Page 31 of Protecting Lila

“Of course. You’re always welcome here, you know that.”

“Did someone say chocolate?” Levi asks, walking in carrying a few bags of Lindt chocolate and a container of brownies.

“We didn’t, but this is perfect. Thanks, honey,” Pia says, and he smiles at her as he sets everything down on the coffee table in front of us.

“I’ll leave you two to it. Let me know if you need anything else.”

“We will.”

“Thanks, Levi,” I say weakly, and he gives me a kind smile.

He kisses Pia before he heads back to his office, and I sigh as I grab the brownies.

“So, what are we watching?” Pia asks as she grabs the remote. “Maybe we should order pizza or something. Are you hungry?”

I let her chatter away at me and pick a show for us. I’m trying to pay attention, but it’s hard. I find myself staring out at the dark, rain-covered windows and watching the bleary lights of the city blink out one by one.

I wish Warren would pick me, but I know I can’t ask him to. I don’t want him to regret his choice or resent me later on. If he wants to return to being active duty, I need to let him.

I just wish he had gotten this offer before I went and fell in love with him.



I don’t knowwhy I didn’t just tell my Commander that I wanted to stay the moment he offered me that choice. Since I can’t leave Lila, and I know that she doesn’t want to leave Los Angeles or California. Not if it means being away from Pia.

I should have told my commander I was staying right then and there. Instead, I messed things up with Lila once again. I know that I hurt her and I hate that. The truth is that I walked into his office the next morning and told him that I wanted to stay.

Now that my job is secure, I need to secure my relationship with Lila. I know that I can’t live without Lila. Except now I can’t find her to tell her that.

I went back twenty minutes after I left to tell her that I chose her, that I just needed a few quiet moments to wrap my head around it, but that, of course, I was always going to choose her. Except, when I went back to her place, she was gone and she never came back.

She hasn’t been home all weekend, and I would know. I’ve been knocking on her door and checking the parking lot every hour. I’ve tried calling and texting her, but her phone must be off because it goes straight to voicemail each time.

I’m starting to lose my mind. It’s been three days, and I need her. I need to tell her what she means to me.

I know she has to be with Pia, but I don’t know her last name or phone number to call and ask to talk to her. So, I’ve resorted to driving around to her favorite restaurants and spots trying to find her. Anywhere that she’s mentioned, I’ve driven by, but so far, I haven’t been able to spot her.

I drag my tired body out to my truck to make the drive home. I don’t have much hope that she’ll be home tonight, but I can’t stop myself from looking for her car in the parking lot and glancing up at her apartment for any lights or signs of movement as I pull into the lot.

When I see her car, I sit up straighter in my seat. I barely park my truck before I’m out and sprinting up the steps and to her door.

I knock, waiting impatiently for her to answer. When she does, my heart lodges in my throat. She looks so pretty, but she doesn’t smile up at me.

“Here to tell me that you’re an idiot again?” She asks blandly, and I swallow hard.

“I’m here to tell you that I love you. That I choose you. That I’m staying because I don’t want to be anywhere you aren’t. I need you, sunshine.”

She blinks, her mouth dropping open.

“I am an idiot. I’ve been waiting for the perfect time to tell you, but I should have told you when I first realized how I felt about you. I shouldn’t have let you doubt for one second that I wanted you and would always choose you.”

“You told me that you didn’t know what you were going to do,” she points out and I nod.

“I know. I thought that I still wanted my old life. I was going to ask you to come with me, but I realized I couldn’t do that to you. I know that you don’t want to leave Pia, and I don’t want to ask you to. I don’t want to deploy and leave you for months at a time. I don’t want to leave you at all.”

“Why did it take you so long to realize that?” She asks, crossing her arms over her chest.