Page 82 of I Dreamt Of You

“Miss Monroe’s surgery went well, she is and will be okay, if not sore and in some pain for a little while. She is sleeping off the anaesthetic right now, and needs her rest.”

“Can we see her?” I stand up “I don’t want to wait any longer I need to be there when she wakes up.”

“I can’t let you all in, just one for tonight, and I shouldn’t even be doing that, but given the circumstances one of you can go in.” Everyone looks at me at the same time and nods, the doctor moves to the door and I follow.

Chapter thirty-four



My eyes feel so heavy, I want to wake up and I have to force them to move. When they finally drift open, I realise I’m in a hospital. I feel groggy and so tired. My whole body feels heavy like I’ve had too much sleep. That feeling keeps overtaking me, my whole body struggling as I try to stay awake, staring at the ceiling. I shift a little to get comfortable, and take stock of what’s going on. Taking in a sharp breath as the pain that runs through my side hurts like hell. It’s excruciating. So I stay still, I don’t want to feel that again. I’m trying to remember.What the fuck happened?It takes me a while for the memories to come flooding back. But when they do, it’s like living them all over again. The last thing I remember was…oh my god, I think I was shot. My hand instantly goes to my side, where the pain is. I could have died,fuckI could have died. He tried to kill me, in front of everyone, letting out a shaky breath while a single tear slips down my cheek, as I try and stay calm.

In reality I think I knew what I was getting into. I knew Glen wanted to really hurt me, if not kill me—he was willing to hurt anyone to get to me. That’s what scared me the most. In all hisanger to hurt me, he could have hurt so many people. I wonder what happened to him. There was no way I was ever going to let him hurt the people I have come to love in such a short period of time. I would never let that happen. Em and the baby, how he could’ve hurt them, even killed them. What if Dan had got to them before me, and Jack…what if Owen hadn’t been able to hold him back? Thank fuck that man is stronger than he looks to be able to hold Jack back like that. I remember the pain in his eyes as he fought Owen trying to get to me.

Things could have gone so differently; my heart feels heavy for what could have happened. The beeping of the machine draws me back from my swirling thoughts for a moment before they come back again. The events of the night run through my mind, I remember Leon and Owen fighting Glen, I remember Jack shouting my name, then seeing him running towards me as the gun went off, then nothing. I must have blacked out, I don’t remember Jack reaching me. I have a million questions I want to ask about what happened.Is Em okay? Did they get him? Where is he? Was anyone else hurt?I take a few deep breaths; I need to calm down, even that hurts. The fact that I’m here right now and in what looks like a very nice hospital, all the questions can wait a while.

When I eventually look down, I find Jack by my side holding my hand, fast asleep with his head on the bed. He’s still the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, his man bun is all hanging loose, that sun kissed dirty blond hair falling over his face. He is one of the only men I know that can look that good with bags under his eyes, wearing those grey joggers I love so much and dark green hoodie like a second skin. Shit he looks good in everything, it’s a little annoying. Looking around the room, I can see some flowers and cards, a few bags, and snacks around. I could do with a drink, my throat feels dry, but it’s too far away for me to reach without waking him up.

It’s dark outside when I peer out the window. I don’t want to wake him. So I just watch and stroke his hair while he sleeps. He looks so peaceful; I wonder how long he has been here.How long have I been here?I slowly move the bed sheet covering my stomach to take a look at the wound on my side, to see where it is, but my side is covered with bandages so I can’t get to it without taking them off or waking Jack up.

So I settle in and watch him sleep some more, enjoying the quiet the room brings. I love that he is here by my side. The last time I was in hospital like this…well, there was someone by my side but he just wanted to make sure I never told anyone what really happened to me. Jack even looks worried in his sleep; his eyes are moving like he’s dreaming. I hope it’s a good dream. My fingers glide over his cheek feeling the rough stubble that has grown while I’ve been here.

