I nod and decide to change the subject. I’m not used to having so much attention put on me. “Where are you coming from anyway?"
She shakes her head. "Ha, not falling for that. Let me shower really fast, and then you and I are going out."
I freeze, coffee cup on the way to my lips. "Going out where? I’m only in my leggings, and I don’t even have a bra on. I haven't even brushed my hair or teeth.”
All she offers is a shrug before disappearing into her room. A moment later, she reappears and slips into the bathroom with her bath basket in hand. “You better be ready to go when I get out.” There’s no questioning her, not when she’s demanding I be ready. The bathroom door closes, and the creaking of the pipes fills the space as she turns on the water.
I roll my eyes and take a sip of coffee and head into my room to put a bra on. I make myself look half presentable, tossing my long blond hair up into a messy bun. Then I walk back out into the kitchen and stare down at the check sitting on the table. I hate how much I need that money, but I hate even more how I obtained it.
I’m not sure how long I stand there, war raging inside my mind, but it’s long enough for Jack to finish her shower. She’s fully dressed when she exits the bathroom, and her long, silky, wet hair is piled on top of her head.
“Are you ready? Because you’re standing in the same spot I left you, minus your hair being on top of your head.”
I grin. “Yes, I’m ready.”
She beams and motions to the table. “Good. Let's go. I'm driving. Grab your wallet and that guilt check." I do as she instructs while she grabs her car keys and wallet off the counter. We make the short trek down to the parking lot, and she unlocks her car with the key fob. She drives a silver crossover made in the last five years at least, unlike my own beat-up vehicle. I sigh when we climb in as the scent of vanilla from her air freshener reaches me. My car always smells like one-hundred-year-old chicken nuggets, no matter how many times I clean it or the type of air freshener I purchase.
Jack’s driving scares me a little. Okay, a lot. A couple of months ago, she hit a person in the crosswalk, and her excuse was they were moving too slow. Luckily, she ended up with only a ticket, but I'm not sure how. Since then, I’ve been overly cautious when she drives. Except for today. I’m too tired to really care. I don’t even question where we’re going or how long we’re going to be gone. Since school started, we’ve both been incredibly busy, only having enough time to see each other in passing. She's always out, and I'm always at the library. We need this time together.
"So what's going on with you and Drew? And don’t say nothing."
I flinch at the mention of his name. "He's...nothing. We don't even live on the same planet. He's a rich spoiled jock, and I'm well...me. I’m not lying, Jack. Nothing is going on between us."
She turns her head to glance at me. "Stop talking about my friend that way. I happen to find her awesome. She’s smart, sexy as hell, and honestly, a complete catch."
“Stop it.” I shake my head. “I’m glad you think so highly of me. If only I could see all those things as well.”
“You can, silly. You just choose not to.”
Jack turns right at the stoplight into the parking lot of a mini mall with numerous shops. There’s a cookie place, a cell phone store, and a bank. I turn in my seat and stare at her for a moment. If she thinks I’m going to cash this check…
"What are we doing here?"
She grins. "Do what you do at banks, duh.”
I let out a defeated sigh and stare out the windshield. "I can’t, Jack. If I deposit it, then that will make me a whore. Since technically he paid me for…” I can’t even finish the sentence.
She grabs me by the arm and pulls me toward her, forcing me to look at her. "No. Hell, even women who sell their bodies aren't whores. Whore is a word men use to make us feel guiltyabout what we do with our bodies so they can control us. When men sleep with countless women, they’re called playboys and clapped on the back and congratulated. Society is fucked up. Don’t discount yourself or let anyone make you feel like you don’t deserve that money or that accepting that check is wrong when if a man was in the same situation, his friends would brag him up."
Well, shit. That got deep.
"Now get your ass moving, or I’ll personally pull you out of the seat and drag you inside. Once we’re done here, I have an idea, something to cheer you up.”
“Fine,” I grumble and grab my stuff before climbing out of the car. We enter the bank together, Jackie following me up to the teller. I hand her the check and ask to deposit it into my account. The entire transaction takes less than ten minutes, and thankfully, the teller doesn’t ask me any questions or give me any strange looks. At the end, she hands me my receipt and smiles. I take it happily, and we head back outside.
Back in the car, Jack swings through my favorite fast food place. I haven't eaten here in a month because I can never afford it. Especially with Mom...
I pause mid-thought and stare at the bright red exterior of the restaurant. We get through the drive-through line, and I can't even be mad she made me pay for it. Especially when I tip the fry carton back and let the hot salty fries scatter into my open mouth. The perfect way to cheer yourself up is with some greasy food.
After I chew, I set the box on my lap and look in the bag. "Why did we get three meals?"
She shrugs and smiles, but it doesn't take long for me to realize where we’re going. My childhood home is on this side of town. We’re pulling into Mom’s neighborhood and then thedriveway a few minutes later. Outside the house, she parks, slips off her seat belt, and grabs the food.
"Come on. You’re feeling some sort of way, and I know seeing your mom always makes you feel better.”
My heart swells. Jackie is the best. I don’t even have a response to give her, so I climb out of the car and walk with her up to the house. At the door, my mom answers with huge bags under her eyes. She visibly straightens, a smile gracing her lips when she realizes who stands on her doorstep.
Jack holds up the bags. "We brought all the deep-fried deliciousness."