Slowly, I rose from my throne and walked down the steps to Paris, who didn't take his eyes off me any less than I did. Invitingly, he held out his hand, and as soon as I grasped it, a flash ran through me. In my mind's eye, I saw huge triangular structures reaching far into the sky like sunbeams, created of stone, surrounded by desert, and a city founded with divine blood that would become a mighty empire.

Confused, I swayed briefly until two strong arms caught me.

"All is well, beautiful Helen? I've finally found you, and I'll never let you go," Paris whispered hotly against my ear. His warm lips brushed my cheek, leaving a burning trail. Hispromise intertwined with my vision, becoming one with it, and I knew what I had to do.

“I am yours. What is brought together by destiny must not be separated until its fulfillment,” I breathed, drowning in the deep water of his blue eyes. Hopefully, I could swim well enough.

Startled, I opened my eyelids. It was pitch dark in my room, and yet I had the feeling that I could still see the bright blue of Paris’ irises.

Again, such a strange dream! This time about Helen of Troy. A queen who dared to leave everything behind to fulfill a prophecy, her destiny. To become part of the history on which our world was built.

Once again, I was a figure of the mythical world who followed her own path and showed me what I also wanted to achieve.

Not having quite finished the thought, I suddenly became aware that the desire I had just felt in the dream continued to throb violently in my womb. The place where my skin had come into contact with Paris' lips was on fire.

Accordingly, I stroked with my finger over the trace he had drawn. The desire to be touched and loved by him tore me apart. An unprecedented passion reared up in me, and the realization that I would never be able to satisfy it brought tears to my eyes. Never before had I felt so attracted to a man, and as much as I loved Alex, his presence did not make me burn the way I had, the way Helen had burned for Paris ... still burned.

How was that possible? This prince did not exist, yet the feeling of belonging to him did not evaporate, even in the cold of reality.


My breath was still going much too fast. For over an hour now, I lay in the darkness of the night and tried not only to find back to sleep but, above all, to shake off this longing, this tingling.

But every time I closed my eyes, I saw those of Paris threatening to engulf me with his desire. Once again, I could hear his melodic voice, smell his scent, and feel his hot breath on my skin.

If this didn't stop soon, I would go mad. Energetically, I rolled onto my left side, buried my face under the covers, and squeezed my eyes tightly shut. An electrifying tingle slithered through my body like a snake making its way through my veins until it joined the desire in my womb—the desire for this man from my dreams, his body, his hands on my bare skin.

Lust reared up in me, wanting to make its way to freedom. It became torture, and a tear rolled silently down my cheek. Once again, I threw myself back on my back, crossed my legs, and tried to ignore the sensual feeling between my thighs. But the longer I lay here, the less I wanted to succeed.

The wish that Alex would be here and free me from this torment became overwhelming. However, a small doubt stirredin me whether my fiancé would be enough to satisfy this strong need.

Startled, I opened my eyes. Was this already cheating? Was I cheating on Alex by dreaming of and desiring another man? A man who came from a mythology and who I had never met in my life- or would ever meet?

It had all felt so incredibly real. Even now, I could feel the weight of the bracelets on my wrist and the air fanned out to me by the palm fronds, as well as the strong will that had rested in me, in Helena.

But what I felt most intensely was this burning inside me —this longing for his touch, for him. A whimper escaped me, and like a fire, the sexual excitement shot through my whole abdomen. Made me rebel and push through my back.

Even the panic and worry of cheating were washed away by this wave of pleasure. Soon, it would be light outside, and how could I get through the day if I was on the verge of an orgasm at any time?

Would this haunting come to an end if I gave myself to him? The thought stung me because I felt it was a betrayal towards Alex. The next wave took possession of my body and of me. It was almost as if I was under a spell. Perhaps I was not fully awake and still stuck in Helen's body and consciousness.

I had no choice but to surrender to this feeling, at least in an attempt to shake it off this way. If it continued to be present afterward, I would have to fight through the day willy-nilly and wait for Alex to visit me late in the evening.

Alex.I brought his face up in my mind’s eye. If I just thought about him hard enough, it would feel less like cheating.

Taking one deep breath, I closed my eyes, and as soon as I relaxed, Alex’s figure changed, becoming the beautiful man from my dream. With all my might, I brought my fiancé back to my mind, but already the next wave of excitement rolled over hisface, and what remained were blue eyes and dark curly hair.Paris.

My will to resist dwindled, so I gazed deep into the sea of his irises, letting it carry me away. Suddenly, the prince took physical form, and I felt his weight on me, his arousal throbbing against my thigh.

I opened my eyes in disbelief. But I was alone. Only the wind, blowing through the open window, gently brushed my naked skin, tingling like a breath and leaving me quivering with desire.

Involuntarily, my eyelids closed, and there he was, the man I wanted, the man Helen needed. His hot lips brushed mine, and I knew I was lost. Wild and demanding, I placed my mouth on his. His tongue thrust forward, playing around my own in a dance that had waited millennia for this moment. A moan escaped my throat, and with a jerk, my bedspread and clothes were gone. Nothing now lay between my bare skin and Paris' body.

As if delirious, I threw my head back, exposing my neck, which the prince covered with kisses. His right hand buried itself in my hair while the other kneaded my breast. The heat inside me slowly became unbearable.

"Hold on a little longer, my beauty. I will let you come in a moment," I heard his throaty voice against my ear. It was like a whisper of the past.

"But first, I want to taste you," he whispered, a promise that ran tingling down my spine. His fingers played with my now hard nipple, causing the feeling of a carousel ride in my head.