Page 71 of I Dreamt Of You

When I arrive at the pub for my last shift, Mike greets me with a huge hug, handing me a glass of champagne.

“This is to celebrate everything you have overcome in the past few months. I’m so proud of you, but I’ll miss you working here,” he says as we clink our glasses together.

“Mike, if you ever need me to fill in a shift, you only have to ask, you know I won’t mind. You won’t even have to pay me.”

“That’s ridiculous, how could I not pay you?” His arm flies up in the air. I watch for a minute, sipping my champagne while he rants that he would never take advantage of me like that. “I could never…and Jack would…”

I cut him off.

“Mike, I don’t need the money. I’ve just sold my parents’ house for a hell of a lot of money and I found out yesterday that the trust fund my parents set up for me, takes effect as of next week. I can assure you I don’t need the money.” I chuckle, feeling so secure in myself for once, I can’t stop smiling.

“Are you serious? Really?” Mike’s kind eyes look directly at me for confirmation; he must like what he sees because he hugs me again.

“You deserve it Millie,” he whispers. “Right then, your last shift awaits you, kitchen duty, bar and glasses, if that’s okay?”

“Perfect,” I say, hugging him back. “Thanks for everything Mike. I mean it, you have become like a dad to me.” I shrug at him and he hugs me again.

“Right, that’s it, get to work before I cry, and I can’t be seen crying.” He gives me a brief kiss on the cheek and walks away to the office. I can’t stop smiling, even as the pub becomes busy and I’m run off my feet, trying to help where I can. A few of the regulars chat with me, as I collect glasses and then suddenly, a shiver runs up my spine, that feeling’s back. It’s uncomfortable,creepy, almost like I’m being watched; I can’t shake it as I walk through the pub.

When I walk back out from the kitchen, I can’t help but actually look around—it feels so intense I can’t ignore it. Picking up a few glasses from the bar, I see a glimpse of something, my stomach sinks as my hands shake so badly that the glasses drop from my hand and shatter when they hit the ground. When I look back, what I thought I saw is gone; I look round the room, but nothing. That feeling is gone and replaced with confusion and gut-wrenching fear. There is no way it could have been; standing there frozen, my reasoning kicks in; my head is all over the place, and I’m tired and emotional. Bending down to pick up the glass, I cut myself in the process. Mike comes over, taking the glass from my hand and tidying up the mess I made. I can hear him talking to me, but I don’t know what he’s saying. He hands me something for my hand, and wraps it around to stop the bleeding. It can’t have been, there is no way it could be; I need sleep, and rest and a large drink. Putting it to the back of my mind, I carry on.There is no way it could have been him,I think to myself, shaking my head and those thoughts far away.My mind is playing tricks on me. It has to be.

Twenty minutes later, I’m saying a quick goodbye to Mike and making a call to get a taxi to take me to Em and Dan’s. I wait in the bar while it arrives, trying to put what I think just happened to the back of my mind and forgetting about it as best I can. But the feeling in the pit in my stomach is still there.

I’m the last one to arrive; Em answers the door and pulls me to one side before I can get a word in.

“Does Jack know? Did you tell him?” she says, holding my arm lightly.

“I think he guessed. He’s not said it out loud that he knows, but I think he does…why?”

“He’s been winding Dan up since he arrived a few hours ago, supporting my decision to not drink, and he just keeps looking at me like he is about to explode.” She laughs and I can’t help but join in.

“Well, I best go and join in, you may have to tell him sooner…otherwise one of them will burst.” We walk into the kitchen, where Charlie, Dan and Jack all sit around the island, eating pizza and drinking beer. Em offers me a glass of wine and I take it eagerly; I drink it in one go and walk to the fridge to get a refill.

“Now I thought Jack was being mean, but you…Miss Millie…I expected better,” Dan says, reaching for a beer, when Em swats his hand away. Jack just looks at me, eyebrows raised.

“It’s been a weird few days, I needed that,” shrugging it off. “Anyway I have a few things I need to tell you all, and I need some courage to do it.” All eyes turn to me as I settle on one of the bar stools. I wasn’t going to say anything but while they are all together I might as well. I sit next to Jack but look at Charlie and she comes to the other side, like she knows it’s going to be hard. Jack just looks confused, but I think Charlie gets it. Taking a deep breath I let it all out.

“I want to say I’m sorry…” Jack goes to say something but I stop him. “Let me finish. Like I said, I’m sorry, all of this was my fault, I brought him into our lives, not intentionally but I did and I’m sorry, I put you all in danger. You have all become my family, my closest friends and so much more,” I say, looking at Jack. He takes my hand, then frowns, noticing the new cut, but he kisses it and looks back up. “I would never want anything to happen to any of you. Over the last few months, you have all been so wonderful. You have taken care of me even when you didn’t know me, and I can’t thank you enough for that. It’s been a crazy few days, some of the worst and best of my life, and I need you to know a few things about me.”

I look at Charlie and take her hand in mine. “A year after I met Glen, both of my parents died in a car crash. It was a tragic accident, it left me vulnerable and on my own. But they left me their house in London, the house I grew up in. A few weeks ago, I sold it for more money than I ever thought possible. It was the last thing my parents gave me, but after what happened there, I could never have gone back. Then yesterday I had a meeting with my family’s lawyer, where he told me I am now worth approximately…” I giggle because I still can’t believe it. “Well, let’s just say I’m never going to have to worry about money again.” I watch as their faces turn from sympathy, to shock, to happiness. “They owned a chain of high-end department stores across the country. Little did I know, they sold them just before they died, planning on retiring early. They set up a fund for me. So here I am…this is me.” The room is silent; Charlie turns to me, a massive smile on her face, and hugs me so hard.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you when you needed me, never again though.” She smiled.

“Thank you, it was never you, I know what he said to you, and you will never apologise for something he did.” I say as sternly as I can.

“Well, damn...that has to be the best ending to a story I have heard in a long time. Dan you can have one beer…” Em says. I’ve never seen him look so happy, or move so quickly.

They all take turns to hug me, Jack being the last. He holds my hand, playing with my fingers; he doesn’t say anything, just looks at me and says, “You’re going to really want to buy the cottage now aren’t you?” I laugh and kiss him.

“What happened to your hand?” I just shrug and tell him. “I dropped a glass, and cut myself picking it up, clumsy.” He just smiles and kisses me again.

“Sorry to interrupt things, but can we talk about weddings please? I have so much left to do, I need help.” Em says. Dan’s eyes light up and he grabs the wedding folder.

“Whatever you need, we’ll get it done.” The boys are tasked with labelling the personalised men’s favours, while we do the ladies’. We are all settled in the living room when suddenly, Em picks up her phone and starts crying.

“This can’t be happening! It’s two weeks before the wedding, how can she do this!”

“Babe, what’s wrong?” Dan looks really worried; Jack stands up and goes to sit by her.