Page 102 of Wildest Love

“If you say so,” I puff out my cheeks as I see the Boot come into view, the tires crunching across the gravel as Austin slows.

“Have fun with Riggs and the guys tonight,” I say, leaning through the middle of the two front seats and give Austin a kiss on the cheek.

“You too,” he smiles, lifting his cap off his head, his fingers scraping through his hair before he puts it back on.

“Yeah, have fun,” Harlow mutters, lingering for a moment and Austin reaches across and shakes her hand.

What the fuck.

I snort a laugh as I clamber out of the truck and my boots hit the dusty ground beneath me.

“Come on,” I call out and Harlow walks round the front of the truck and turns her head away from Austin. “You two are shit at lying,” I cackle, slipping my arm through hers as we walk arm in arm into the Boot.

Walking into the busy bar, we walk across to the back and take a seat in one of the smaller booths. Tabitha walks over with a huge smile on her face.

“Well, it’s been a while since I have seen you both together,” her eyes batting between me and Harlow and I smile back at her.

“We’ve been so busy but we’re here now,” Harlow sings, her fingers drumming on the wooden table.

“I’m glad,” she nods and waits to take our orders.

“Bottle of white?” Harlow asks. I don’t fancy wine but to be honest, anything that has alcohol in seems like a good option at the moment.

“Sure,” I reply and Tabitha walks away to fetch it.

We’re not waiting long when she comes back with two glasses and the bottle of wine.

“The hot cowboys not joining you tonight?” she asks, hopeful.

“Afraid not, it’s girls’ night,” I give her a soft shrug of my shoulders.

“Damn, I’ve missed them rough and growly men too,” she sighs, waving us off then heads back behind the bar. Harlow reaches for the bottle, unscrewing the lid and filling our glasses to the rim.

Placing it back on the wooden table, I wrap my fingers round the stem of the glass the same time Harlow does and we hold our glasses out in front and smile at each other.

“To old friends,” she chimes.

“And shit liars,” I say through a laugh, even though I try my hardest to keep a straight face.

Harlow’s eyes widen and I watch as her cheeks pinch crimson.

“Look,” I say, my voice steady as I take a mouthful of my wine and wince at the taste, “out of all the girls my brother could date, I would rather it be you… but don’t lie about it. It is so obvious that there is something going on between the both of you.”

“That’s the thing,” she laughs, but I can see the sadness growing on her pretty face, “there isn’t anything going on between us. I mean, we both want it… but,” she pauses and takes a large mouthful of her wine.

“But?” I wait for her to answer but she just shakes her head from side to side.

“Don’t worry about it. Me and Austin are friends, and we’re both okay with that because we would rather be friends than not have each other in our lives.”

And her words hit me deep inside.

Maybe that’s how Riggs felt.

Maybe that’s why he didn’t go against his dad because he knew I would always be in his life, whether an acquaintance, friend or lover, I would always be there. The one constant in his life, and in mine. Sure, the years slipped past but there wasn’t a day that went by where I didn’t think of him.

“Now, speaking of liars,” her brows wiggle up and down and I know where she is going with this.

“Just want to point out, I’ve not once lied,” I smile back at her, sitting a little taller.