Page 42 of Redemption

“What were you spiraling about?”

“What do you think?”

My breath hitches. “And what was the nature of your mental spiral?”

“Mostly just giving myself lecture after lecture about not leaving the bedroom and coming to find you.”

“Oh.” I let out a silly giggle. “Maybe you should shut up with some of your lectures.”

His laugh is abrupt. The sound of it makes me smile.

He has several different kinds of laughs, and I like them all. I never realized he laughed at all until the past few weeks.

As we smile at each other, I think of something else we could be doing.

I remember that hungry look I caught on his face earlier.

He wants to do it too.

I know it.


I lick my lips. My cheeks grow warmer. My blood starts to throb.

“Don’t,” Caleb says gruffly, his shoulders stiffening.

“Don’t want?”

“Don’t look at me like that.”

I roll my eyes, my sudden arousal mingled now with annoyance. “You can’t go around demanding someone else change how she looks. I can’t help how I look.”

He shifts his position on the couch. “You can stop thinking things that make you look that way.”

“And you definitely can’t go around telling someone else how she’s supposed to think. If I want to think about having sex with you, I’ll damn well do it.”

See, that’s what happens when I get caught up in the moment and don’t have time to think through the smartest things to do and say. Words come tumbling out in an embarrassing, far-too-revealing rush.

And I end up saying something like that.

Caleb tenses up even more. “You should not be thinking about anything remotely like that.”

It’s too late now to hold back. It feels like Caleb is already inside me. There’s nowhere left for me to hide.

Besides, he already knows I want to have sex with him.

“Why not?” I demand. “My thoughts are my own, and you don’t get to decide what they are. So if I want to fantasize about you throwing me down onto the bed, tearing off my clothes, and fucking me until we’re both satisfied, I’m allowed to do so without any say from you on the matter.”

“Louisa.” The one word was low and breathless and raspy. The heat has taken over everything else in his eyes now, and one of his hands is clutching the couch cushion hard.

“It’s sex, Caleb. We had it less than a week ago.”

“You think I don’t know that? You think I’m not reliving it in my mind every other minute?”

“Then why are you acting like it’s the end of the world?” I scoot closer to him, mostly to add impact to my words.

“What’s going on with you tonight?”