Page 70 of Wildest Love

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I rollout of bed with a groan. I sunk one too many beers last night and after having to stop myself from knocking on Aspen’s door. All I wanted was to slip into her bed and hold her in my arms so I could bury my nose in her hair and rest my head against her chest so I could listen to the steady beat of her heart. But I spent the night alone, my dreams filled with her and only her.

Pacing downstairs, I see my dad and my brothers all sitting at the table and I know they’ve ratted on me.

“Morning,” I say, pushing the button on the coffee machine and watching as it fills my cup.

“Why are you interfering and buying Tom’s ranch?” my dad’s cold tone fills the room.

I sigh, spinning on my heel.

“Because I want to. He is being forced out, he is the first and when all our neighbors hear that he sold, they’ll follow. These suits are not stupid, they know what they’re doing. They’ve already bought Bluebeak, and once the ball gets rolling, we won’t be able to stop it. So,” I walk and get the creamer from the fridge and splash a bit in my cup before adding a sugar, “I bought it, I have my own money and nothing will change. Just helping Tom out like we have always helped him out.” My eyes steady on my dad as I bring my mug to my lips, blowing for just a moment as I take a mouthful and groan in appreciation as the coffee wakes my tired, grouchy soul.

“I appreciate and respect what you’re doing Riggs, I’m just a little…” he pauses on a heavy exhale.

“I know dad, and I get it… I really do. But let me do this, let me save our neighboring ranch. We’re in a position to help, if it’s not us buying it, the suits will and then it’s game over. It’s bad enough Clay has sold, but this just cements the fact that he has his fingers in many pies.” Fury rages through me at the thought of Clay and that Aspen is meant to be going on her littledatetomorrow evening. I growl.

I hear my dad sigh, no words are spoken from his lips but I hear the quiet rumbles from my brothers.

“Speak up, I can’t hear you,” I bark, annoyance brimming with rage and their heads snap up.

“We back you,” Tripp nods before turning to look at Pacey.

“We do,” he smiles and now I am hanging on the silence from my dad. I’m a grown ass man, but I still like my dad’s blessing. I want him to be proud of everything I do and achieve and without it, it feels wrong.

“Just be careful Tripp, we don’t need people making noise surrounding you and your authority over certain things,” I give a curt nod in his direction as a warning. We all know what the towns people will think if the sheriff gets too involved. He returns a bob of his head back to me in a silent agreement.

“Let’s get the contract drafted. Tom’s family.” My dad finally says and relief swarms me.

I stroll across to the table and pull out a chair, sitting with my brothers and dad as we start working out our plan. Once we’re done and contracts have been signed, I am going to seemygirl.

We all go to Tom’s, minus Tripp but we’re still a united front. If these pieces of shit are watching, we will give them something to watch. The truck rolls to a stop and I push it into park. Hopping out, my dad jumps out the passenger side and my brothers leave the truck from the back. My heart thumps a little louder in my chest and I can hear the blood thrashing in my ears. I am just grateful Tom gave us the go ahead, at least it’s two ranches I know I can save.

Two is better than losing them all.

I slow as we approach the front door, climbing the two steps up to the front door. Tom’s ranch is worn and weathered. The wooden panels that were once white were now slightly gray and peeling. It’ll look brand new with a lick of paint. That’s one of the first jobs I’ll be starting once the The Oaks is officially mine. I lift my gloved hand and knock on the door, my brows pinching in confusion when the old, crooked door creaks open.

“Tom?” I call out, then turn to look over my shoulder at my dad and brothers. The grimace apparent on my dad’s face and his eyes tell me everything I needed confirming, I just didn’t want to believe it.

I step inside, walking down the long, dark and narrow hallway until I come to the lounge and my heart drops from my chest, my throat thick when I see Tom sitting in the armchair, his fingers linked together and his hands resting on his stomach.

He looks so peaceful, heartbreakingly peaceful.

“Shit,” I grit, my voice cracking and I feel emotion swarm me. I sniff, lifting my hat from my head and placing it over my chest as I send a silent prayer above.

“Call the sheriff,” I roll my lips as I turn and walk out of the house because suddenly, I feel like I am suffocating.

As soon as I am outside, the fresh spring air hits me before I collapse on the steps, my hat still in my hands as grief hits me like a freight train.

“FUCK!” Anger consumes me, my throat hoarse from my screaming.

I’m not alone long when Pacey sits beside me, patting me on the back before rolling and squeezing my shoulder in a comforting way.

“You okay?”

I nod, unable to speak.