I hope he’s not pissed that I did what I did. I had the best intentions; I hope he realises that. In the time I have been here, they really have all become my family, Em and Dan like the brother and sister I never had and always wanted. Dan is always making light of any situation, the funny man who wears his heart on his sleeve, making me laugh even when he doesn’t realise it. Em just being there, someone I’m able to share everything with, no judgements. No matter what happens. And Jack, my eyes well up, my heart almost bursts just at the thought of how he has allowed, no that’s not the right word, how he has supported and helped me be who I want. He has encouraged me, teased me a little and showed me how love should be. He loves me for who I am, the good, the bad and the psycho ex.How did I get so lucky?And that’s when I see it, a sparkle that sits on my other hand, a huge emerald stone, resting on a gold band sits on my ring finger, I lift my hand up, watching it glitter in the dull light, moving my hand around to make it sparkle more in the dim light that surrounds us. This man has some explaining to do when hewakes up. I can’t contain the huge smile that spreads across my face. This man is everything. My new beginning, my soulmate, my friend. The love of my life.

When the nurse walks in a while later, her eyes go wide when she sees I’m awake. When she goes to say something, I shush her, moving my finger to my lips. “I don’t want to wake him,’’ I whisper. She smiles and shakes her head, but carries on doing what she needs to do without making a sound. After she hands me a glass of water, she heads back out of the room. I sink my head back into the pillow and must have drifted off to sleep as when I wake up again, Jack is still there, holding my hand fast asleep. I feel a little better, well less groggy anyway.

When the sun rises, I squeeze his hand and he stirs. “Jack,” I whisper softly, stroking is cheek. He grumbles a little, I don’t want to startle him, but his eyes fly open sitting up as soon as he realises where he is; he looks around the room as if looking for someone else. I smile and chuckle, then wince and groan at the movement in my side. When his eyes land on me, a smile spreads across his face. His eyes run over me, like he can’t quite believe what he’s seeing.

“Oww, morning sleepy,” I say, with a hoarse voice, shifting slightly and wincing at the same time.

“Millie…you’re awake?” he says in disbelief, his hands flying to my face, cupping my chin in his hands, like he needs to touch me to make sure he’s not dreaming.

“Yep, have been for a while, but I didn’t want to wake you, you looked so peaceful.” He just looks at me, doesn’t move, just looks into my eyes, with those deep blue ones trying to read me, making sure I’m not a dream. His eyes wander over me again, taking all of me in, from head to foot. “Are you okay?” I ask when he doesn’t move.

“I should be asking you that very question. I’m great, now that you’re awake. How do you feel?” He asks, moving his hand to rub down his face, while sitting on the edge of the bed.

“I feel sore, in a bit of pain, groggy and tired, but okay apart from that. How long have I been asleep for?” What he said about being awake, how bad was it?

“You’ve been asleep for almost a week Millie, we’ve been so worried about you, you went into surgery as soon as we arrived, and they said you would be okay…but you never woke up when they thought you would.” He reaches for my hand and when he takes it, I pull him closer. I can see the stress and exhaustion written all over him. His eyes still do not believe I’m awake. I have to ask the question…

“Did he shoot me?” His eyes reach mine, and I see the answer in them.

“I tried to get to you…but…” He starts, I know what he was trying to say, and I won’t let him think it. I let this happen, not him.

“Kiss me please.” I don’t need to ask him twice; he moves closer and gives me the most loving and tender kiss I think I have ever had. His soft lips take mine, moving slowly, taking his time, savouring each moment, passionate and all encompassing. The warmth of his lips on mine is calming. When he pulls away, he whispers, “I thought I had lost you Millie. Don’t you ever be that stupid and brave and amazing again!” Moving his hands to cup my face, he kisses me again, deeper this time.

“You can’t get rid of me that easily, it’s going to take so much more than a psychopath ex-boyfriend with a gun and a knife to make me leave you.” The look he gives says that was too soon, but I don’t care. “Now get on the bed properly, I want you as close to me as possible for a while.” I smile when he shakes his head at me.

“It’s over Millie, you never have to see him again.”

“Good, because I never want to see him again… I also think you have some explaining to do?” I say lifting my hand up to him, shining the ring at him.

“Oh shit!” He laughs. “I must have left it on and fell asleep…”

“Ask me,” I cut in.

“What…” he says looking at me like he’s excited and scared. I want him to ask the question, I want to see the worry on his face gone when I answer him.