathroom, which, fortunately, unlike the pool, was not surrounded by glass walls.