“Looking where?”

“Online. I googled ‘copyright lawyers’ and started reading through client testimonials. And even the one-hour consultation rates were sky-high. I think this is going to cost a lot to get this sorted out, and I won’t make any money unless I actually get rights back to the script and then sell it. The story is good, but the industry is super competitive and it’s a long shot—especially without Sylvester’s help. He was sort of my in.”

“So, like, three or four hundred bucks… or more?”

“My guess is more like three or four hundredgrand, all told. Sylvester’s already put his name on the thing, for Pete’s sake. I saw it myself. So whoever I hire is going to have to go after him, maybe even get him into a courtroom.”

“Yikes. So, you researched lawyers…”

“Yeah. But then I had one of those heart-achy feelings and so I stopped.”

Talking about my ex’s devious actions makes my palms start to sweat. Anger rises up in me, righteous and hot.How dare he try to steal my work! My passion project… my baby.

I put everything into that movie script.

I feel my temple start to throb.

Blasted adrenaline. Blasted cortisol.

Roxie pops up off the couch. She tosses the take-out container in the trash and then picks up the duffel bag I already packed.

“You’ll save yourself a lot of headaches if you just hire local,” she says, as she loops the bag’s strap over her arm. “Hana Chen’s the only lawyer in town, and I’ve heard she knows her stuff. You could probably even just stop by her office and talk to her face-to-face about whether she could take your case or not.”

She heads for the stairs. “Then, no consult fees. Hey, you want this up in your car or what?”

“That’d be awesome. Thanks, Roxie. And thanks for the French toast. And the family secret.”

“You’reinthe family, Maddison. You should know all of the secrets of the biz. Even though you’ve been gone for ages. We’re all really glad you’re around. It’s nice. Refreshing. Feels sort of like a holiday, you know?” She laughs as she starts climbing the steps. “Rickshaw… so weird.”

I smile to myself as I smoosh down the pile of denim and attempt to zip the suitcase.

Itisnice to be home.

I was so caught up in life out in California that I forgot some things about this town. Like how quiet the streets are, with the slow swish of traffic. Nothing like the freeways in LA. And the way people hold open doors, even when the next person coming is still ten feet away. The view of the sun coming up over Montshire Mountain, and the clear, sweet smell of the morning air.

Once I get my suitcase zipped, I pull out my phone and look up Hana’s number.

I know Hana Chen. I went to college with her, right here in Stillwell. Maybe the fact that we’re old acquaintances could help when it comes to the whole lawyer-fee thing.

She picks up on the second ring. “Hana Chen of Chen Law, how can I help?”

“Hey… Hana? It’s Maddison Bradshaw here. We went to college together.”

“Of course. I heard you were in town. What can I do for you?”

“I’m hoping to get some help with a copyright issue, and my sister thought I should talk to you. She recommended I pop into your office, but I figured I’d call first, see what you’re up to and if you have the time.”

“I’m free tomorrow morning. Why don’t you come by then?”

“Perfect. I—um—is there… I guess it’s called a consultation fee?”

I willnotadmit that I’m broke aloud, but I’m guessing the way I just choked up with my money question has tilted my hand.

She hesitates. I can imagine her: sleek hair, perfectly preppy clothing, flawless makeup. At least, that was how she usually looked in our undergrad years.

I hear her tap a pen on her desk. Then she says, “Yes, typically two hundred ninety-five dollars for an initial consultation.”

I’m about to back out, but she goes on. “However, wearealumni of VUSC, and I haven’t seen you since graduation… So let’s skip the fee. Come by my office, we’ll catch up, and you can tell me what you need help with. We’ll come up with a plan from there. How does that sound?”