Page 24 of I Dreamt Of You

“This may sound stupid, but thank you.”

“Have you just thanked me for making you come, twice?” There’s a massive smile on my face, that I can’t hide.

“Yes and no, I mean, that was earth shattering, and we didn’t even have sex, but the way you made me feel…even if this never happens again, you have made me feel wanted, and sexy. Something I’ve not felt in a very long time, so yes, thank you, even if I am unable to move tomorrow through the pain in my rib, it has been worth it.”

What do you say to that?I’m stunned into silence.How could she not feel wanted, and sexy? Look at her..I can see all the marks that cover her body, the scars, the bruises, and cuts. I kissed them, caressed them, wished they were not there. She’s beautiful. I help her to her feet, and she walks over to the kitchen to grab her things from the floor where they landed when I threw them. When she bends down, she whimpers and doesn’t move, you can see the pain all over her face. I shoot up and grab my tee, helping to pull it over her head. I can see the tears in her eyes. She turns her head, grabs the pizza box, and walks back to the sofa. I help her sit and get comfy.Shit, I’ve done this to her! I’ve made it worse just to inflate my own ego.

How can she not be sexy? How could someone not want her?

“What happened to you Millie? How did you end up here?” I say, turning to her, placing my hand on her bare leg. She looks down like she is considering something, there is a flash of pain in her eyes, then it disappears as quick as it arrived, and she takes a deep breath in..

“Like I said, I was in an accident about five weeks ago.” She shuts down, as soon as the words come out.

“Bullshit, but if you’re not ready to talk about it, that’s okay, I’m here when you are.”

Leaning back on the cushions, I close my eyes, drawing small circles with my fingers along the inside of her thigh. Leaning into me, she lays her head on my shoulder, her fingers playing with the hem of the tee. I can smell her sweet scent like orangesand mangos, when she places a hand on my chest, and lets out a breath.

“You’re right,” she whispers, “it is bullshit, but I’m not ready to go there, not yet, it’s too painful.”

“Okay.” It’s all I manage to say. I can feel the anger swelling up inside me, I have a really good idea what happened to her, and it infuriates me.How anyone can do that to a woman?I have no idea, I want to find and catch the bastard that did it, but for now I wrap my arm around her shoulders, and hope she feels safe.

The next few days Millie spends in bed, our little sofa catch up has made her ribs worse, so I’ve ordered her to stay in bed. I’ve not taken any time off work but I have been working from my dining room in the suite so I can keep a close eye on her. She keeps trying to do things by herself, and I have to keep reminding her I can help, and that she is not alone anymore.

The hotel arranged for her to have a phone interview rather than going out. I explained about her ribs and they were happy to accommodate. It helps that I’m the boss, but I’m not sure she realises I own the place. I can’t wait for her to find out, I think it will piss her off. Anyway, she got the job and starts on Wednesday. She will be purchasing manager, all from the office downstairs. I also have a little surprise in store for her. I know how much she needs her space. She keeps telling me. So I have decided to sort something out for her with the hotel. But she will be staying with me for next week until she can do a few more things by herself, like sit up without swearing.

“Sweet motherfucking…a-hole!” I hear her from the bedroom.

“Everything okay there?” I say walking over and opening the door. “What are you trying to do?” I see Millie sitting naked, on the floor, legs crossed and looking pissed off. She tries to cover herself when I walk in.

“Don’t cover yourself just for me, you know I like what I see.” She rolls her eyes at me, and I laugh, “I’ve helped you in and outof the shower for the past few days, helped you get dressed and seen more of you than this from our little bit of foreplay on the sofa. You have nothing to hide, I like it.” She rolls her eyes again, but holds out her hand.

“Help me up, I was trying to get myself dressed, and fell on the floor. I have a few things I want to organise for my apartment today.” Oh shit… I need to stall her.

“Now, about that. Don’t rush into buying anything. I asked Em to take a look at the contract for you, try and get him to put the furniture back, but you are staying with me for at least a week.”

“You did that for me? Why?” I ignore her, rolling my eyes at her this time. I’m not willing to let the reason why even enter my thoughts. She has been back in my life for less than a week, and I’m acting like a possessive boyfriend. I want her to stay with me for as long as she likes, but I know how much it means to her to have her own place. “Leave it a few days before you start doing anything, see what Em comes up with,” I say as she sits on the bed. “Do you want me to help you get dressed?”

“No, but I think, you think, you need to.” She looks sad, all I want to do is make her happy.

“Okay, nice knickers. Are you sure you want to get dressed? I can help you back to bed?” Kneeling in front of her, I glide my hand over her thigh, but she slaps it away. I look up and give her my best puppy dog eyes.

“No,” she laughs, it’s a sound I love to hear. Her smile reaches her eyes, a little playful, and it’s wonderful. I just stare at her.

“Are you going to help me? Or do I have to try and do it myself and keep swearing profanities at you?” She laughs again, so I start to help. We work together to get her dressed. I help when she can’t bend down or reach where she needs to; it has to be the best morning I’ve had in a long time.

Chapter thirteen

High & Low


It’s been over a week and it’s been challenging, to say the least. After Jack devoured me on the sofa, I have been in more pain than I have been letting on. But it was worth it. Oh my god was it worth it! I haven’t felt so good about myself in years, he really made me feel wanted. Desired. Even sexy. Oh god it sounds so stupid. But it’s boosted my confidence so much, I feel I could take on the world. Jack, on the other hand, has had other ideas. He hasn’t let me leave the bedroom for three days. It’s not what you think either... he’s not touched me, other than to help me. He’s only just agreed to let me leave the room. He’s based himself in the dining room to work, and has been waiting on me, hand and foot ever since, which has been wonderful but also slightly annoying. I’m not one for sitting around, I like to be doing things, and he has not let me do anything… nothing, zip, zero, zilch. It’s frustrating, but also really sweet at the same time. I keep having to tell him that I need my space. I’m not sure he completely understands though. How could he?

When I went to take a shower the following morning, I couldn’t do it by myself; he found me sobbing in the bathroom,just stood there like an idiot, and I had to admit to him how much pain I was in. But instead of looking at me in disgust and leaving me alone like Glen had done many times before, he helped me get undressed, helped shower and wash my hair, he even helped me dry my hair and put my (his) tee on.

He’s been so kind to me, I don’t know what to think, maybe he’s feeling bad about what we did and the consequences of that, even though I enjoyed every tantalising second. I’m not teasing him again though, I made that decision the moment I woke up the following morning alone. I can’t be that girl, I have never been able to be that girl. I have to do this on my own, I have to find myself again without a man. I just hope Jack understands.

I feel a little bad for him, I didn’t even get to repay the favour he so wonderfully, and expertly bestowed upon me. If it hadn’t been for my ribs that night, who knows where the night would have led to. But then again, if it wasn’t for my ribs, I wouldn’t be in Jack’s hotel suite, would I? But I can’t and won’t be that girl who sleeps with someone for fun. My feelings for him are already growing, and it scares the shit out of me, I can’t trust another man. My heart is so fragile that if anything happens, I’m not sure I would ever recover. So I’m taking a step or two back. I can’t do it; deep down I know he won’t hurt me like Glen did, but I still can’t shake that feeling of my heart being broken. Trusting anyone again will not be easy.