Page 68 of Wildest Love

I would lay my body down and sacrifice myself and even then, even over my dead body, they still wouldn’t get them.

* * *

Saddling up,I call on Hudson to help me. One of the older cowboys, but one of the only ones I can trust too.

“You ready to go?” I ask as I widen the rein on my dark dun and kick her forward. We all have our own horses, but I’m greedy and have two. Raff and Travis.

Raff is a dark dun Quarter Horse, and Travis is a chestnut mustang.

“Ready as I’ll ever be boss,” he gives me a curt nod and kicks his own horse forward.

“Then let’s go,” I click my tongue to the roof of my mouth and kick Raff on as we canter out the large open area and onto the fields. As we gallop alongside the fence line, I see Tripp and Pacey stop the truck, glaring at me as they get out. I slow up, bringing Raff to a halt and circling back round.

“You have fire in your eyes,” Tripp says with a knowing smirk.

“You know me brother,” I throw a wink in his direction and circle round again. Raff is picking up on my brewing anxiety and can’t stand still.

“Where is Marty?”

“Heading back to the offices.”

I give a steady nod.

“Want us to come?” Pacey asks.

“I mean, a little back up wouldn’t go amiss.” I chuckle and tighten my grip on the reins.

“See you at The Oaks.”

“See you there,” I nod and kick on, Hudson close the whole time as we ride down to Tom’s ranch. He and my father are of similar age, his ranch is a lot smaller than ours and they have sheep and goats, not one cow in sight. Rivera Ranch is the biggest cattle ranch on this side of the state and it took decades to get the reputation we did. People know who we are, my great grandfather built this ranch from the ground up and it’s grown stronger ever since. I am proud of my heritage and our land and I am not about to roll over so some suit can come in and destroy everything we have all worked so hard to build.

I am lost in my own thoughts, rage boiling through me, passion coursing through my veins and for just a moment, my thoughts move to Aspen and every emotion that had just consumed me suddenly quietens down. All I can feel is her.

Slowing Raff down, I loosen the reins as I approach Tom’s land. His gate is shut which is unusual. Hudson hops down and unhooks the gate, pushing it wide as I kick my horse on, Hudson by my side within seconds on his.

My lips twitch when I hear the sound of the tires crunching down the gravel of The Oaks driveway and I am glad that my brothers are here. I slow again when I see Tom approach, his cowboy hat firmly on his head. I cross my hands over the horn, my horse’s rein softly looped over one of my gloved fingers, but his neck is stretched and grazing on the grass.

“What do I owe the pleasure of having Riggs Rivera on my property?” Tom side-eyes Pacey and Tripp who are walking towards where we stand. I can’t help but notice a little bit of bitterness in Tom’s tone and it suddenly gets my back up. “And the Sheriff?” His brows raise.

“We’re neighbors are we not? Friends I thought?” I cock my head to the side, reaching up and taking my black sunglasses off, folding them down and placing them between my hands as they go back to resting on my saddle.

“I wouldn’t say friends,” Tom grumbles as he takes another step forward.

“You’re right there,” I chuckle softly, Pacey leaning against Raff’s shoulder, Tripp standing just a little further left of us. “Friends don’t fuck each other over, Tom,” my voice is steady as I keep my eyes on him and I watch as he shrinks slightly, his head dropping.

“I don’t have a choice Riggs. We’re not a huge ranch like you guys up at Rivera. Business is dying, there isn’t a need for wool and meat at the moment… and after the disease that broke out… well,” he rubs the back of his head.

“We both know it wasn’t a disease,” Tripp growls.

Tom’s head snaps up, his icy gaze narrowing on Tripp, falling to his badge before they settle on his eyes once more.


“There is a certain puppet master that is orchestrating all of this… funny how thediseasedranch was the first to sell, hm?” Pacey’s brows raise as he takes a step closer towards Tom.

“We’re being fucked over Tom, and you rolling over and selling off the land is you being submissive.” I growl, “You might as well buy the strap on and let them fuck you with it.”

Pacey drops his head and lets out a low rumble of a laugh.