With his tongue, he slid down my neck to my collarbone, which he covered with tenderness. Burying his nose in the crook of my neck, he sucked in my scent, and I felt how I excited him, only igniting his desire even more. His blue eyes were dark as he looked at me, and the intensity of his gaze could break down walls.

Another wave of pleasure rolled over my body. "Release me," I begged, which elicited a wry grin from him. Devotedly, he let his tongue circle my nipple, driving me almost insane with lust, and a tremor reached every cell in me.

“Please,” I whispered with the last of my strength.

His tongue made its way to my belly button but didn't stop there, instead tracing its hot trail further down to my womb, which was throbbing hungrily by now.

Warmly, his mouth lay on my center, filling it completely. His fingers sought a path inside me while he gently triggered the most sensitive part of my body.

“You taste even better than I ever dreamed,” he growled from between my thighs, the vibration of his voice sending renewed waves of desire into my abdomen.

Everything in me contracted at that one point when his tongue touched my skin—ignited a fire that could destroy my entire world to let me rise again afterward like a Phoenix from the ashes. Flames were already flickering at the edges of my consciousness. My body was burning, and like a mighty earthquake, lust rumbled deep within me, rising in anticipation of the one moment when heaven and earth would touch.

Blurry, I perceived Paris' eyes staring at me longingly over my naked body. Without being able to look away, my gaze became entangled with his, merged with him and our shared lust. Longing flickered in his irises, which, coupled with hunger, were no longer blue. Only briefly, I wondered what color I recognized in the swirls of desire when my being had already exploded, and I burst into flames. Relief, happiness, and the feeling of absolute freedom flowed through my veins, warming me from within and locking out reality until they made room for security and a pleasant tiredness, which I received with open arms.

Smiling, I opened my eyes and was almost disappointed to discover no Paris in my room. The nightgown covered my body again, and the comforter lay protectively over me. The only thing that had disappeared was the feeling of lust that could overtake me at any moment. This strange spell seemed to be broken. A statement that calmed me on the one hand but also left me with an inner emptiness.

An emptiness I had been carrying inside me for a long time but had never consciously noticed until this moment.

This thought eventually accompanied me to sleep, where comforting darkness caught me and also enveloped me with security.

The next day left me enough moments to immerse myself in the memories of this love game between Paris and me. My longing for Alex was ignited and grew into a flame that had to be extinguished. While it was no match for the desire that had raged through my body the previous night, I still couldn't wait to be united with Alex finally.

It was already late at night, and I sat impatiently on my bed. A storm was raging outside. The trees in the garden cast shadows reminiscent of hungry monsters. Still, I tried to stay calm, not to worry about my fiancé, who had to make his way here.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling right outside my window. Excited, I jumped up to see if it was Alex. My heart leaped when I spotted a shock of auburn hair among the bushes.

"Alex," I whispered, and even my whisper could not hide my joy. The young man seemed not to have missed my enthusiasm for his appearance. A brilliant smile tugged at the corners of his mouth, revealing a row of white teeth gleaming in the night's darkness.

"Step aside, Rina," I heard his whisper, fighting the wind. Immediately, he leaped nimbly through the window and landedsoftly on the carpeted floor. Before he had even fully risen, I had already thrown myself into his arms and pressed my mouth tumultuously onto his.

I felt under my lips that his mouth was forming into a smile again. Giggling, he tried to keep me at a distance and, at the same time, move to the other corner of the room, far away from the room door and possibly uninvited listeners.

"Rina, what's wrong with you? I haven't seen you this impetuous in a long time," he smiled, took me in his arms, and kissed me gently on my hair. But a fire was burning inside me, smaller than the one that had filled me with Paris but still big enough not to be extinguished by a hug.

Again, I rushed to my fiancé and his lips. Nevertheless, I did not get the desired response this time either—quite the opposite. Gently and yet determined, Alex pushed me away from him.

“We need to talk.”

Surprised, I raised an eyebrow and crossed my arms before my chest. Talk? That was the last thing I wanted to do with Alex in my bed.

“Yes, talk. About your training,” he added. “Or rather, about your weapons training.”

Annoyed, I rolled my eyes. He wasn't going to start that again, wasn't he? We had discussed this problem, that neither of us had ever learned how to use weapons, long enough with Chris, and he was planning to discuss it with Jordy and Rick.

“I have the solution to our problem,” Alex now declared, pride resonating in his voice.

“Oh,” was my reaction, which sounded absolutely not interested. But Alex completely ignored that and continued instead. "My fellow students and former college friends Jack and Edward have received years of weapons training in various sports. Jack in archery and Aikido, Edward in fencing."

"That's great, Alex, but how will that help us?" I asked, slightly confused.

“I let them in on it,” Alex now replied, looking at me almost as if he expected a pat on the back for that.

“You what?” I yelled out, having to quickly curb my temper so as not to wake the whole house.

Offended, my fiancé now looked at me.

"I told them about our training and the cool tunnel system," he said defiantly, adding a moment later with a reassuring undertone, "I trust those two. They are my friends. You don't have to worry about them. They won't betray us."