Page 58 of I Dreamt Of You

I can hear voices, but I can’t make out what they are saying.Where am I?Peeling my eyes open, I realise I’m in a hospital.Shit.Sitting up, my head feels like it actually may explode. I hold it up with my hands and scan the room. I’m in A & E; the curtain is drawn and I can hear Em talking to someone outside. I must have a concussion; I don’t think it’s that bad, but the alcohol and lack of food definitely didn’t help the situation. I really need to learn my lesson.

Sliding off the bed, I stand up and gather my stuff slowly, the more I move my head, the more it feels like it’s going to fall off. I’ll discharge myself and rest at home. I don’t want to waste their time any more than I already have.

“Em…?” I say and the curtain opens. Em is standing there with the doctor.

“Get back in bed, you should not be up!” they both say at the same time. Em looks at me, then says the words I don’t want to hear.

“I’ve rang Jack, he is on his way back, but they have had to go to London for something. He’ll be there for a while.”

“Why did you do that? Okay, then take me home. I know I have a concussion, I know what to do. Take me home, I’m discharging myself.” I hate hospitals, too many bad memories.

Em looks at the doctor; he shrugs and says I can go, but I will need to be checked over by my GP on Monday. And if my symptoms get worse, then come back asap…blah blah blah.

“Thank you, Doc… Em, please get me home.” I hate hospitals, I need to leave.

“Okay but I’m staying with you. At least until Jack gets back,” she demands, coming to my side.

“Fine, can we grab some food on the way? I’m starving.”

“Yes, life saver, I’ll buy you as many pizzas as you want after what you did for me today, twice!” She turns me around, so I’m facing her. “I’m so sorry about what Jane did. Who knew she would turn into such a bitch over my brother!” She slumps her shoulders, dipping her head slightly. “I guess you never know what someone is willing to do to get what they want.” I don’t say it out loud, but I think I know more than most what people are willing to do in order to get what they want, even if it means hurting someone.

An hour later, I’m sitting on my sofa, an ice pack on my cheek; my headache is slowly going after taking the tablets from the hospital. I’m eating pizza and wincing with every bite as I chew.I thought these days were over,I think to myself.

Em is lying on the sofa with her feet over my lap, making me laugh as she relays the events of today. I’m smiling even though it hurts to move my face.

“You are an awesome friend. How have I lived without you? Do you think your cheek will be better by the ball next weekend?”

“What ball?” I say with a mouth full of pizza.

“You are joking right?” She bolts up from the sofa. “Jack has asked you to go, hasn’t he? It’s the company’s annual summer ball. Employees from all over the world will be here to celebrate another good year!” She looks shocked that I know nothing about it. I wonder why he hasn’t asked me.

“Nope, not been invited.” I lean back on the sofa and close my eyes, “Em, can I go to sleep now? I’m tired.” I’ve been asking since we got home, but she’s not letting me out of her sight.

“No, not until Jack and Dan get back.” I groan at this and give her my best evil look. “… okay, fine,” she says, holding her handsup in defeat. “But you stay down here, where I can keep an eye on you.”

“Fine, I’ll go and get changed and come back downstairs.” It’s funny really, I used to long for someone to take care of me when something happened and no one ever did. Now I have Em, who won’t let me out of her sight. She is that worried about me. I know Jack will be the same, and Dan. Oh God, Mary is going to give me shit on Monday too. I laugh out loud as I make my way up the stairs. I don’t make it back downstairs though; I fall asleep on my bed after getting changed. I only wake when Jack gets into bed next to me, wrapping himself around me like a massive protective blanket.

Chapter twenty-five

So Much Worse


I’ve been watching her for the last few hours while she slept, my arms wrapped tightly around her waist, spooning her. The fear I felt in my chest when Em called to say that she had been attacked left me scared; my thoughts instantly went to him. It doesn’t help that I’ve been on edge lately, trying to find the guy who set fire to my club, or at least trying to figure out why someone would take a huge risk like that, they could have hurt so many people.

Maybe I need to take some time off after the ball and renovation. Get some space for us to just relax and enjoy each other without all the hassle that seems to be swirling around us at the moment.

It pisses me off that she won’t tell me any more about him. I’ve tried looking, but there isn’t much to go on. Don’t get me wrong, I understand, but it still pisses me off. I’ll never admit that to Millie, she would freak out if she thought I had tried to find him. I know they lived in London together, and I know where and what house, but he was not on any paperwork for the house orsocial media sites, so the trail went dead. If she told me about his work, or even his full name, I’d have him.

I hate to admit it, and I know how bad it sounds, but I was a little relieved when I found out her attacker had been Jane. This whole situation is fucked up. Em told me why Jane did what she did. Who the fuck does she think she is? We had a one night stand. I don’t even remember when it was.

I’ve updated my security team on the situation and added Jane to the minor threat list. But I doubt she will be seen again. I’ve got eyes on Millie now, it won’t happen again, not while I can protect her.

I feel Millie snuggle in next to me, her ass grinding against me. My hands slide against her stomach and hips as I pull her closer to me, burying my face in her hair at the crook of her neck. I love how she smells, I could get lost in her for days.

“I’m not letting you out of my sight today,” I whisper in her ear, kissing the soft spot just below her ear.

“Yes you are, I have to…Oh…” I press my lips against her neck, trailing kisses as I pull her closer to me. I slide my hand lower, loving the softness of her skin—it’s like silk beneath my fingers. Sliding them into her pyjama bottoms, pressing my ever-growing erection against her ass.