It's loud enough to make me pause. I can be as depraved as I like, but I can't risk getting cut from the football team or making my father look bad. It would be unlikely, but I don't need to invite the question, especially not during the season.
It’s hard to see what I’m looking at in the dim lighting, but I focus my gaze on a spot hidden in the dark. The gasp came from a little thing in a worn oversized hoodie. Her blond hair is tied up in a knot on top of her head. It’s bright blond, a beacon of light in the dim space. She’sverypretty.
Something dark and sinister swirls in my gut. I can't look away from her. Not for a second.
She steps closer, tentatively, and places a hand on the nearest shelf. "Is everything okay here?" She doesn't sound sure ofherself. Not like she's afraid per se… But she hasn’t raised her voice at all.
I release my hold on the nerd and let him sink back to his feet. "Yup, everything is peachy.”
“It doesn’t look like it. If you let him go, I can pretend I didn’t hear what you said. No one has to know what you’re doing.”
I’m a bit shocked at her gall. Is she dating this little nerd? Is that why she’s protective of him? The kid doesn’t appear to know who she is, not in the least bit, so it can’t be that.
“You don’t look like the type to blackmail, so what will you give me in return for releasing this little weasel? He's stolen from me. He took five hundred dollars in exchange for services performed, and he's yet to provide his end of the deal. So...where does that leave me?"
She waves at Mark. "If you hurt him, he can't do the work, can he? Think about it that way. Plus, like I said, if you let him go, then I won’t have to say anything."
The warning in her words should alert me, but it doesn’t. I’m not scared. I lean in and crook my finger. Instead, I’m curious. Who is this girl? I need to get a better look at her. To see the color of her eyes, the shape of her lips, and the slope of her neck. "Come closer."
I watch her intently as she swallows hard. My hand would fit perfectly wrapped around her throat. Like a glove. Yes, I can see it now. My cock grows hard.
Some of the bite she gave a moment ago is gone. "Yeah, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Who says you have a choice?” I hiss.
The momentI meet his eyes, I know I've made a mistake. Something dark lurks there, something deep, demanding to come out and play in my presence.
What the hell do I do now that I've caught his attention? His question hangs in the air...what will I give him?
I swallow hard and pull on my sleeves to give myself a moment to consider and think. "Just let him go."
The jock smirks and smooths his hand down his former captive’s shirt. "Well, the lady says release you, so I guess I'll let you go. I want my paper, nerd, or next time, I won't allow anyone to get in my way. Blood will be spilled. You have twenty-four hours."
The other man hesitates for a moment, his gaze ping-ponging between me and the belligerent bully. I shake my head gently, telling him to leave while he can. This guy won't hurt me, not here in the library or in public...Ithink?
As if the guy can read my mind, he scurries away like a terrified mouse. Unease coats my insides. Without the other guy here, all this jock’s attention is left on me.
His gaze sharpens on me as he stalks toward me through space I refused to cross. He’s tall, wide-shouldered, with tousleddark hair and full lips spread into a perpetual frown. Something about him is dark and dangerous, and everything in me saysrun.
I want to back away, but dammit, I don't want to show weakness, especially here, in my domain. This isn't the...sports field...or wherever he gains his admirers and followers. I saw the way he marched in here like he owned the place and how everyone turned to watch him, some even jumping out of the way as he passed by.
He’s popular, a jock, and no doubt rich. Two more seconds in my presence, he’ll notice my worn sweatshirt and the holes in my jeans fromrealuse, not fashion. He’ll realize I’m a scholarship student and keep his distance. I don’t need to run when he’ll do it for me.
Like a bug beneath a microscope, he studies me, his eyes tracing down my body and back up to my face. Worse yet, he's not even bothering to hide the fact that he's checking me out. What a pig. I’m poor, so of course I’ll fuck him. That’s the look he’s giving me right now.
"Come here, my little wallflower. I want to get a better look at you."
I curl my lip in disgust. "I'm not youranything, and no, thank you. I need to get back to studying. Unlike you, I have to do myownhomework."
He takes another step, leaving him only a couple of feet from me now, anddamn,he is taller than I thought. He’s got to be close to six feet two or three. His frame towers over me, making me feel small and insignificant. My gaze trails over his body.
His hoodie strains against his broad shoulders. It's obvious he’s a jock because his body alone resembles that of a Greek statue. I'm afraid to look any lower or take my eyes off him for a second.
A lump forms in my throat, and his lip curls a little more as if he's a cat who’s found a mouse waiting to be pounced on.