“I think because it is. Call Eduardo. Let’s do it.”

Jamie smiled and took out her phone. This was an important moment that felt like the start of a brand-new chapter. There was a lot of work ahead of her but a lot of reward too. She knew one thing for certain—she didn’t want to miss a moment.

Chapter Thirteen

The night of the Hope and Help Gala arrived at long last, and it was a stunner. Decorated in all red and purple, the swanky event space at the Javits Center was outfitted with draping that swooped across the tall ceiling from one side of the room to the other. The pillars were lit from the floor with colorful, dramatic lighting shooting up to the sky, and the large round tables boasted towering floral centerpieces that climbed and climbed. Leighton stood in the archway in her pale blue gown with her hair swept up and surveyed the space with pride. They’d really come together to make this event a special one.

Behind her, attendees in their finest caroused in the lobby. Glasses of wine and the evening’s signature raspberry cocktail floated by, hand-passed by the servers. Across the room, she caught a glimpse of Jamie’s profile. When the couple standing between them moved three feet to the right, Leighton’s wineglass went still in her hand. She’d never seen a more beautiful woman or dress, and her accelerated heart rate proved the point. Red was most certainly Jamie’s color. Almost as if Jamie could read Leighton’s thoughts, she turned and their gazes met. In that moment, she saw a look on Jamie’s face that she’d not seen since their last night togetherOh my. It was unmistakable hunger, and Leighton felt the effects over every inch of her body. Slowly, Jamie lifted her long-stemmed glass in her direction before turning back to her friend.

“You are lost in something,” Jessica said quietly in her ear. “Or someone.”

Leighton blinked, mourning the end of a moment she’d very much enjoyed. “I’d lie to you, but you’d know.”

Jessica, in a floor-length black dress with a slit up to her thigh, followed her gaze. “She looks amazing tonight.” Jamie had her hair partially up and softly curled. The dress had one strap, leaving her opposite shoulder bare. A tiny hint of cleavage taunted, captivating Leighton.

“She does. But she could wear a worn-out T-shirt, and I still wouldn’t be able to take my eyes off her. I say this only to you, but there’s never been someone with the ability to strip me of my free will.” She shook her head, still mystified by the power of Jamie. “When she’s in the room, I’ll always know exactly where. My life sentence.”

“She’s also your new business partner. Lots of opportunity for together time.”

Leighton shook her head. “I don’t want to take advantage. The bar is her world, too sacred to leverage. I wouldn’t.”

Jessica looked at her coolly, a small smile tugging. “Oh, if it was me, I’d leverage the hell out of that opportunity. When destiny opens a door, Leighton, you walk through it with purpose.” It was such a Jessica thing to say.

“And what door opened?” Brooklyn asked, appearing at Jessica’s side with a grin. Jessica’s wife was always a warm ball of sunshine, cheering up every space she entered. Tonight, her blond hair was loose with the exception of a diamond clip on one side. She wore a gold-sequined dress that looked like it had been tailored perfectly to her body, and it damn well might have been. “Hi,” Brooklyn said, giving Leighton’s hand a squeeze. “You look stunning.”

“Thank you. But you two are the most beautiful couple ever.”

“Did you hear that?” Brooklyn said, quietly. “We won.”

“Thanks to you,” Jessica said softly.

“Am I intruding upon a moment?” Leighton asked. She hooked a thumb behind her. “I can go chase down more wine. I’m not scheduled to speak tonight and can just get sloshed in the shadows.”

“Probably don’t do that,” Jessica said, but she was still making eyes at Brooklyn. Finally, she pulled her gaze back to Leighton. “But the moment has concluded, so you should stay.” She took Brooklyn’s hand in a sweet gesture. “Our schedules have been a little intense these days, so it’s nice to—”

“Get to feel fancy together,” Brooklyn supplied and kissed Jessica’s hand. “And for a moment you two will have to feel fancy without mebecause I see a client across the room that I should schmooze for five minutes.”

She slipped away, walking with purpose toward a woman in the corner. Jessica snagged a Raspberry Riptide off a tray floating by. “I’ve been looking forward to one of these.”

“They’re gorgeous. I love the candy garnish. Where did we get them again?”

“One of our friends is an amazing mixologist. She developed the recipe and donated all the alcohol and ingredients.”

Jessica offered her a sip and Leighton savored the flavors, agreeing with the praise. “Oh, wow. The raspberry starts you off, but it’s lemony and refreshing on the finish.”

“That’s exactly how she described it.”

She shot a look across the room. “I wonder if Jamie’s tried this.” Of course she wondered. All roads these days.

“We should all have dinner some night.” Jessica paused. “Unless that would feel out of bounds.”

“We’ll see,” Leighton said, knowing full well that would feel like a date with another couple, thereby making Jamie uncomfortable. No-go. She wouldn’t put her in that position.

The chimes sounded, signaling dinner, and the group moved inside for the event, which truly went off without a hitch. The surf and turf dazzled, the stand-up comedian they’d hired to emcee was entertaining, yet sensitive. The special speaker was a woman who’d spent time in jail for a crime she’d committed when she was young. With the organization’s help, she now owned a successful lingerie shop and was set to open several more regionally. Her story made Leighton realize what a difference the money raised could make. Everyone needed a hand now and then.

Jamie was seated across the twelve-person table, but they hadn’t had a chance to speak. A shame. But after dessert, while the attendees mingled and perused the silent auction, she felt a soft tug on her elbow. She turned to find Jamie not just smiling at her but beaming. “They accepted our offer.”

“Honestly? Just like that. Not even a counter?” They’d been waiting days for a response.