Page 19 of Fierce Obsession

He has no right to be so goddamn hot.

“Tell me something, sunshine.”

“I’d rather not.”

“Are you in love with him?”

I scoff. Of all the questions to ask. “Of course I love him. You’re reaching.”

“And he loves you, I presume.” He’s looking at me weird. There’s a lot of anger, but also this twisted curiosity. It makes me want to crack open my chest and tell him shit.

Which is stupid, because I amoverKnox Whiteshaw. In fact, I’ve never cared less about someone. He could step in front of a bus and I wouldn’t even gasp.

Quit lying, Aurora.

The elevator opens, but neither of us move to step in. I don’t know why I don’t go. I should. But he’s skeptical of my relationship with Joel. Questioning it.

The doors close again.

“He loves me. I love him. End of story, Knox.”

He bristles when I say his name—it just makes me want to say his name more. I don’t even know why he’s acting like such an asshole. It’s not like I purposely tried to ruin his life. I have no recollection of actually doing any such thing.

One day, we were fine. The next, he was yelling at me in front of my house. Telling me that he’s never coming home, that he doesn’t want to see my face ever again.

That’s history. That’sourhistory.

And it should stay in the past where it belongs.

I jam my finger on the button again, and the doors open. I enter, my legs unfreezing, and Knox follows. He’s like a dog with a bone, refusing to let me go in peace. He leans against the wall, arms crossed, and looks me up and down.

“I don’t think he actually loves you,” he muses.

His blue eyes end up on my face, and so hot with loathing I imagine I might burst into flames if he stares any longer.

“I think this was just a Joel Haverhill thing to do. Goalies are known to have a screw loose, you know? One thing led to another, and you roped him into an engagement.” His gaze flicks to my stomach. “Are you pregnant? Is that why you want to marry him? You’re ashamed to have a baby out of wedlock?”


“That is such an antiquated way of thinking,” I snap. “And if I was pregnant, I’d sure as hell not tell you.”

We arrive on the first floor, and I hurry outside. I pick up a jog, ignoring the cool morning mist. I should’ve stayed in the gym, but I somehow ended up in Titan land. Who knew Jacoband Knox would prefer their building’s fitness center opposed to the arena’s?

The one thing I will not contemplate is Knox’s sudden…interestin me. It’s weird. Of all the things I thought he’d do, ignoring me would’ve been at the top of the list.

It takes me two blocks to realize I have an unwanted shadow. The little hairs on the back of my neck rise, and I glance over my shoulder. Knox’s expression doesn’t change when he sees that I see him.

He stays half a block behind me. No matter how fast I go, or how slow, he matches my pace. He’s breathing down my neck from a distance, and my pace is all off. I’m stiff and sore by the time I reach the coffee shop a mile away, my predetermined stopping point.

I hate running. Jogging. Whatever you call the mess I just did—it was an impulse to get away from Knox. Not that it worked very well, seeing as how he’s not only a nuisance but a stalker, too.

The café is busy at this time of day, but I love the atmosphere. All dark academic vibes. Most of the walls are covered in deep-blue bookcases. The floors are warm wood. And they don’t just have tables, they have comfortable armchairs with side tables scattered around, too. Some have blankets folded over the back. Lamps and wall sconces instead of overhead lighting.

I keep meaning to come here to work. Not with the typewriter, that would be a little obscene. But when I’m editing, maybe. Or I could suck it up and take my laptop—not that the writing thing is really going so well at the moment.

My heart is beating steadily, my watch confirming it. I stare at the face for a minute as it rechecks, but my jog only raised my pulse a little.

The forced cardio is paying off, then. Which should feel satisfying. But instead, it just makes me yearn formore. Things that are probably still out of reach.