Page 15 of Broken By the Alpha

She was so close to telling him about the baby, she could feel the words play on her lips, but she stopped herself. She was so confused about what to do. If she should tell him, and then when to tell him. She also wanted to make sure that there was no way that anyone else could hear them. She didn't want her pregnancy to get back to the hunter. She didn’t know if her father knew she was there. There was no way she wanted to fuel his anger by knowing that he was not only the father of a shifter wolf but a soon-to-be grandfather of one.

“Thank you for that,” she said instead. Adria tried to sound as genuine as she could, with all her thoughts rolling around in her head.Is there a chance that he has feelings for me?she thought.Can he see me as more than just a friend?

The passion they shared and spending time together like this made it all seem possible. She didn’t want to get her hopes up; she had done that once and had been hurt so badly she thought she’d never recover from it. He seemed different now. He looked at her differently. She just wasn’t sure what he was thinking.

“Things are so much more complicated now that we’re older and somewhat wiser,” he said, looking at the sky. “It was so much easier when we were kids,” he sighed.

“We still have each other,” she replied, taking his hand.And hopefully always will,she thought to herself.

As they pulled up in front of her house the sun was slowly starting to set. The sky was taking on beautiful hues of pink, yellow, and orange. Adria didn’t want the day to end. She loved being with Spencer, talking to him, and remembering happy times. A sadness hit her as she said goodbye and made her way to the house. When she got inside, she went straight to her room and laid down on her bed. Her mind swam with emotions. What to do? When to do it? Would everyone be ok? When her aunt called her for dinner, she ate quietly, engaging in just a little small talk.

When she went to sleep that night, she had better dreams. She, Spencer, and the baby lived in the little cottage. There was no dark cloud over them. They lived peacefully and happily. How she wished that could all come true.

Chapter 8 - Spencer

When Spencer got home, he felt so happy; he felt complete. He had never felt that before with anyone else, but after spending that time with her, he never wanted that feeling to go away. He still had the pressure of being the Alpha and all the responsibilities that went along with it. But knowing she would still be by his side made it easier. It made him focus better on what he needed to do. Something else he wanted to do was spend more time with her. He loved seeing her smile, hearing her laugh, seeing her eyes sparkle when she was excited about something they were talking about. He couldn’t help himself and called her early the next morning.

“Hi, sorry to call so early, but I was wondering if you wanted to go hiking with me today? Well, kind of a hike. I need to do a perimeter check of the town and thought it would be nice if you went along with me. You know, just to have another set of eyes,” he said, hoping he didn’t sound like he was asking her out again and that she would say yes.

“Okay, but don’t you have more training to do?” she asked, sounding a little puzzled.

“It’s okay. Madox is taking over. Everyone is doing very well, so there are no real concerns,” he said confidently.

“Sure, that sounds good. It’ll be good to have some peace of mind that our warning alarms are all in place, right?” she asked.

“Oh, yes, for sure,” he replied and rolled his eyes at himself as he heard the smile in her voice. He wasn’t being as smooth as he thought he was. He should have known that she would see right through him.

“Alright, I’ll be over in just a few minutes.” She ended the call as he let out a long breath and then smiled. He was excited to see her again and spend more time with her. Just the twoof them. He felt like a nervous teenager going on a first date and had to remind himself,this is Adria, whom I’ve known for years. Get a hold of yourself, man.

When she got to his house, he tried to seem all business. He showed her into the kitchen to the table where he had the map of Rosewood out. It showed where all the warning alarms were in bright red marker.

“This will make this a lot easier,” she said, as she looked over the map.

“There’s ten in total and they are all very well hidden. I remember helping my dad check them a few times, so I know where to go and how to find them. I thought this would be a good visual for you.” He watched as she counted, then looked puzzled.

“I only count nine,” she stated. Spencer came up behind her and looked over her shoulder. “Am I just not seeing it?” she asked.

“Oh, I forgot to mark that one. Here, let me do that now.”

He pulled the marker out of his pocket and slid his hand around her to mark it. He was barely touching her back, but his senses were going wild. Her scent of honeysuckle and lemongrass was intoxicating. He wanted nothing more than to brush her hair back from her neck and kiss her soft skin. Wrap his other arm around her and hold her tight, slide his hands up to her...stop it, he scolded himself.

“Oh,” she seemed to say a little breathlessly. “I see it now.” Spencer cleared his throat as he tried to get his emotions in check and moved away from her. He put the marker away and tucked his hands in his pockets, all he could think about was touching her, holding her, kissing her.

“We should get going,” he said a little more abruptly than he planned, as he moved out of the way to let her go first. Hecouldn't believe his palms were sweating, and he felt a little nervous.This is Adria. What has changed?He thought.

When they drove out to the first marker, they walked over to it in an awkward silence, it was still fully intact and operational. Spencer looked around, trying to think of what to say. He had never been at a loss for words, especially with Adria. He had never been so out of his element with a girl before, especially with Adria. There was a shift in the air around them that he couldn’t quite figure out. It left him happy, nervous, and a little dizzy all at the same time. He had never felt this way before, leaving him very confused.

“Let's make this a little more interesting,” she suggested, suddenly shifting into her wolf form. Spencer smiled as he did the same, relieved she wasn’t seeing him flounder or at least not making a big deal about it.

“This is a perfect idea,” he communicated to her. He relished in the thought of being in their true form together.

They ran like the wind from marker to marker. The feeling of running beside her made him feel freer than he had ever felt before. Watching her move sparked something inside of him, something he had never felt before. How her eyes shined, the way the wind rustled through her fur. He felt a connection that had him knowing something he had never thought of before. Something he had never thought possible. She seemed to glow in the bright sunshine of the day.

He had never given much thought to his future besides running the pack. He knew that, at some point in time, he would have to find his Luna and settle down. No one he had ever been with before seemed to be Luna material to him. They all thought they were. All of them wanting just the prestige of saying that they were with the Alpha. They never wanted him for him, they never took the time to really get to know him. But Adria did. Shealways had time for him, and she knew him better than anyone else, from his favorite color to his deepest fear. His heart started aching a little with the thought of ever losing that, losing her. He couldn’t imagine his life without her.

When they got to the last marker, she gave him a nod. He knew that she wanted to race him. He nodded back, and they both took a racing stance, then they were off. The faster they went, the more fun he had. They raced all the way back to the car, neck and neck to each other. Immediately, Adria started jumping around and howling playfully when they got back to his car. They shifted back, out of breath and laughing.

“I win!” she yelled, her arms raised above her head in victory.