Page 32 of Redemption

That wasn’t too bad for an excuse.

Maybe he’ll buy it.

His brows pull together, and his mouth turns down into a frown. “You haven’t gotten any strange messages or hang-ups, have you? I blocked all numbers on your phone except those in your contacts, so he shouldn’t be able to get through.”

“No. Nothing like that. There’s no reason for me to be jittery. I just am. It could be anything. Even the time of the month. I’m sure it’s nothing. As far as I know, he hasn’t made even the smallest move in my direction except using his credit card somewhat close to me and posting on that message board.”

When I see something twist briefly on Caleb’s face, I take a few steps over. “What? What is it? Has something else happened?”

He gives a rough sigh. “Yes.”

“Then tell me.” I sit down on the edge of the bed. When he scoots over to the other side, I move into a more comfortable position, folding my legs up beneath me. “Caleb, you have to tell me. It’s not fair otherwise.”

“I know. I just don’t want you to be too frightened to live your life.”

“I’m not too frightened. But I can’t even be prepared if I don’t know the danger.”

“He’s been leaving you roses.”


“Roses. That’s how he started with Jade. Single red roses at random places she regularly went.”

“You’ve found roses for me?”

“On the SUV. Near the art supplies in the storage room of the community center. And earlier this evening, Mick found one at the end of your driveway.”

“Oh my God!” I rasp out the word softly, completely distracted from my physical restlessness just a few minutes ago.

“I’ve been catching them before you see them. You haven’t found any other roses anywhere recently, have you?”

“No. Not at all. I can’t believe it. So he’s really fixated on me now?”

“It looks that way.”

“And we can’t just send him back to prison?”

“Not for the roses, no. Even with his history, he’ll have to convey more of a threat. The laws still haven’t adapted to deal with stalking effectively.”

“Okay.” I work my lower lip with my teeth until I realize what I’m doing. I turn my body and prop up on the pillows. “Well, then we’ll keep doing what we’re doing and not take any unnecessary risks.”

“Yes. That’s the best plan.”

“And if there’s any real danger, you need to tell me. I’ll back off on my outings if you really think it’s too risky.”

“I’m glad to hear that, but we’re not there yet. He’s one guy. He’s relatively smart for a criminal, but he’s not some sort of mastermind. I’m going to handle it. I’m going to take care of you.”

My chest clenches. So does my throat. “Okay. Thanks.”

We’re silent for a moment. He’s reclining back now, and I’m slumped against two pillows and the headboard. We’re both on top of the covers, so it doesn’t really feel like we’re in bed together.

I’m glad to be close to him though.

“So did you sense something?” Caleb asks at last.

“What do you mean?”

“You came in here. Nervous and trembly. It’s not like you. Did you sense something? Even a minor detail might be an important clue.”