Page 19 of The Wallflower

I sigh and sink against the log a little more, resting fully now. With all the sounds of the night surrounding me, I sink deeper into the calmness, and it’s that moment when I fuck up.

It’s a fraction of a second before I hear those heavy footfalls pounding through the underbrush, but I’m not fast enough. I’ve barely gained my footing and am standing when from behind, a hand closes over my mouth while his other arm snakes around my waist, knocking me off my feet.

I want to scream, to cry, to beg him to let me go. To reveal my stupid hope that he’ll take pity on me, but I already know how this will end.

With me on my knees before him.



I've lether run around these woods like a scared little rabbit for some time now. I'm surprised she has any fight left in her. Especially since she spends most of her time in the library and not in the gym.

"I've got you, little flower. Calm down so I can look at my pretty prize," I say, sliding my hand away from her plush mouth.

She lets out a screech, kicking her legs futilely into my knees. I squeeze her tight, letting her continue until she eventually wears herself out. The idea was to let her believe she was getting away and let her push herself to exhaustion. Her fight is intoxicating, but hunting her down, and laying claim to her is far more tempting. Her body quivers in my arms, her muscles already strained and on the edge of giving up.

"Shh..." I whisper. "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you."

She sags abruptly, almost sending us both back down into the dirt. "You've chased me around the forest in the darkness like you’re hunting an animal. How can I believe you won't hurt me?"

A chuckle escapes me, and I run my nose down the side of her neck. Beads of sweat make her skin sticky, and it takes every level of restraint I have not to lick the side of her throat and taste her fear. "Well, what if I promise pleasure along with the pain?"

She huffs, and I can't help the smile that splits my face. My little wallflower has some sass. I like that. It just leaves me with more pieces of her to break. "Are you doubting me, little flower? Because I won’t lie, that hurts my feelings."

That earns me another snort. I hold her harder against me, wanting her to know who is in control. Without her oversized sweatshirt, I get a much better feel of her body.Fuck me. The softness of her hips and the slim line of her waist... I lick my lips as I gaze down the ample curve of her tits. They will feel so good in my hands. I start to let my mind wander. Will her nipples be tiny or big? A dusky pink or a darker shade of brown?

I slide my fingers up from her waist to cup her in my palm.Oh yes, perfect.My cock screams for release. I'm so fucking hard, I could explode right now just rutting against her sweet little ass. On that note, I wonder if she’s ever been fucked in the ass? It doesn’t matter. There’s a first time for everything.

"What do you want?" she whispers.

I give in and lick a line up to her earlobe.Salty and sweet."There are a lot of things I want from you, flower, but right now…. I want you to scream for mebecauseof me. I want you gasping for breath. I want you crying, your eyes shimmering with tears. I want you running, doing everything you can to escape me, while knowing deep down inside you’llneverget away. I want all of it. So I'll give you one more chance to get away."

She wiggles, and I slowly lower her until her feet are underneath her. The second I relax my hold, she shoves off my chest and rushes away. This time with a little more vigor than before.Mmm...good.

I stand my ground, listening to her crash through the brush, keeping an eye out for anyone else who would be stupid enough to try to claim her. The woods might appear empty, but anotherbigger and badder animal is always hiding in the bushes, waiting to pounce on your prey.

I saunter behind her. Even at her fastest, I can keep up with her pace. It's nothing to keep her in my sights, to watch her try to get away. She's already caught; she just hasn't accepted her fate yet.

"You could give yourself up, little flower," I taunt. "But I'd punish you for that before we could get on with anything else."

I catch a screamed, “Fuck you,” from the direction she's running, and my lips tip up into a smile. Oh, she's going to besomuch fun to break. I knew the moment I saw her in that library sticking up for the nerd that she was exactly what I needed. I adjust my hard-on and keep walking. Only a little longer and I'll have her on her knees and on her back, her tight little pussy squeezing my fat cock.

Once she finally gets a little distance between us, I pick up my step, breaking into a slow jog.That's it. Give me a real challenge, flower.Make me work for it.

She cuts to the right, no doubt still hunting for the damn cabin. Her friend might have dragged her out here, but I was thorough in my preliminary research of her. It's my money in that cabin, but no one is getting there, especially not her. I plan to keep her busy for a while.

"Little flower," I taunt, letting my voice ring out so she knows exactly where I am.

I don't get an expletive back this time, nothing but her crashing footfalls. I can smell the fear and panic rolling off her. When the noise stops, I stop too, letting the forest go quiet around us. Is she taking a break? Or trying to hide from me again?

Either way, she'll fail. "Little wallflower? Where are you?"

Nothing. Silence. Not even the sound of her panting breaths. She’s hiding, then.

I step through a copse of trees and listen carefully. Still nothing. A smile spreads across my face again.

Finally, a woman worth my time, effort, and attention. Never mind if she wants it or not, she’s got it. I crouch and grab a stick, then throw it out into the trees. Again, I listen.