Helen put both palms in the air. “I promise I’m not stalking you.” She gestured to the woman next to her. “My sister and I were just grabbing a quick dinner.”
Jamie’s gaze moved from Helen to Leighton and back again.
“I guess we just have really great taste in restaurants,” Leighton said and introduced herself to Helen’s sister, whose name was apparently Tamara.
“And this is Jamie, right?” Helen said, filling in the gaps for everyone. “Jamie is Leighton’s business partner.”
“Yes, so good to see you again,” Jamie said.
Tamara pointed at Leighton. “Is this the woman you’re seeing?”
Helen’s eyes went wide. “Sorry. She has no filter. We’ve gone out a few times. Yes.”
“Not a problem at all,” Leighton said. “Your sister’s great,” Leighton told Tamara. “And it’s wonderful to meet you.” She and Helen held eye contact for an extended moment. She really was a sweet person.
“I’ll give you a call soon.”
“I’d love it,” Leighton said, feeling the warmth hit her cheeks. Was it awkward that Jamie had just witnessed that entire exchange? She quickly decided that it wasn’t. Jamie was now a supportive friend who’d made her intentions crystal clear.
“I can’t promise I won’t see you at another restaurant first. You two enjoy your evening, and I need to come by and see the coffee-wine place soon.”
“I’ll save you a seat,” Jamie said with a four fingered wave. As soon as Helen was out of earshot, Jamie leaned in. “I think the sister thinks the two of you are still dating.”
Leighton stared in Helen’s direction as she exited the restaurant. “We are. We went out a couple of nights ago, and it went really well.”
Jamie’s mouth formed the shape of anohbefore her voice caught up and said the word. “I had no idea.”
“I was planning to tell you, but the thing with the letter happened. Is it weird to talk about dating, given our past?”
“No, not at all.”
“Well, she’s beautiful.”
“She is.”
“I get a warm vibe from her.”
“I do as well.”
“So, I vote yes.”
Leighton nodded and sipped her water, wishing quietly that Jamie had expressed just the opposite. “You know what? I think it might turn into something, and I credit running into her after the ballet.”
“Cheers to happy coincidences,” Jamie said and touched her glass to Leighton’s.
“Now can we get back to what you wanted to talk to me about?”
Jamie regarded the tablecloth for a moment before returning her gaze to Leighton’s. “I wanted to know what you thought of adding sparkling wine to our lineup. You know, expanding our offerings.”
“I love that idea. Gives people a choice for celebrations.”
“Great. We’re on the same page.”
“Always,” Leighton said.
As she lay in bed in search of sleep that night, Leighton played through the events of the day. The returned letter. She flipped onto her back. Telling Jamie about her date with Helen. Back onto her side. Jamie practically tossing her into Helen’s arms. She threw the covers off her body and pulled them back on. Her green silk nightshirt felt like it was strangling her, so she tossed it onto the floor, opting to sleep in the nude. Maybe this was a sign she needed to pay attention to, the universe telling her to stop dwelling on the past with her future dangling right there in front of her.