I flinch as his hand reaches out, almost smacking me straight in the face. My eyes widen in horror when I feel his fingers wrap around my throat, not to choke me but to show me that he has every opportunity to hurt me if he wishes to. I would hope that he wouldn’t because I really don’t want to die but I know begging will not get me anywhere. If anything, it’s just going to rile him up more and then I will really be hurting. I clear my throat, very aware now of the situation that I am in. I try to remain as calm as possible because freaking out isn’t going to do anything for me.

“Elliot.” I whisper hoarsely, gazing up at him because for the first time, I truly feel afraid that he might try to kill me, “please, don’t do this.”

I see something flash in his eyes, something that gives me hope. I should have known it would be too good to be true as he squeezes enough to make me feel the pressure. I won’t give him the satisfaction of seeing it on my face though because I know it won’t do me any good. I debate on what I’m going to do though because I keep trying to tell myself that the only way to win this is to run away as fast as I can…

But how can I run when there is no way I will be free?

“I wish that I could just hate you.” He honestly tells me, stroking his fingers through my hair as he watches me, “I honestly think it would make things so much easier. I’m sorryto say that after what’s happened between us that it has come to this, but I just know that I’m going to forever be in your debt. I don’t like being seen as second best… There’s no way that I am second best. If anything, you’re the worst thing that comes to mind, Amelia. I can promise that the world would forget you but they wouldn’t be able to forget completely… It would be better if you were just dead.”

“You will not kill me.” I tell him softly, hoping that he will see some common sense, “you need me alive, Elliot. If I’m dead…”

I thought that he would kill me when the murderous glare is directed at me but then, I suddenly hear banging sounds. We both look up towards the door just as it bursts open, revealing a very pissed Joshua whose eyes are blazing and his teeth and claws have extended, showing his animalistic side. I relax almost immediately, happy to see him because I have no idea what I would have done if he wasn’t here. His eyes land on Elliot’s hand wrapped around my throat and a ferocious growl escapes him.

“You’re a dead man!” He snarls.

He lunges forward, and that’s it for Elliot.

Chapter Eight


I saw red the minute that I beat up the guys standing guard and burst the door down. I was livid when I saw Elliot standing over Amelia, his hand around her throat. It didn’t look like he was actively trying to choke her but I just had this gut feeling that he had already threatened it. If I had it my way, I would have slaughtered him by now and let him know exactly what happens when you mess with this family. I know it might sound a little bit crazy but that’s the only thing that could honestly get through my head right now.

I wish that I could just kill him, it would make things so much easier.

I rip him off of Amelia as he almost instantly let her go. He tries to defend himself but he is much too slow for me. I punched him square in the face, feeling the satisfying crack radiate through my arm from the intensity of my hit. I go to hit him again, not giving a damn as he holds his hands up, trying to cover his face or somehow beg for mercy. I wouldn’t be able toshow him any. Every fiber of my being loathes him at this point. He’s lucky if this is the worst thing that happens to him.

Because right now, all I want to do is rip his head clean off and be done with it.

I won’t show mercy because he doesn’t deserve it. The only reason I hadn’t done that was because I didn’t want Amelia to see that side of me. He’s on the ground though, going to get up when I instantly press my foot into his chest. His eyes fly wide open as he grabs my foot, trying to stop me. I could crush his chest if I absolutely wanted to and I really did. If it wasn’t for Amelia, he would already be dead right now. I am tempted to just do so and then beg for her forgiveness later, but as the police file into the room, I know it is not the time.

I move my foot, kneeling down so we could be nearly face to face as I look at him, “this is going to be your ONLY warning, Elliot. Stay far, far away from Amelia if you want to remain in the land of the living. I HATE bastards like yourself who think that they can just mess with a girl and get away with it. I…”

“What the fuck happened?” A voice booms through the room, making me jump actually.

I looked up, shocked to see my best friend. I wasn’t expecting to see him for a few weeks but he is almost instantaneously at Amelia’s side. He unbinds her, a look of worry on his face. The police are already handcuffing Elliot, dragging him away. He’s kind of lucky because she would have killed him if given the chance again and I wouldn’t have put it past him this time. I know that Adam would kill the bastard the minute he is able to. I would love to do that as well, my body thrumming with the intense need. I know in my mind it’s not a good idea to be running up and down the walls with these feelings but as soon as Amelia was free, she rushed towards me.

I immediately catch her as she jumps into my arms, burying her face into my chest as she seeks me for comfort. I glance upand see the look on Adam’s face. I know what’s going through his mind right now and I can’t even deny it. I don’t know what’s happening between Amelia and I, but this wasn’t how I wanted to tell him. I can already see the gears turning, determining how he is going to react. I clear my throat, keeping her at a safe distance.

“Adam.” I tried to speak but he just held up his hand.

“How far has it gone?” He grumbles through gritted teeth.

“Not very far.” I promise him, not really wanting to tell him how I just had my tongue inside of her, “I never intended for it to happen, Adam. I…”

“I’m in love with him.” Amelia suddenly speaks up, stunning the both of us because I wasn’t expecting that, “and I know you don’t like the idea of it but you’re just going to have to deal. I’m not letting him walk away from me.”

Adam watches us now, looking between us as if he is trying to decide how he wants to kill me. I wouldn’t put it past him at this point because he is known for holding grudges, nervously gnawing on my bottom lip because I honestly don’t know what to think at this point. He is going to go one of two ways and one way I’m most definitely not going to like…

“Okay.” He whispers hoarsely, “but I swear to all that is Holy, Joshua, you better not hurt her.”

That is a promise I could keep.


I’m nervous at this point because I know where this is leading. After giving my statement to the police, Joshua and I both decided that we were too tired to head home and would just spend the night in the hotel. I thought that Adam would have been more pissed but he was actually quite supportive. Idid have this bad feeling that it might come back to bite us in the butt but I didn’t want to worry about that. I just wanted to be happy and I knew that I could be that way so long as I was given the chance to.

Joshua comes up from behind me, placing a soft kiss on my shoulder as he places his hands on my waist, “I’m kind of surprised that Adam didn’t flip the hell out. That’s what I would have expected from him… What do you think?”