Page 25 of The Wallflower

“But… I thought you wanted me to run.”

I laugh now. “Oh, you aresomuch more than I gave you credit for. Now, scoot closer so I can keep you warm.”

I lay the flashlight near my legs so both hands are free to pull her up onto her knees. “Come closer.”

She whimpers and groans as she sits up fully. “Just let me go.”

“You don’t want the money anymore?”

She scoffs. “We both know you were never going to give meanymoney. You just want to fuck with me, tease me, use me, and then discard me like all the others. I’m not stupid.”

“That’s where you’re wrong, wallflower. Idoplan to do some of those things, but after I use you, after I break you, I plan tokeepyou. You belong to me until I say otherwise. I won’t repeat myself again.”

She sneers at me. The fight in her makes me crave her that much more. How pretty she will be once she breaks… I let my gaze slide down her tearstained and dirt-streaked face to her neck, then over her shoulder down to her nice round tits, with the blush pink nipples that are hard as diamonds right now.

I keep going, eyeing the smooth flat curve of her belly and then to the soft tuft of blond hair right at her pussy. I lick my lips and grab her ankle to spread her legs enough for me to get access. She kicks her feet out like she might try to scramble away, but I wrap my warm hands around her chilled skin tighter and drag her upper body the remaining inch into my chest. . Then I tug her closer until her legs frame my thighs.

Right where I want her.

I lean until my face is even with hers, cheek to cheek. She moves to pull back, but I grab her by the neck. “You ever make a move to hurt me again, and I’ll make sure I deliver that punishment on you tenfold. Do we understand each other?”

She gulps again, tears still falling, and nods.

I shove her thighs apart to take a peek at what I’ve won. Her pussy opens for me, blooming like a flower. Fuck me, she’s ready to take my cock. I can’t wait to slide in there and see how tight she is. I’m guessing a girl like her has been with maybe a handful of guys, if that. She moves to press her legs together, and I allowher to do it. When her thighs touch, I pull her up to resettle her knees on my jacket and lean up so she can feel my cock press against her ass. She wiggles, and I dig my fingers into the bones at her pelvis to keep her still. “Not too fast, Flower. I want to savor this.”

“I know what you want. Just get it the fuck over with.”

I lean over her, pressing some weight on her back so her legs quiver. “Well, now that you said that, I think I will take my time.”

She huffs out a breath and goes still in my grasp. That won’t do. I slap her ass hard enough to send her scrambling forward and onto her belly. As I predicted, she comes up spitting, scratching, striking, going for my face.

There she is. My little wallflower has more fight in her than she lets on.

I grasp her wrists hard enough to make her whimper, then spin her so her back is against my chest again, her ass pressedexactlywhere I want it. I pump my hips forward so she can feel every inch of my length.

“I can’t wait another minute to have you,” I whisper against her neck as I gather her delicate wrists in one hand and pin them against her chest with my own fist.

I use my other hand to work my jeans open and pull out my aching dick.

It’s finally time to have her. She’s lost this fight. She’smine.

I tilt her hips up so I can rub myself against her, feeding my cock between her thighs. The heat of her pussy radiates over my cock, beckoning me forward. She lets out a whimper, but I ignore it. In a few minutes, she won’t be doing anything but begging me for more. I thread myself through her pussy lips, back and forth, ensuring the head of my cock brushes her clit with each pass. Her whimpers grow into something more, something sinful. A sharp intake of breath. Perhaps shock or surprise? Why would that little movement surprise her?

“Talk to me, little wallflower? Does that feel good?”

She stays silent; not a single word escapes her, so I continue doing what I please. If she doesn’t want to give me anything, then I’ll worry about myself.

I love how silky and pink she is here. All the blood rushes down to her center, warming us both up. I hug her body tighter against me, then shove her shoulders down so her back arches while she’s on her hands and knees. A ragged sob cuts through the night, but I ignore it. She knew the rules when she came in here, yet she tried to make a deal for this exact thing. Now, I’m taking it, and she will enjoy it just as much as I will, whether she admits it or not. I bet she’s only crying because she lost. This has nothing to do with pain or being hurt. I’ve ensured she didn’t hurt herself, and I haven’t laid a single finger on her that would cause her harm. I have no reason to feel bad. Focusing on the pleasure instead, I rub myself against her opening, holding her hip with one hand and taking my cock into my other hand. This isn’t my usual forte…ninety-nine percent of the time, I take what I want with complete disregard for how rough or brutal I am. Every woman knows the score before they throw themselves at me.

But Maybel is different, and because of that gut instinct that tells me to use caution, I lean into it, letting it guide me. Pushing forward, I press the thick head of my cock into her wet heat and take a breath. Her muscles are tight, tighter than I anticipated, so much so that I have to grit my teeth and push through her body's resistance. She shifts in my grasp, her shoulders angling down, her head pressed against the cold dirt. Every inch of her body is strung tight like a bow. Maybe she hasn’t been fucked in a while. At least she’s stopped fighting me. If only her body would let me in. As much as I hate it, I slow and ease my cock in a little deeper, then back out.

I notice that she shifts the tiniest bit forward like she might get away. All I can do is smile. Now that she’s in my dark web, she’ll never escape me. To secure her, I snake an arm under her belly and hold her tight in place.

“Not getting away this time. It’s my turn now.”

“You don’t… I can’t...” Her words break up into small sobs. “Wait… you’re too big. You’ll hurt me.”

I’ve been told that a time or two, but most of the time, the pain that comes with the pleasure of stretching them is pushed to the back of their minds after I thrust a couple of times. It’s not the same here. No, the deeper I sink inside her, the more feral she becomes. Her fingers claw at the earth like she needs to get away from me or she might die. I don’t know if I should be insulted or thrilled that she’s more afraid of my cock than me.