No, I must not even think such a thing! I admonished myself sternly. Matrak, like Gendur and Navar, was here in this tent for only one purpose. One of them should impregnate me. It didn't matter which of them, as long as I was carrying a child soon. If it became a girl, she would stay with me and grow up as an Amazon. A boy, however, was not wanted here in the women's tribe. His fate would be tied to his father's village, where someone would take care of him.

Meanwhile, Matrak's fingers slid delicately up my neck, and I intercepted them just before he reached my face. He clasped his wrist and came quickly to sit on him. His second arm I had also seized and now pinned both against the floor above his head.

Two frightened brown eyes stared at me questioningly. Despite his physical strength, I could smell Matrak's fear. After all, we Amazons stood for the death we had already brought to so many people.

"Fun, but no caresses, understand?" I hissed. At the same time as he nodded, lust entered his eyes. Because there was something else we Amazons were known for besides death:decidedly excellent and wild sex. Without limits, without shame, and above all, without conditions. His arousal came to me, and without letting go of his gaze, I let it slide inside me. His steeled body felt good. Matrak groaned out. Slowly, I rolled my hips over him, feeling my pleasure building. Suddenly, another hand grabbed my nipple, lightly pinching it, then circling the same spot with its accompanying tongue. Surprised, I looked into Gendur's greedy face. His grin was that of a wolf cornering the lamb. He would not be gentle with me, but it would take me hard. Animalistic and not gentle. Something I could not lose my heart to. Still, it was respectful on an eye-to-eye level. And it was fun! It's just what I needed right now.

Gendur's hand traveled down my belly until he placed his fingers between my labia and the most sensitive part of my body. Demandingly, he circled them. Flames crept up my womb. Instead of continuing to roll my hips over Matrak, I slowly moved up and down. I almost released his erection, only to take it deep inside me again afterward. Matching the rhythm of Gendur's fingers, I grew faster and faster. My heart raced, and the blood in my veins crackled fierily—my feelings, my lust, and my whole being united in my center. Matrak, under me, did not fare any better.

"I'll reach the peak any moment now," I pressed between heavy breaths. It seemed the young man had waited only for this one sentence of mine because in the next moment, my inner fireworks exploded, and Matrak climbed to the top. While I was still enjoying the last waves of my orgasm, two large hands lifted me down from the male arousal to lay me on the skins next to the twitching man. Gendur lifted my legs onto his shoulder, and with one powerful thrust, he filled me. I made sure that my lust was directly reawakened as well. Wild, impetuous, and hard, he sank his member into me anew each time. His sparkling eyes, coupled with a greed for more.Glowing hot, his hands lay on my thighs and grabbed me so powerfully that I knew his fingerprints would remind me of this moment for the next few days.

A shadow settled over me. Navar. His tongue traced over my neck and slowly slid down to my breasts, which were sensitive to his touch.

Meanwhile,Gendur took me hard; every thrust echoed in my body, and my fingers buried themselves in the furs beneath me. My lust was strained to the breaking point. While Gendur positioned me so my pelvis no longer touched the floor, Navar's tongue approached my womb until he placed his mouth on my pubis and slid his tongue inside. At that exact moment, a scream left my throat, mixed with a moan. Meanwhile, my entire body shook. Shortly after, I felt Gendur contracting inside me, but this time, too, I had no time to savor this feeling fully because Navar also wanted to fulfill his duty. Gendur slid out of me but did not release my legs. Instead, I was turned onto my stomach from this position. My arms he held tightly to my back while Navar got on his knees behind me, pushed my thighs apart, lifted my hips, and conquered me from behind. The two previous climaxes were still causing their aftershocks, and so within a few thrusts, Navar's arousal had brought me back to the edge of the cliff. Ready to rise again to unimagined heights.

An hour later, I stepped out of the tent and headed for the stream that meandered through the landscape next to our camp. I squatted on its banks with knees still trembling from the enjoyable morning moments.

The current was gentle so I could see my reflection on the water's surface. Green eyes stared back at me. I was tired but satisfied. This night was everything I expected, everything Ihad hoped for, and now it was up to the goddess Artimpasa whether she would grant me a daughter in addition to my sexual fulfillment. As long as I don't lose my heart to one of the men, I thought and hastily washed my face.

"Sister, how was your night?" I heard my friend's voice, the second queen of our tribe, ask. "You look tired, so it was very eventful!" she teased, kneeling beside me. Her eyes were as green as the lush grass of the steppe in spring. All of our Amazon sisters wore this eye color. It reflected our attachment to our land.

"Bateia, this is none of your business," I said sternly, but I couldn't help grinning as I tied my brown hair with a leather cord.

“It’s obvious to you from a distance anyway it was a wild night, my dear. It’s an open secret!” The queen laughed, only to turn serious the next moment. “Do you think it’s worked?”

A sigh escaped my throat. As the two queens of this tribe, it was essential to produce offspring because they would lead our sisters after our death. That was what tradition demanded.

"I don't know, Bateia. I can only hope Artimpasa means well to me," I answered my friend honestly.

The latter patted me encouragingly on the shoulder. "You'll be fine. But now you'd better pray to Ares, the God of war. We have received word that the Atlanteans are on their way to us. You're about to leave with your army. You must get ahead of them before they reach our camp."

"The Atlanteans? Strange. What do they want from us?" I asked in astonishment, but my friend only raised her shoulders. It could be the same reason that had already driven many people to war against us—the desire for power, for glory. To defeat the Amazons in battle kept the world of men in suspense. What made up their dreams and drove them?

Without saying goodbye to the three men in my tent, I stood by the horses shortly after with my weapons and a shield. My faithful spotted stallion Terek neighed when he spotted me.

Lovingly, I put the reins on him, stroked his nostrils, and whispered that I thanked him. We had already fought numerous battles together, and he had always brought me home safely.

I carefully checked my weapons. I carried the bow with the arrows on my back. The knives and the double axe were on my belt around my waist. Every Amazon had such a belt; only that of the queens was inherited from generation to generation. So was mine.

Terek bent his front legs and went down in front of me so I could climb on his back more easily. My bare legs and thighs lay directly on the animal's fur, which was already warm and damp from the heat.

How good that we wore only short dresses. In such weather conditions, in addition to the martial advantages, they brought that without heavy armor, we did not collapse so quickly in the heat, as very often happened with the Greek warriors. The men also underestimated my army and me because of our clothes. Even from a distance, it was clear we were women, and up close, we were provocative enough that many men did not realize they were being attacked until it was already too late.

With a tiny movement of my thighs, I spurred Terek on and headed for the outer edge of our camp, where the army had already gathered. Several hundred women had gathered there on their horses and looked expectantly toward me. My friends Failge and Samsi stood in the first row and could not help grinning with amusement. Bateia had told them about my short night.

When I got back, I would take them to task for it. It had been a long time since we had fought a duel. Indeed, it would dous good, especially Bateia, since she was less experienced than me as the queen who always stayed in the camp to protect it against possible enemies. It would be a good training for her.

"Sisters!" I shouted across the field that stretched before me, giving way to hundreds of women armed for battle. Amazons in short white togas, with green eyes, fearlessly facing the battle.

"Today, we will encounter the Atlanteans. Without fear and conscience! For our sisters!" I roared as I drew one of my knives and held it aloft. Shouts of jubilation were the response.

At that moment, I caught sight of a glimmer of light on one of the hills to the northeast. The warning had reached us too late. The army of the other people had long been within our terrain, ready to attack. My sisters also discovered the intruders.

"Go!" I shouted at the top of my lungs and spurred Terek to a gallop. Like a wave, we burst upon the foot soldiers of Atlantis. Our arrows pierced them before they saw us, and our knives, at the level of their necks, spilled their blood. The grass at our feet quickly turned red, and the heat made the dead stink terribly in no time.

I mercilessly slaughtered my way through the ranks of the enemy. We were outnumbered, and our position on the horses proved advantageous.

Suddenly, our warning horn sounded from the camp. My gaze shot in that direction, and with horror, I saw a large group of Atlanteans on horseback storming the tent city.